Chapter 14

"Ara Ara~~ Giyu-kun, do you know that what you are doing is against Demon Slayer rules?" Shinobu said gently to Giyu, who was guarding Nezuko and Tanjiro.

Giyu maintained a calm demeanor despite the situation. He stood guardedly in front of Nezuko and Tanjiro.

Tanjiro struggled on the ground and glared at Shinobu angrily. "Don't hurt Nezuko! She still hasn't eaten a human!"

"*Sigh* but I still have to kill Her. I will try to make her death less painful." Shinobu's expression was gentle despite what she said.

Giyu took a step forward and looked at hee with a stern expression. "We must leave this to the Master's judgment. The Master will understand."

Tanjiro didn't know who the 'Master', Giyu was talking about was, but he still wanted to do his best to protect Nezuko. "Nezuko doesn't eat human flesh and doesn't attack people! Please!"

Nezuko nodded in agreement with her brother's words. Shinobu wasn't impressed, though. Demon Slayers were forbidden from sparing demons.

"What a sad situation... But as I said, rules are rules." Shinobu touched the sheath and readied the sword. "Giyu-san, I'll ignore it this time, but you know the rules better than I do. Now please get out of my way."

Giyu looked at Shinobu with a serious expression. Giyu's only response was to touch the handle of his katana and get into stance.

"Giyu-dono, Shinobu-dono, please let's calm down." A serious-looking crow announced before Giyu and Shinobu took action. If Yoriichi were here, he would immediately know that the crow's voice sounded familiar.

"Kagaya-sama wanted to see Tanjiro-san and Nezuko-san personally. Please, don't hurt them." The crow said in a deep tone. Giyu and Shinobu returned to their comfortable positions without even thinking. Crow said before leaving. "Please be careful before returning to base. Government reinforcements are about to arrive."

Giyu nodded. Shinobu giggled. "Ara Ara~~ so we're friends again, Giyu-san."

Hearing the crow, Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief. His sister was safe. Nezuko growled at Shinobu. The woman who had just wanted to kill her was now giggling like an innocent child.

Shinobu giggled at Nezuko's glare. "You're such a sweet boy."

Nezuko turned her head and freed herself from the ropes. Then he got into his box. Giyu cut the ropes binding Tanjiro with one blow of his sword. "We have to leave before the soldiers arrive. They must be looking for us all over the area right now."

Shinobu nodded and carried the box with Nezuko in it. Giyu took Tanjiro on his back. Tanjiro said before leaving. "My clothes are still in this village."

"Don't worry, you'll get a new one." Tanjiro just nodded.

The Demon Slayers soon left the village.

(3 hours after the Demon Slayers left the village)

"I-I'm sorry, Master! Please! Give me another chance!" Nina looked at the red-eyed man standing in front of her. Unlike the others, this man's clothing was different.

He had a katana and a new generation rifle. Unlike the uniforms worn by ordinary Soldiers, the uniform this man wore was completely black. There was no sign on the man's shoulder indicating his rank. There was only one eye where the Rank should be.

In the logo, the eye sockets were red and the pupils were slit. It was exactly the same as Yoriichi's eyes.

As soon as Nina saw this logo, she knew who the man in front of her was. This man was a newly appointed Colonel in the newly formed SS unit.

The SS was a newly established private security unit in Japan, created by Yoriichi. Their mission is to ensure stability and security in Japan. It was a unit established to eliminate illegal organizations, criminals, enemy intelligence agents, and people who opposed authority.

Of course, the Imperial army immediately rejected the idea, but Yoriichi's indiscriminate killing of several generals and statesmen silenced them.

Even though it wasn't even days away, the SS unit was already famous. The person they actually obeyed was Yoriichi. It was inevitable that he would be very popular among the people with his black uniforms and high salary.

Additionally, with Yoriichi learning to share a tiny fraction of his power with others, the SS had human individuals with superhuman strength.

Yoriichi was able to transfer his power not through his fingers like Sukuna, but by transferring a piece of his power to a small piece of bone.

The Colonel's name was Wakabayashi Toru. He was a 42-year-old man. He was an ambitious but incompetent captain before joining the SS and becoming a guinea pig for Yoriichi.

Because Toru's potential was greater than other associations, he was promoted to the rank of Colonel within the SS by Yoriichi.

Among the 56 humans who ate the bones containing Yoriichi's power, Toru was the only one who survived and was able to withstand Yoriichi's power.

He was also the only superhuman in the SS for now. He had greater endurance than a human, 2-3 times the speed, and 5 times the strength. Toru was immune to poisons to a certain extent. His body's recovery time was exponential and he could heal as long as he didn't lose a limb.

Since SS was only a 3-day event, it was full of ordinary people for now. But within 6 months there would be a league of superhumans completely loyal to Yoriichi.

Nina lowered her head in fear and her eyes watered. "Please, don't do anything to my family. I did what you wanted, but they ran away."

Toru didn't even care about Nina's screams. The soldiers who failed to capture the Demon Slayer along with Nina had already been executed and were left bleeding on the ground.

"Failure is the thing Yoriichi-sama hates the most." Toru's calm but sarcastic voice echoed in Nina's ear. She immediately fell to the ground in front of Toru, but Toru kicked Nina.

Nina moaned and pulled back at the angle. Toru looked at Nina with disdain. "Failure and coward. What a pathetic person."

Toru gave an order to the 2 SS soldiers standing behind her with a hand signal. A soldier dressed in black came forward and pointed the tip of the rifle at Nina's head. "Your family was already killed, Nina. I lied to you from the beginning."

Nina wanted to scream in fear and sadness, but when the soldier pulled the trigger, her body fell to the ground like a puppet.

Toru ordered his soldiers to not even look at Nina for the second time. "These villagers probably know that we killed Nina and the 2 soldiers."

Toru glanced at the village. Even though everyone was at home, some people watched the incident from beginning to end. After the SS soldiers left, they would definitely spread this information.

Toru gave the order. "Kill everyone in the village and blame it on the terrorists."

Hearing Toru's order, the soldiers began to massacre the people without hesitation.


(General situation in Japan)

*The Emperor and his family (except Hirohito) were cursed. The reason is that they obey Yoriichi.

*Muzan thinks of a way to turn the person who takes over Yoriichi's body into a Demon.

*SS Unit quickly became famous in Japan because of its soldiers' cool uniforms and high salary guarantee.

*The Imperial Japanese Army is unhappy with the SS Unit. Some generals are planning a coup attempt, but they think Yoriichi is a supernatural evil God. For this reason, the coup attempt is constantly postponed.

*SS Unit is a military organization led by Himmler and founded by Hitler.

*Yoriichi is very bored.

"Kagaya thinks Yoriichi is a jerk and not ordinary.

*Kokushibo wants to erase the entity that took over his brother's body from the universe.

*Muzan constantly thinks about what MC said about the Blue Spider Lily.

*Muzan thinks about Yoriichi every minute and every second.