Sophia's Pov.

''Hello sir'' Anderson picked up his phone and answered.

''Now listen to me, as I won't be talking too much. If you delay my time, we shall waste your bloody mother immediately'' The boss of the criminal gang said.

''Oh yes sir, I'm listening, and hearing you loud and clear'' Anderson responded while shivering. I saw the way fear ruled all over his face. His emotions at this moment, were high and really a pathetic one.

 On the contrary, I just stood beside him; to hear what the criminals had in stock for us. Although, I wasn't happy with the situation of things on the ground.

''Switch on your television now'' The gang leader ordered, which Anderson quickly did.

The moment he did this, the television was immediately connected to our caller's network and at once, we were able to see Anderson's mother, who had already been tied to a drum, and surrounded by three-time bombs attached to her body.

 She was not feeling cool and healthy, as her face was looking very sad and quiet.

''I'm sure you could see your mum now?'' The gang leader asked, while putting stick-sweet on his mouth, and smiling.

''Yes sir, I can see her'' Anderson responded.

''If you want her to come back to you looking good, I will advise you to horridly do what I command you and if you should delay us here, I won't think twice before I press this red button on my hand. I'm sure you know what that means?'' He asked.

''Yes sir, I understand you. Please, be gentle with her, as I would gladly provide you with any monetary value you would be demanding from me'' Anderson responded in good faith, smiling. Thus, his smile was an assurance that he would do whatever was asked of him, and in turn, he was very sure that his mother would be released.

''That's very good of you my friend'' The gang leader said, shaking his head and looking at Anderson's mother who suddenly turned her neck backwards, to gaze at him.

 A few minutes later, after observing a few minutes of silence, he began to give his rules.

''You have just ten minutes to transfer into the account number that would appear on your screen now, the sum of $30 million and once it's ten minutes we didn't see an alert of your transfers, we would blow up your fucking mother. Is this understood?'' He asked gently.

''Yes sir, well understood'' Anderson responded, and nodded his head.

Three minutes later, they said the account number suddenly appeared on his screen. He started to process the transaction by using his computer, while they watched him through the screen.

 Meanwhile, while all this was going on, I was in a hidden place in our sitting room watching them. I never wanted the gangs to see me, or have any idea that someone was in the building with him. Thus, Anderson understood my reasons for hiding. But that wasn't my reason anyway. I was just busy communicating with Doctor Newman who was also watching at all that has been going on. He then, told me not to fret, that he would get Anderson's mother out of such a situation. Although, I don't see any hope with his words of assurance again, since I don't see the possibility of it ever happening.

A few seconds later, we suddenly heard a gunshot through the television, which shocked both me and Anderson.

''Everyone, freeze, and don't move'' A strong voice commanded.

''You have all been surrounded so, just stand still'' Another voice commanded.

All of a sudden, I could see the gang leader falling on the floor, like a leaf leaving its branches. What just happened? I asked myself but soon, I came to understand that he had both shot in his both legs and hands, causing him to be weak.

 However, shootings were seen and heard from different directions of the building, where the gangs were. Soon, we were surprised to see that all the gang members that were in the building, were all lying flat on the floor while sustaining injuries.

None of them was able to stand to their feet again and, some of them who tried to escape were all defeated by these strange fighters.

 However, silence was soon observed in the building, as even, the gangs were all confused as to the identity of those who ambushed them. Their faces sent messages of regret and frustration, as they were seen struggling to move on the floor, but couldn't.

Not too long after this, Anderson started to see the appearance of different military personnel, heavily loaded with ammunition and also accompanied by ''Doctor Newman and his team of fighters'', who joined forces together, to rescue Anderson's mother and get the criminals arrested. We were happy, seeing what was happening. Truly, Doctor Newman was the man of the moment.

 Three hours later, I and Anderson were called by the military, in the barrack. We quickly rushed there, and found Mrs. Jane, Anderson's mother, receiving a medical checkup from the military doctors.

She quickly stood and hugged her son passionately and as they hugged, tears of joy flowed out from their eyes.

''This is my lovely wife'' Anderson told his mum, as he introduced me to her.

Three days later, Mrs Jane was discharged from the military hospital but would be coming back regularly, for a few checkups. Meanwhile, according to the series of investigations carried out by the military and also, Doctor Newman's security agency, it was discovered that the gangs didn't even know they were working for, as they only interacted through some middle and hidden means.

All that they were interested in, was their payment and nothing more. Those behind Mrs. Jane's abduction, only communicated to the gangs, what should be done, through calls, chat messages, videos and even pictures.

 It left a strong gap in knowing the roots of all these evils, as it left security men confused.

 Truly, our enemies are wise and hidden in the dark.