Chapter 14: She recognised her.

After a keen look at her memories flooded back of a young adorable and innocent girl who come to there Courtyard and always could play with James, she was the only person whom he had as friend. She always remembered how he told her that she was only going to marry her.

Compared to the last time she saw her she had a mature allure, while on the other hand Jessica was unable to recognize her. You just look exactly like her your almond eyes are a copy right of hers.

May Know whom you are taking about please?

As far as she can remember after being denied the position of the daughter of Debin's she never saw her mother they told her she had passed away and was only given an address of her parents.

Curiosity got ahead of her and asked the woman who was rubbing her little hands

You know her? Can you tell me more about her?

Is Becky Debin not you mom?

Yes she is but why are you asking that? Everyone in the city knows that I'm her foster child.

I doubt if you are the foster child. Suddenly she stood up averting her eyes from Jessica's and told her to go and get some rest.

When she wanted to asked more to it she told her not to search and look into detail about it because no results will be obtained from the search.

It seems there was more into the sudden change of behavior of the woman,she frowned a bit before regaining her composure and heading to her room to sleep. The advanced age of his little grandson to have her room on the ground floor which was not going to be strainers for her to move round.

Once in the room she remember what had happen due to her negligence and the choice she made things turned out to be like this, if she had a chance she wouldn't repeat the mistake.

Though a mistake she made in her early years had turned and become a nightmare to her no single day did she have a peaceful night.

While the rest of the rooms from the master bedroom to the guest rooms were up there.

Come to think of it back then after the business trip her mom turned into someone else. The gentle caring mom turned into someone who was rude and rough. She become unapproachable, due to her cocky and out going behavior she didn't take all this into details.

The events of the day already had exhausted her she didn't want to think anymore? The house keeper directed her to the room she was to stay that night. 

It was on the left side of the hall way and next to the master bedroom.

The decoration of the room was more of the girls taste which was hot pink which looked cozy. She directly fall into bed within blink of an eye she was already a sleep?

 The night was gentle and peaceful than usually. In the dream she saw her mother drying and combing her hair, then gently laid her in bed read her the favorite bedtime story and then sang a lullaby for her.

The next morning the had shouts and screams from their living room of her mother made her to wake up as she, loudly made the statement to run away and never to look back again

She was woke by her familiar ring tone the song of the blue lilies then did she realize that there was someone else was in the bed with her.

He was holding her tightly on the waist, she was scared and jumped up which made the person next to him to get up.

What are you doing here?

I'm sorry if I scared you I didn't mean to do so.

For a moment she forgot the purpose of her getting up, by this time she was really sweating all over her body first from the dream and the someone else near her in bed with a tight hold on her.

She quickly said she doesn't mind but her heart was really beating fast and her stomach was having goosebumps .

The curtains covering the glass door of this room was not intact there was some illumination of light at this dawn time.

She hastily left the bed picked her phone that was on the bedside cabinet headed to the balcony that was located outside this room. she opened the glass door with one hand while the other was holding the phone on his ear.

What happened?

The voice in the other side was heard saying all this...

After you immediately left someone come and promised everyone that they will buy all farm products.

Later they brought a document that the farmers signed without checking everything in detail. After I tried to persuade them to wait for you, your phone become off for two days. Without any word from you and no internet connection the farmers decided to go on with the signing.

 Most of them were ignorant and believed everyone is self righteous so they signed it.

When I come back to the farm to check the seedlings in the nursery they come and complained to me.

Saying they won't allow you back to the village because if you didn't delay to give out replies they could have not been coned there money.

They are all reprimanding your behavior and they don't want to ever see you again. Also I don't know whom spread rumors about you going to prison back in the city and that's not all they even said you are curse if they allow you to continue staying their you will only bring bad lack to the them.

After everything you have helped them to attain none appreciate still I don't have any idea of what we should do.

Keep calm by today in the evening I will I arrive there sort out the issue and also find the way forward

I'll let you know everything in detail after I return. She hanged up the phone and then returned into the room went directly into the bathroom and took a shower.

She took a glare of herself in the mirror she was indeed tired from the recent activities that have been going on