Ambush (4)

As the energy inside the fireballs slowly reached its peak, Karok began losing control over them. Such amounts of energy were hard for him to control, which meant that they could explode at any moment. Still, he kept channeling more and more energy into them in a hope to definitely take out the Angel of Death.

The Angel on the other hand tried its all to defend itself. Pumping every ounce of energy inside its body into a shield made from Death attribute energy. Due to its higher talent and cultivation technique, its energy reserves weren't even that low, so the shield actually gained a surprising amount of power.

It got to the point that it almost formed a crystal-like, solid structure. The energy it radiated even begun to „kill" a part of the fire attribute energy contained in the fireballs, which meant that their rate of growth started decreasing.

Eventually the fireballs reached their maximum. At this moment Karok, a cultivator in the peak of the Sea Expansion Realm, had used up three fourth of his energy reserves just to create these fireballs. Their explosion would carry his entire power along with his fire intent.

All the surrounding fighters actually stopped for a moment and distanced themselves from the large ball of fire to not be harmed by the explosion.

Inside the mass of fire, the Angel of Death could already feel the intense energy searing his skin. The heat was so unbearable that he started gaining first degree burns without even touching the flame.


Suddenly the mass of fire exploded without any warning. The explosion was strong that it felt like several hundred kilograms of TNT just exploded in the sky. Even the goblins on the ground were shaken by the explosion. At least the ones that were still alive and conscious.

The explosion lead to a mass of fire enveloping the surrounding hundred meters. Every Angel in the sky could feel the explosion shake their insides. The power of this attack had surpassed the normal Core Formation Realm cultivator.

Out of the explosion flew two charred figures, the one a bit smaller than the other. Out of the 10 Angels that didn't have any opponent left, 8 of them instantly flew towards the smaller figure, which they made out to be one of their fellow Angels. They managed to stop his fall so that he wouldn't gain any further injuries through the fall, but it was already too late anyways.

As they saw his state, all of them were filled with rage. They wanted to kill every single goblin in the world. Especially the one who did this.

The Death Angel had lost all of his limbs, his skin and flesh was burned off and you could see the bones in his entire body as well as on his face. If he didn't get any healing soon, he would die.

Sadly nothing on this low world was powerful enough to recover such injuries. The only thing they could hope for, was that their Lord would be willing to heal him. But that would take an immense amount of Faith Points, so they couldn't ask for his help. He would have to give it on his own.

„Get one of the weakest Angels to fly him back to the territory. With those injuries he can't withstand high-speed flight anyways." The man of the two Angels that Ezequiel had summoned on his first day was the one who spoke.

Due to his second level Foundation Establishment cultivation he had already finished his fight and was able to give orders.

„All free Foundation Establishment Angels will help to fight the goblins two on one to finish the fight quickly. Afterwards we will slaughter those Animals below us."

You could feel the Anger in his voice. Before, the free Angels had just started watching after they finished, so that everybody would be able to gain fighting experience. But now they just intended to slaughter those lesser beings as fast as possible.

In the meantime, the two Angels who flew towards the other being that came out of the explosion, had already finished the goblin king off. He was badly hurt as well and in no condition to fight two on one. Even a fight with equal numbers would have been hard.

Below them, only a fourth of the original goblin army was still standing. Most of them with harsh injuries and missing limbs. The goblins on the ground had already lost all hope. Due to their inability to fly, they could only watch as the 500 goblins they always thought to be extremely strong were slaughtered.

The one Angel in the Foundation Establishment Realm alone took on 50 goblins and the others also fought 10 on one. Though their enemies were a major realm above them, they were pretty close to the Foundation Establishment Realm as well, which meant that they could win against their enemies easier. Due to the speed buff they could also dodge any attacks sent towards them with ease.

Whilst fighting, they even had the energy left to sometimes send light blades towards the army below them and decimate them in the process.

Aside from the Angel of Death, there hadn't been any further extreme injuries. Of course there was a surface wound on most of the Angels but nothing that couldn't be healed in a short time with the help of their healing affinity.

Several kilometers away, an Angel in the Body Refinement Reall could be seen flying towards the village. In his hand there was a charred body that had no limbs left. During the flight he continued to inject healing attributed energy into what should by all means be a corpse right now.

The only reason the charred Angel could keep itself alive at the moment was probably the high affinity with Death, which granted it a special control over it. Theoretically it could also turn itself into an undead with the right materials, so surviving on the brink on death for a few minutes was no problem.

As the minutes passed, they drew closer and closer to the village, where their Lord would finally be able to decide if he wanted to heal the charred Angel.