Spar with Divinities

6 days went by rather quickly. Ezequiel and Marie sparred daily. They also meditated and cultivated to increase their understanding of their divinity, but their progress was quite slow.

Today was finally the day of their first combat training in the Lesser God Realm, so they once again made their way to the Devil Slayer Bureau.

When they entered the training grounds, Johann, Anna and Marcus were already waiting for them. Only Eric was missing.

As soon as the two siblings walked through the large doors, they looked at them with concern.

"It looks like you got lost." Johann said. "This training is only for elite members of the Devil Slayer Bureau and should be off-limits to you. I think it's best if you return, as we plan to hold a lesson here soon."

Marie and Ezequeil were taken aback by the elf's words at first, but when they looked at each other, they suddenly remembered how much their appearance had changed.