Chapter 12

"And so it ended." I said proudly as I made the perfectly made dope in my hand.

"Hirohito-kun, do you want to try it?" Hirohito was confused by my question. "What does this medicine do?"

"Don't worry." I patted Hirohito on the shoulder and smiled reassuringly. "It just gets you high. We'll make good money that way."

Hirohito's expression looked at the drug in my hand with suspicion for a moment, made entirely from cheap sources. 'Does this drug really have this effect?'

Before Hirohito could think any further, I continued my speech. "You know about opium, right? It's the famous one in China."

Hirohito's eyes lit up with understanding. He showed a worried expression for a moment. "this is bad! You want our people to be addicted?!"

My expression suddenly changed from amusement to anticipation. It's not a bad idea to make the Japanese addicted to drugs. "Ahh man, trust me. It's not as dangerous a drug as Opium, so it's not deadly."

Hirohito didn't know whether to be relieved or worried. In the end, he chose to support me because he couldn't make an argument against me anyway. "Well, this….. Should we mass produce its drugs?

"No, no matter how much money I want to make, if he dies without making a profit for me, I'll be angry." Hirohito wanted to say something against me for a moment, but his words remained in his throat.

"It looks like you want to tell me something. Say it, Hirohito-kun~" I held Hirohito's shoulder and started squeezing it slowly. Hirohito groaned in pain. Hirohito spoke with difficulty. "I-you misunderstood me. I just-I was just going to ask a question..."

I took my hand off my shoulder, sat comfortably on the couch, and threw the drugs in my hand on the floor. "Well, for now, let's get to our next topic."

I pointed to the map of Asia on the table. I ran my index finger over China. "What comes to your mind when you look here, Hirohito-kun?"

Hirohito hesitated for a moment. Then he looked at the map of Asia. "I see new places to conquer...?"

My smile widened. "Wrong answer but good guess."

Hirohito released the breath he had been unknowingly holding. He was relieved. My sadistic smile grew wider as I looked at the map. "Unlike you, I only see EXP."

Hirohito looked at me in surprise. "What the hell is EXP??"

I ignored Hirohito's question and continued my speech. "I will tell you a secret."

Hirohito's eyebrows rose in curiosity. Reluctantly, he leaned forward slightly with curiosity. "The more I kill, the stronger I become. The more I reap, the stronger I become."

Hirohito's body trembled as soon as he heard this. Breath flow was disrupted for a while. Hirohito's facial changes just made me laugh.

"You-you want to commit genocide?!" Although Hirohito didn't want to, the tremor in his voice revealed his fear. My only reaction to this was to lean back in my seat and smile. "Don't worry, Hirohito-kun. I won't kill all the Chinese. I'll just take what I need. 2 million little people."

Hirohito couldn't stand it anymore and his face turned pale with fear. "2-2-2 million people...?! This-this is so brutal!"

My face was covered in mock anger. "What, you want me to kill the Japanese?"

Hirohito grew paler in a way that made me laugh. "No, no! It's just... I'm surprised..."

My lips curled into a smile. "Good, I'm glad you agreed. Now get out."

Hirohito immediately got up from the table and left. When Hirohito left the room, the System interface opened.

{User: Tsugikuni Yoriichi(Edward Brock)

Template: Ryomen Sukuna(%36)





Divine Fire(Locked)

Malevolent Shrine(Locked)

(The Ten Shadows Technique(Locked)

[The server requires 2 million human souls to unlock the full power of Ryomen Sukuna.}

"System, if I start a Japanese-Chinese war, will the EXP from soldiers killed in the war be the same?" I put one hand on my chin and asked curiously.

{No, but personally, the EXP from people the User kills is not the same as the EXP obtained from carrying out the User's orders.}


{If the EXP from the lives the user kills is 1 point, the point from the people the user indirectly kills is 0.50.}

Ok I understand. No matter how many wars I start, the maximum number of people to be killed will not exceed 500 thousand. I have to handle this myself.

"Maybe I should completely destroy a city. No one will doubt me anyway. All the blame will fall on the Japanese."My sadistic thoughts were interrupted by someone entering the room. I looked at the new old man with slight annoyance. "What do you want?"

The man immediately bent over in fear. He said in a shaky voice. "Yoriichi-sama, we have gathered 9 clowns as you requested. Now they are lined up to entertain you."

I grinned slightly. "So, does their group have a name?"

The old man shook his head and refused. "No, Yoriichi-sama."

My grin grew even bigger. "Well, let's call this group of clowns BTS."

I even felt the screams of the girls going crazy chanting Army in my ear. This brought me only pleasure. "Okay, let's go."

I said and with the old man I went to where the clowns were."

(Author's note: I have no hatred or anger towards BTS. Don't get me wrong.



Meanwhile, Tanjiro goes to a village for a mission he received from his crow. Tanjiro had been receiving angry looks from people for a while. He doesn't understand why yet.

After leaving Edo, his Crow suddenly instructed him to be careful. Tanjiro now went to the mission in this village to meet his partner who was newly assigned to the missions.

According to the crow, his partner's name was Yuji. They were going to meet Yuji in the village. An hour later, after noon, Tanjiro arrived at the village.

When he entered the village, the environment was not full of people as Tanjiro expected. Tanjiro thought it was caused by the demon's presence and didn't care.

He wandered around the village for a while. He approached a few people wandering around the village to ask questions, but their response was to look angrily at Tanjiro.

