Chapter 10 : The scheme

For the first time over along period of the one who was looked down upon was going to raise into power. Still in his arms she acted childishly and said she bullied me even after along time we have not seen each other, she didn't give me face of being her daughter

He coaxed her asking what punishment do you think he is supposed to get.

They should cow ton toe and apologies. Anger rose inside her, after everything she had done to her nothing really make her look degraded. First it was Jay and now the young master of the Benson's. Why is she lucky just a little beauty make her rise to power without struggle? I have to do something comparing the two Benson is more rich than him if I will have him all social class ladies bow their heads for me.

Jay who was silent all this time took the initiative to make his voice heard.

Who do you think you are to talk to my fiance like that? A low life like who has nothing to call his own you dare speak to her like that. Are you not a dog that shelter under other people's roof and their mercies.

Matthew mind your words she is my visitor I hope you show respect to if not her.

The mother and daughter dual come to a stand still because there were not in a position to offend the Benson master provided of their previous financial crisis the company has been having today to make new contract and project but not to cause trouble. If she had to bow that was to diminish her reputation how could she accept that how will her friends look at her, she moved forward and held Jay's arm and looked at his eyes, will you really watch this injustice done on me yet I'm going to be your wife. For the sake of our friendship can you make your friend soften what she want for the sake of apology.

My dear can you let it go please and accept her apology?

She couldn't push further because things my unfold in a manner which would turn unfavorable with a smile she nodded. Though unwilling still to say sorry to this wretch her mother called.

After a few words her mother spoke to her in the ear she unwillingly with a frowning face said sorry to her.They headed toward the counter and pick two glasses of wine.

I have idea of something we can do to increase her popularity like what we did that time.

They excused themselves in the name of taking a breath after the commotion they caused inside. The clacking sound was heard fading away. Resting on the rails of balcony... Mum I have something we can do to cause a little harm and it's not much.

Playing with the bracelet that was around her wrist a smile appeared on her face.

From the start we have been together and thanks to what you did your precious daughter has been living like a princess.

Have never regretted what I did back then my dear giving you a good life has been my dream and will remain to be. No matter what I'll never late any injustice be done to you, even Sacrificing my life for you okay my dear.

Lifting there glass making cheers to each other with a slight laughter before swirling it then taking a sip of it.

Can you please hand over this glass of wine to the lady in the dress similar to mine make sure you don't do any mistake else... Taking a moment eventually looking directly into his eyes it made the young waitress to tremble a bit before looking down and staring on her shoes. She arrogantly raised her chin then smiled and said you won't like what will happen to you. As they were picking glasses of wine she specifically offered it to Jessica. Believe none will cause problems to her especially not this beautiful place. With one gulp she drunk or the wine and picked another glass and headed to the chairs near the corner. After a few minutes of calmness she decide to look around so as to know where the mother and daughter were. As soon as she located them she saw banana smiles on their faces.

She suddenly felt the increase in a Scrounging heat on his body, feeling thirsty she went outside to get a glass of water and also cool herself down not knowing what was happening she though it was an because of the awkward situation that she faced. Maybe the tension caused her to panic a little thus resulting to the raise of temperature. James caught sight of the figure leaving this room that was walking unsteady so he hastily walked out and followed her. As soon as he was out there was on site of such a person in this hallway

He headed towards the women resting area to check, only to see someone carrying something that's covered. He asked the guy who was passing if he had seen any lady dressed in a white dress with ocean like lilies drawn at the end with round juicy lips sharp nose and thin face also a bit short. The guy said he has not. Though he saw a white piece of cloth this didn't curiously ask what it was because he was in a hurry he pave way for the young man to go on with his journey.

He went forth where he was going after checking toilet after another and there was no sign of her he tensed a bit.

Immediately he called his assistant and request him to met him on the hallway.

Boss what urgent thing made you call me outside here?

She is nowhere to be seen.

Who are you taking about? I'm not getting your point. Jessica after a few minutes of her getting out she couldn't be lost without a trace.

Have you tried to look around to see where she is?

Sir it might be she got exhausted from what happened and went home

If she was walking steady without fumbling I could have believe so but now it the other way round

Go check the surveillance camera I will continue looking for her