Chapter 21

"You must be the subordinate of 'That' man who is causing us so much trouble." Jaime did not respond to Doma's sarcastic words. Doma's beautiful rainbow eyes traveled over Jaime's body. "Upper Sun? It's not nice of you to steal that name from us..."

Jaime just stood still. Even though all the killing intent was on Doma, the Demon named Doma was not disturbed in the slightest. "My goal is to kill everything that creates instability. Don't take it personally, demon."

Doma just chuckled. He had no emotions. Despite his threat, Doma wanted nothing. "I thought the master was in China with all his aces."

"It's none of your business where my master is." Jaime stated calmly. "Only you and I are on this deserted mountain."

Doma's eyes narrowed at the end after he threw Shinobu, who was attacking him, back like a toy. "Daki, take care of the others."

After removing the pebble from the brain, Daki looked at Doma angrily. "You can't give me orders-"

Doma's only response was to send a shard of ice that cut off Daki's hands. Daki's hands healed more slowly than they had before. Using this opportunity, Tanjiro wanted to decapitate Daki, but Daki escaped.

"Tsk, Tsk! I'll do what you want for now!"

Doma turned to Jaime. "shall we begin?"

With a single leap, Jaime cracked the ground and jumped at Doma, throwing a punch aimed at his face. Doma's eyes widened. "Fast!"

Doma's hands came up to protect his face. Jaime's hard punch sent Doma flying back. Doma, who crashed into dozens of trees, realized that he had to dodge Jaime's punches. "You are strong."

Jaime's emotionless eyes practically passed through Doma. "You're weak too."

Doma's eyes; Tanjiro shifted to Daki, who fought Inosuke and Shinobu. Daki was being tauntingly soft. Doma realized that Jaime was stronger than him. 'His punches are very strong. It also has a power that prevents us from regenerating. What a tough opponent..."

"Are you going to whine like a baby?" Jaime jumped and attacked Doma with his kick covered in cursed energy.

Doma rose from the ground and jumped on the right side. He narrowly avoided Jaime's kick. Jaime's palm hit the ground, creating a huge wreckage.

Dozens of trees around fell to the ground. Even the others looked on with curiosity and horror. Zenitsu shivered. "This-what kind of power is this!"

Doma had no time to think. He immediately shot out long and sharp ice spikes. Jaime reached for the handle of his sword and sliced through the ice at superhuman speed.

Doma began to break away as far as he could put it. Jaime threw the Blade covered with cursed energy to where Doma ran away.

The sword, which contained an enormous amount of cursed energy, sank into the ground and caused a huge explosion.


The explosion was visible even from a distance. Part of the forest had disappeared and started to burn. Jaime couldn't see where Doma was, but he could feel it.

She looked at the explosion and fire at the farthest part of the forest for a while. It was certain that the entire forest would burn in a short time. Both the demon Slayer and the SS would see this and start flocking to this mountain.

"Tch! Why don't you guys die!" Shinobu's poison had weakened Daki. Tanjiro and Inosuke were always on their feet, no matter how many injuries they received. Nezuko's sudden power increase was also very surprising. 'How much blood did Muzan-sama give to this demon!?'

Tanjiro looked at Shinobu lying unconscious on the ground in the distance and looked at Daki with tired but determined eyes. "Why are you doing this? You were human before, right?"

"What do you find so entraining? What's so amusing about this?" Tanjiro's existence gradually became silent. The entire world seemed to stop. Daki's eyes widened in shock. Tanjiro seemed to suddenly turn into a ghost.

Tanjiro's eyes closed and the demon slayer mark on his face covered most of his forehead and chin. Daki covered her head in pain. Her eyes flickered. "Th-I feel like I heard these words from somewhere?"

Tanjiro opened his eyes. Daki shuddered instinctively. What kind of eyes are these? Cold and emotionless. How could a human look scarier than a demon?