'Why are they looking at me like that?' Tanjiro thought with confusion. When he couldn't get an answer from the adults, he approached a child and asked a question. "Hello-"

"Ahhhhh!" The boy screamed and moved away from Tanjiro. The boy's mother immediately held her son in her arms and looked at Tanjiro angrily. "Stay away from my son! Traitor!"

Tanjiro's eyebrows rose in concern. "I didn't mean to disturb you! I just-"

"Look at the uniform he's wearing! It has the Terrorists symbol on it!"

"Yes! Call the soldiers!"

Before Tanjiro knew what was happening, Tanjiro was left among the angry people. While Tanjiro was thinking about what to do, a 14-15 year old girl emerged from the crowd.

The girl grabbed Tanjiro's hand and crashed into the angry crowd, then they ran away."Come on, run!"

Tanjiro nodded and followed the girl. The angry public immediately reacted to this situation. "they're running away! Catch them!"

Due to their training as Demon Slayers, they soon escaped from the angry Folk and entered a warehouse. Tanjiro looked at the girl helping him in surprise. "Thank you, what's your name?"

The girl smiled. "My name is Nina. I'm a Demon Slayer like you."

Tanjiro was a little surprised. "But where's your uniform?"

Nina's expression became a little heavy. "I had to throw it away."

Tanjiro sat on the ground and lowered the box he had tied to his back to the ground. His eyes looked at the ground incomprehensibly. "So why has everyone been treating me like an enemy since I came here?"

Nina's eyes turned to Tanjiro. "Didn't you get the news?"

Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise. "What news?"

Nina sighed and began to explain. "The whole of Japan now knows us as a Terrorist organization. We are now enemies not only with the Demons, but also with the government."

Tanjiro frowned in anger. "But why?! We're trying to protect people!"

Nina nodded. She was still confused by the recent events. "No one knows why the Government is doing this. But don't worry. We're safe for now."

Nina said with mock cheerfulness. Tanjiro could only agree with this despite the situation. 'I understand, but I will still kill you no matter what, Kibutsuji Muzan!'

"So where's your partner?" Tanjiro's eyes widened at the question. "We were going to meet him in this village! If he comes here, he will definitely be hunted! We must find him before the villagers do!"

"So where is your partner, Nina-san." Nina's eyes watered at the question. "He's dead."

Tanjiro understood Nina's changed situation and immediately apologized. "I'm sorry I did not know."

"No problem." Nina then continued. "They killed him. The soldiers killed him. And I ran away like a coward!"

"Soldiers too?" Nina nodded to Tanjiro's question. Tanjiro stood up and hung the box around his waist. 'Let's go, we have to find Yuji before night comes!'

"Wait!" Before Tanjiro could leave, Nina stopped him. "We need to change clothes first!"

Tanjiro nodded and took off his Demon Slayers uniform. Instead he wore an old peasant dress. Nina said after changing clothes. "Let's go."

Tanjiro nodded. Then, although they searched for Yuji for 7 hours, they could not find him. Finally, after a lucky encounter, they received information from a woman.

A young woman whispered to a woman of the same age. "Did you hear? One of the traitors was captured half an hour ago."

The other woman covered her mouth with her hand in surprise. "How terrible… Were terrorists always this common?"

"My husband said that some of the soldiers who came here said that the captured Traitor was interrogated and hanged in the square." The woman said gossipily. This was enough of a clue for Tanjiro and Nina.

Tanjiro and Nina quickly came towards the village square. Even though the village was not very big, it still took about 10 minutes to reach the square.

Tanjiro and Nina immediately turned pale at what they encountered. A 13-14 year old boy named Yuji was tied to a tree. He had no outer clothing and many bruises and cut wounds were evident.

The worst thing was his face. Her hair had been roughly forcibly removed from her scalp, and a long cut from the chin to the forehead made her face look bad.

Two soldiers were standing guard in front of the tree. But judging by their expressions, it was clear that they were bored.

While Tanjiro wanted to rush forward and save his partner, Nina immediately grabbed Tanjiro's arm. "Wait! You'll only hurt yourself!"

"But Nina-san, I-" Nina interrupted Tanjiro. "I know, but what are you going to do? Kill people?"

Tanjiro hesitated, but his expression remained firm. "I still have to save him!"

Before Nina could stop Tanjiro, 2 soldiers held a gun to Yuji's forehead, who was almost dying. Seeing this, Tanjiro immediately rushed forward. Nina had to follow Tanjiro with a worried expression.

When the soldiers saw Tanjiro coming, they immediately pulled the gun from Yuji's head. "You've finally appeared, you dirty mouse."

"Why can you take an innocent life so easily?" Tanjiro asked angrily. The sky was slowly darkening. The sun's rays had almost ended by the time it hit 7 o'clock.

The soldiers' only reaction was to grin. "Well done, Nina. You've done your job well."

Before Tanjiro realized what was happening, a hard dagger hilt hit him in the back of the head. Tanjiro stumbled forward. Using this opportunity, the soldier fired 2 bullets into Tanjiro's leg. Before Tanjiro knew what was happening, a bullet hit Tanjiro's other foot.

Tanjiro fell to the ground in pain. Then a hard kick hit Tanjiro's jaw. Tanjiro's head was dragged back and the box hit the ground. While Tanjiro's head was covered in blood, Nezuko immediately smashed the box and emerged.

Before the soldiers realized what was happening, Nezuko anxiously picked up Tanjiro and carried him with superhuman speed. Since it was night, Nezuko didn't need to be afraid of the sun.

The soldiers and Nina immediately went after Nezuko, who was carrying Tanjiro.