Melody's P.O.V.

"So the love between Sophia and Anderson is very strong?" I asked Jethro, as we both sat on a sofa in the parlour.

"Yes, it's very strong. All glory be to your mistake" Anderson said.

"No, our mistake. I shouldn't be the one to take all the blame. If you had looked carefully before taking Anderson to Sophia that night, we wouldn't have been regretting by now" I informed him.

Ever since we made the drastic mistake of bringing both of them together, Jethro has been putting all the blame on me. Yes, we regretted it because we had a solid plan on how to bring Anderson down to Roth. By now, we would have been the latest overnight billionaires in London, if not for our foolish mistakes.

"Let's just forget about our mistakes because if we keep remembering them, we will be drawn back. All we need to be doing now is to draw out plans on how to win these two" Jethro said.