Sophia's P.O.V.

''For long, I have been hearing some strange rumors, but I gave a deaf ears on them. Currently, these same rumors seem to be the greatest fears that this business empire would ever hear'' I spoke angrily at my executives during an emergency meeting that I called.

Everyone's faces, wasn't actually looking bright due to the rise and appearance of different rumors that they also, have been hearing.

''I'm very sure that you all know what I'm talking about or do you wish to deny it?'' I asked, as I just went straight to the point.

''Yes Madam Sophia, we all, know exactly what you are talking about. But as for me, I have not really seen the one whom I can say is in charge of this strange rumors'' The assistant manager said.

The rest officers, also gave instances of them hearing such filthy rumors, but still stood on the ground of the assistant general manager.