Chapter 16: Don't leave me

Go and never look back tears streaming down there checks, but remember mom loves you so much okay. With the little energy left on her she opened the door and pushed him outside. He sobbingly cried begging his mother and saying don't leave me then he fainted, the next moment he regained consciousness he was in the hospital.

At the moment he held on to the brakes of the car and the car come into a stand still.

He covered his eyes with his hand and leaned against the sterling wheel. With the fragments of images in his head made him to have a mere headache. Albert who was on the other car was really disturbed and unstable knowing well how his boss feared rainy days.

After seeing his boss car stand still on the road he decided he alighted from the car taking the umbrella though it was cold and windy he decided to head towards his boss car.

On his hand was a road sign that he was to place on the road in case of anything. He went to the passenger seat where the driver sits and tried to knock on the window. After a grace period of about five minutes he responded by opening the cars window

Boss are you okay?

Yeah I'm but my head is really aching terribly. 

Always Albert was prepared with the medication required to cool his head down if they will be in need of it anytime so he took some tablets and handed them over to him

Boss let me drive you can take the back seat. James exchanged seats with him, with a roaring engine the car started then he signaled the driver in the other car to follow them.

The medical team was steed by waiting for there arrival, as soon as they arrived in the the team took over from there.

They rushed her into the emergency room while Albert and his boss waited patiently on the door. He was walking up and down outside the room...

Boss be cool please madam will be fine and also there something I wanted to show you

We will talk about that later

After a period of two hours the doctor came out, doctor how is she doing, from the test that we have done to her she has a brain tumor. It's developing rapidly if she won't get medication and undergo therapy and the session that are require I can't guarantee anything.

She is not awake yet and she is under observation in case of anything. 

The beloved grandma went near the wall glass in the ward where Jessica was and stared at she sleep like a beauty waiting his charming prince to wake him up. Don't worry my sweet baby henceforth that little brat will take responsibilities of yours and care for you