
"Mom, we got to tell you something..." Jacob said. "Yeah, tell me." Acapella said. "Um... I don't know how to tell you..." Jacob said. "Mom, um... I am expecting." Heidi said. "You're what?" Acapella asked. "I am pregnant with..." Heidi said. "My child... We are pregnant, mom." Jacob said. "Really!?" Acapella asked. "Yes..." Jacob said. Acapella started crying. "What happened, mom?" Heidi asked. "Nothing, I just got emotional... I am so happy, Heidi and Jacob." Acapella said. "Congratulations, mom." Heidi said. "You too, my child." Acapella said and hugged her. "Congratulations to you too, Jacob." Acapella said and hugged him. "Did you tell your mom and dad?" Acapella asked. "No, not yet..." Heidi said. "Tell them that we are coming there in the evening." Acapella said. Jacob called Heidi's mother. "Hello, good afternoon mom..." Jacob said. "Good Afternoon, Jacob..." Imelda said. "Mom wants to talk to you." Jacob said and gave the phone to Acapella. "Hello, Imelda?" Acapella asked. "Oh hi, Acapella..." Imelda said. "I wanted to say that we are coming in the evening..." Acapella said. "Yeah sure... We wanted to invite you too... I just took the phone to call you..." Imelda said. "Is there anything new?" Acapella asked. "Yes, um... A girl and her family is coming tonight to see him... I mean, to finalise the relation..." Imelda said. "Oh really? That's a good thing... We will surely come tonight..." Acapella said. "Okay, so meet you in the evening." Imelda said. "Yeah, bye." Acapella said and hung up the call. "What happened, mom?" Heidi asked. "Some people are coming to see Jeremy... To finalise the wedding." Acapella said. "Really?" Heidi asked. "Yes..." Acapella said.

(In the evening) "What is your name, child?" Acapella asked. "Britanny... Brittany Peterson." She said. "Britanny, how old are you?" Acapella asked. "I am 23." She said. "Don't worry, she asked me same things when she came to see me." Heidi said. (Everyone laughs) "And what are you qualifications?" Acapella asked. "Please give us your short introduction, Brittany." Jacob said. "Okay, so I am Brittany Peterson and I am 23 years old... I was born on 6th of September 2000. I completed my Graduation from Edinburgh University with Biology subject and my Post Graduation from Oxford University. And now I am working as Zoology lecturer at the same University where Heidi teaches. And right now, I am persuing my PhD in Zoology." Brittany said. "Well done, my child." Acapella said. "Thank you." Brittany said. "We know everything about Jeremy so we don't have anything to ask him... So now it's your decision." Karen said. "Um, yes, I am ready to be in this relationship." Jeremy said. "Congratulations, everyone." Johannes (Heidi's father) said. Everyone hugged each other. "We also have something to tell you all." Heidi said. "Oh yeah, we forgot about it." Jacob said. "Yeah, tell us, Heidi." Johannes said. "You're going to be grandparents." Heidi said. "We are going to be what?" Imelda asked. "Yes, grandparents... And Jeremy, you're going to be an uncle." Heidi said. Jeremy hugged her tightly. "Come with me to the room." Jeremy said in Heidi's ears. "It's his child, Jeremy." Heidi said in his ears. "Fair enough." Jeremy said. Imelda and Johannes hugged Heidi.