"What do you take life, exactly?" Tanjiro's stance changed. Daki immediately grabbed her throat in pain. She felt pain as if her throat had been cut. Her cells felt a fear she had never seen before. "An ordinary person like you! How can I be afraid of a weakling like you!"

Daki's eyes went wild. She grinned and used her Obi wings to attack Tanjiro with the intent of killing him. Obi wings attacked Tanjiro faster than before.

"Hmmmm!!!!" Nezuko moved with concern, but it was too late. Just as Obi's wings were about to hit Tanjiro, Tanjiro cut off Obi's wings with a single swipe of his sword.

"Sun Breathing: Second Form:Clear Blue Sky..." Tanjiro muttered under his breath. His sword spun around 360 degrees. His obi wings cut smoothly.

"What?!" she shouted in anger and surprise. Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief. He showed composure that even surprised the others. "Sun Breathing: Third Form: Raging Sun..."

Before Daki can react, Tanjiro rushes forward at incredible speed. The poison inside Daki was already getting worse. She couldn't even see Tanjiro coming.

Tanjiro slices through Daki's torso with a single swing of his katana, and before Daki can react, Tanjiro cleanly slices her head in half with incredible speed.

Daki held her fallen head and trembled with fear on the ground. She watched as Tanjiro approached her step. "*Crying noises*Please! Have mercy on me! I'm sorry!"

The sight of Tanjiro's sword traumatized Daki. She felt so helpless. She was experiencing the lowest point of her life. "I-if you want, I'll accept anything! Please forgive me!"

Daki did her best to show off her seductive body. But Tanjiro didn't care."The innocent people who died because of you also begged for mercy from you. But you did not show mercy."

Daki's eyes widened. Tanjiro continued. "You are not a being worthy of mercy."

Tanjiro's eyes slowly became emotionless and his grip on his katana tightened."One day I will kill Muzan. No matter what..."

Daki and Tanjiro were distracted by a large explosion coming from the forest. Doma's torn, pitiful body was thrown out and fell to the ground.

Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Shinobu looked at Jaime, who had recovered and even his clothes were undamaged. Jaime looked at Tanjiro with some curiosity. 'This boy has earrings and tattoos very similar to the Master.'

Looking at Doma's pitiful state, Daki lost all hope and cried. But she was silent because of a small pebble that hit her head. "Again?!"

"Was that all? He was too weak." Doma's body had been torn apart nearly 6 times. Now even his high regeneration had been delayed.

Doma tried to stay, using his regenerated body, albeit with difficulty. "How funny. I lost again."

Shinobu's eyes flashed. She wanted to use this chance to poison Doma, but a door opened under Doma and he was gone in an instant. "How!? How did it go!"

Daki's eyes lit up when she saw this. How could she have forgotten Nakime? "Nakime, teleport me!!"

While the others didn't understand what was happening, Jaime just grinned. Daki didn't understand what was going on. "Nakime, beam me up! The sun will rise soon!"

The longer Daki waited, the more frightened she became. Jaime said."Don't you understand? Your master has abandoned you."

As the Demon Slayer mark on Tanjiro's face slowly disappeared, Tanjiro passed out from exhaustion. Nezuko had to enter the box as the sun was about to rise. Shinobu carried Tanjiro on her back.

"You go, Yoriichi-sama, he spares you for now." Shinobu's eyes narrowed. She couldn't defeat Jaime. All she could do was leave. After a while, only Daki and Jaime remained in the forest.

"How could this be possible? Muzan-sama, why did he abandon me?" Daki cried in disappointment. Jaime looked at Daki emotionlessly. "What a stupid woman."

Daki didn't even have the pride to care about it. Jaime raised a fist and coated it with cursed energy. A purple aura formed on Jaime's arm due to the cursed energy. "What a disappointment."

After punching Daki in the head, Daki's head exploded. Daki's regeneration had already slowed down due to the poison. The sun would rise in 2 minutes. Daki had already been abandoned by Muzan.