Chapter 23 (rewritten)

Here is the rewritten section.

Main character's 2nd form-See comments.


"With the magic circuits constantly pumping Prana, my body is trying to adapt. Looks like I need to go on a quick killing spree." After the Blacklight virus became part of me, I gained incredible control over my body.

Since I was a walking virus, I was constantly shedding virus into the air. I was able to control it though. After becoming one with the Blacklight virus, my proficiency increased exponentially.

Since I was an immortal being, my life energy was endless. However, that didn't mean my soul was eternal either.

My soul was still equivalent to an ordinary human. Since I wasn't a full Beast VI, I still had a human soul. I had to get rid of this as soon as possible.

I enjoyed the feeling of power as the magical energy radiated incredibly around my body. Probably with the further opening of the Beast VI template, I will soon become stronger and my spirit will become more durable.

However, there was the Holy Grail which I found useless. I turned it over in my hands nonchalantly. "What do I do with this useless thing?"

"Maybe if I go to the Nasuverse one day it might come in handy. What a hassle..."I looked at the Holy Grail with dismay. Rather than the Holy Grail that the Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka families created, it was an unfinished, flawed product. "At least it'll be a good glass."

"Tch, even though my physical body is divine, I still have a Human soul. This problem should be gone as soon as possible." My eyes went into the puddle of blood. Buildings were destroyed, blood and organs were scattered around. Two-thirds of the city's population had already died. "You will be my food, be honored and rejoice."

I licked my lips. This was going to be a new experience for me. My body trembled with excitement. "Does that make me a cannibal? Fuck it."

The black tentacles emerging from my body tore people apart at incredible speeds, devouring their organs. After swallowing people, I felt their memories, DNA, life experiences, pain, and evil.

This would have been traumatic for a normal person, even to the point of suicide, but for me it was just simple stuff.

I looking for all the people living in the city. I wanted to experience the feeling of eating a living being. My mind softened and I felt my body completely change.

I lost my human appearance, my body turned into nothing but veins and disgusting looking tentacles.

The tentacles pierced the ground and my body sank into them. My tentacles reached hundreds of meters, misshapen, made of blood, veins causing an earthquake in the already devastated city.

My body was buried underground and spread out beneath all of Beijing. Long tentacles pierced the ground to form outside the city, the earthquake was felt throughout the area.

The tentacles that emerged from the ground killed people and their bodies merged with my incorporeal body. With each person I ate, I felt my body grow and my tentacles increase in size and distance.

But I felt really distressed because I couldn't see. To solve this, I changed the shape of my tentacles.

I placed thousands of eyes on each of my tentacles. The eye that glowed in the dark. My body that covered almost all of Beijing underground also changed shape.

I created a huge mouth in my stomach. I looked like a giant octopus, but with thousands of eyes and a huge eye in my belly. My body color was black and red. The veins were shining inside my body, your eyes were shining in a way that illuminated even the darkness.

I created three truck-sized brains in my body. I had 100 extra hearts in my body. I destroyed all my organs except my brain and heart because I deemed them unnecessary.

The screams of people underground brought me joy. My giant mouth opened. Then I started to climb upwards. More than half of the people living in the city were already dead.

The rest would be destroyed along with Beijing. Slowly the ground shook, swallowing everything in existence, including soil, buildings, trees, people, and animals.

As my body emerged, moonlight greeted me. Where Beijing used to be was completely destroyed. Another 1/3 of my body was underground and my tentacles, hundreds of meters long, were coming out of the ground and destroying the surroundings.

I smiled after swallowing a city whole. I felt a sense of satisfaction. My giant mouth opened and I smiled. The eyes on my tentacles were trembling with excitement.

I felt like my smile was so evil and disgusting, but I didn't care.

{Beast VI template progress(9%)


When I returned to Japan, I returned to my human form. I had my black suit on and my black jacket hanging from my shoulder.

Even the thought of eating the entire city was turning me on. As soon as I returned to my luxurious room, my mouth involuntarily watered every time I saw someone.

Especially women with soft flesh...

Every officer, servant, and soldier who saw me bowed in fear. The cowards wouldn't even look me in the eye.

As I sat in my comfortable chair and drank my wine, I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. My expression turned to one of annoyance. "Get in."

The one who opened the door was a young soldier. He immediately knelt down in fear, like the other soldiers who could not even look me in the eyes. "Regent-sama, there is a woman who wants to see you."

My eyes narrowed in anger. "Is that why you disturbed my comfort? Sensing my anger, the soldier immediately got to the point." "She claims to have given birth to your child. I didn't know what to do. Forgive me, sir."

My child? It was impossible for all the women I had sex with to be pregnant. Was this woman trying to trick me? Stupid.

"Let the woman in. Let's see who my child is." The soldier quickly bowed and walked away, almost stumbling.

After a while, a woman walked in. When I saw the woman, I knew who she was. She was a maid of mine named Aiko. She had a nice appearance. After I fucked her one night I didn't even try to remember.

She had a baby in her hand. She had a baby in her hand. Her gender was girl. The first thing the woman did after I walked in was not kneel down but looked me directly in the eyes. Who does this woman think she is?

The woman lifted the child gently. Another ability that Beast VI gave me was the ability to sense people's sins. The woman gave off a heavy aura of greed and lust that made my stomach turn.

I gave the woman a calm look. My eyes were on the baby. The woman smiled happily, as if she had mistaken my curiosity for love. "Tell me. Is this child my blood?"

The woman paled at my icy voice, but she still spoke with sudden confidence. "Yes-Yes, Regent-sama. The product of your and my union."

She showed the baby to me like an object. The baby smiled and wiggled her arms at me. I stood up and reached out to take the baby from the woman. "Give me the baby."

The woman gave me the baby without hesitation. I smiled. The baby looked so delicious. Its softness and scent made my mouth water. "This looks delicious. Well done, woman. As a reward."

The woman didn't understand what was happening. All she did was look at me with curiosity. I smiled at her.

I grabbed the woman by the throat and tore her throat out. The woman's body fell to the ground. "Girl, look. Your mother is dead. This is the result of trying to deceive me."

The baby didn't understand what he said and just smiled. She took one of my fingers and bit it. I smiled at this.

I licked my lip. Then I bit the baby's belly. I tore off a large piece of meat with my teeth and swallowed it. The baby cried for a while. I tore off his leg and ate it.

I bit the boy's cheek and chewed it. The Blacklight virus ate the softest parts of the baby while keeping what was left of the baby's corpse.

The taste of the baby created an incredible taste in my mouth. My eyes narrowed in amusement and pleasure.

"So delicious, so soft, so sweet." Even if the baby didn't taste like that, Blacklight was changing my sense of taste.

I mean, even if I ate a stone, its taste would be equal to the most delicious food. But even I have my criteria. 1 year old babies is best.