
Atheists were wrong.

At least partially.

God exists.

But not just one true god. All of them.

The god of Christianity, Judaism, The Greek and Roman Gods, Buddha. All of them and even more.

Why do I still say that atheists were partially right? It's because they simply don't care about the human life on earth.

There is an entire dimension above the universe that earth is located in. It is filled with gods and demi-gods. Some even stronger than we imagined the gods of earth to be. They have billions or even trillions of strong followers, why would they care about the weaklings on earth.

New gods are born inside of the divine realm every day. The vast majority of them to be unknown to the people of earth. But not all gods are born inside the divine realm.

There is about one in a sextillion chance for a divine being to be born in the lower dimension. They will then instantly ascend after birth and eventually go on to be a god like any other. But the chance for that to happen is abysmally small. But if it happens it is a joyous occasion for every planet, since they can hope to gain various benefits in the future.

Even then there hasn't just been one god born on earth, no. There were a total of 3.

The gods of Christians, Judes and Kaisers, a religion long since forgotten on earth, all stem from the planet of earth. Which is also the only reason they made the effort to spread their faith in such a low level planet.

After Ascending, they went on to join factions and introduced already existing gods to the planet of earth. This way they too could gather a small amount of faith from there.

After ascending, all of the gods from earth were pretty successful. Even more so if you take into consideration that they didn't have any background.

But after countless years in the divine realm, they slowly forgot about their original planet. At least until one day.


[Congratulations for slaying a total of 4 devils of the Marquis/Marquess level and therefore performing over your expectations.]

[An additional reward has been granted]

A man with long white hair, wearing simple wooden sandals pulled his sword out of the corpse of a devil. He was inside a battlefield, surrounded by 2 other humans and the corpses of 3 more devils.

The devils all looked pretty similar. They had long curled back horns as well as sharp teeth that poked out of their mouths. Their skin was a bloody red and their bodies were extremely muscular with a height of over 10m. In addition to that they also had 2 leathery wings on their back that seemed to be able to cut through steel even though they were made from a skin-like material.

The most attention grabbing thing though was not their unusual look. It was the pervading aura they emitted. It screamed of bloodlust and the intention to murder. Every normal human who witnessed it would probably lose consciousness instantly.

But the three men were not even phased. They even seemed to radiate a kind of holiness that came naturally, even with their blood-stained attire and wounds that covered their body. This holiness countered the evil aura and nullified it in the surroundings of the three men.

The man with white hair, who just butchered the last living demon, turned towards his two companions. One of them had very dark hair with a black beard and the other looked similar, just with brown hair. If you looked at the three you could probably think they were triplets. And you would not be wrong.

They all had long hair with a beard and sharp eyes. Their faces were beautiful and radiated power and authority. The only thing that could help you to differentiate them was their hair color.

„Did you just hear that notification as well Kaiser? Why would we get an additional reward, I've never heard of that before."

The man with white hair spoke in confusion, he frowned and his eyes held a hint of anxiety.

„HAAHAHA" The man with black hair laughed with a volume that could shatter eardrums.

„Don't always be this anxious Christian! anything that says reward has to be something good."

The third man looked rather reserved. You couldn't really tell what he thought from the look in his eyes.

„I'm with Kaiser on this one. We should just ask the system. It wouldn't harm us for overachieving our task anyway."

After deciding on the most obvious solution, all of them turned their attention towards the system again and asked the same question.

‚What is the additional reward?'

[Additional Reward: All the beings from your birth planet ,Earth', will be transmigrated into the upper dimension. Each member of a religion that has one of you three as a lead god will enter your territory. All others will be assigned to plane fragments #1683502,#1683503,#1683504,#1683505,#1683506,#1683507…]

„What? What's this shitty reward! I don't care about the humans from earth. Most of them will probably never amount to anything above a lesser god. What's their use?" The man with the black beard instantly growled in anger. For him 8 billion more or less followers didn't even make a difference.

„Don't be too fast in your judgement." The brown haired man tried to calm him down. „Even though they might be useless now, There could potentially be some useful ones as well."

„Statistically speaking, about one in a hundred billion people gain a peak level follower species in the beginning. This means that there is about a 1 in ten chance that we gain someone like that as a loyal follower."

„Even if no one awakens to a peak level species, there will still be at least 100 people with a high level species. Each of us will probably have at least ten follower with a high level species since they already have faith in us."

„As for the Atheists inside the planet fragment, they are inside subterritories of Buddha."

„If one of them becomes strong in the future, then we can still build up some ties with them as people born on the same planet. They owe us for bringing them here after all."

The man with a brown beard always kept a logical outlook on things. He was the brain of their little trio and they wouldn't have made it this far without him. After all they only lord over a mid level species each. Under normal circumstances they wouldn't be able to reach as far as they did.

At this moment, two of them felt a large amount of people appear inside each of their world fragments.

Suddenly the man with brown hair lost his usual calm. He looked at the other two with a questioning look that seemed to murder on his face.

„What did your followers do in the time we didn't care about earth? Why do I only have 14 Million people who believe in me?"

The black-haired man wasn't in any better mood. There were only 100 followers of his religion on earth. Even though this didn't really matter to him, it was basically as if the white-haired man was the only one to profit off of this reward.

But none of them had an answer for their small number of believers. They all stopped watching as the white haired man's followers started burning people on stakes and use religion for their own agenda. They simply lost faith in humans and no longer cared about earth.

Why would they? They had many more followers on other planets to care for.

Aside from the three plane fragments under the jurisdiction of the three gods, a huge amount of humans suddenly appeared inside many other places.

Among them was a boy that looked to be about 16 years old, who appeared together with an 12 year old girl inside of a luxurious villa. Both of them looked around in confusion.

{A/N: after much request I finally removed the name of one god and I made up my own ;). If a larger number of muslims does decide that they want their religion represented in the book before Ezequiel meets the three gods, then I can change it back.}