Chapter 25

"Tell me, have you found the Blue Spider Lily?" Muzan's cold eyes swept over the upper moons. While everyone except Doma and Kokoshibo were trembling in fear, Muzan's anger was at its peak. Hantengu bowed and trembled in fear. "Muzan-sama! Please forgive me! Forgive me!"

Muzan's eyes flickered with anger. "What's the point of creating the 12 Kizuki if you're useless?!"

Doma grinned under Muzan's gaze. His wounds had just healed. He was beaten so hard by Jaime that his body did not heal for 1 month. "Muzan-sama seems a bit angry today."

Akaza had to restrain himself from punching Doma in the head. Kokoshibo looked at Doma with cold eyes. Doma just smiled. "Sorry, sorry. I forgot we were talking about something serious."

Muzan glared at Doma angrily, but ignored it since Doma was still a useful demon. "Shut your disgusting mouth, Doma."

Hearing Muzan's cold voice, Doma only grinned. "Forgive me, Muzan-sama."

"That man's organization is causing us trouble again." Muzan was disgusted to even mention Yoriichi's name. She still remembered the disrespect she had experienced. "They beat China, we're next. Do you know what that means?"

"Failure, failure and only failure!"Muzan's anger made the demons tremble. Muzan's calm voice echoed in the Infinity Castle. "It seems I've been too easy on you. It's time for a change."

Akaza gritted his teeth while Doma grinned. Kokushibo was dying to know who the man who looked exactly like his brother was. "Muzan-sama, Uppersun is nothing. They are inexperienced people. Without that man, they are just ordinary people with power."

Muzan's eyes turned to Upper Moon 1. Kokushibo, the strongest Upper Moon, had never disappointed Muzan. Muzan looked at Kokushibo with stern eyes. "I trust you, Kokushibo. Hunt down all of Uppersun."

"Don't worry, Muzan-sama," Kokushibo said. Muzan shifted to the other upper moons that were still standing silent in disappointment. "Now get out of here and go investigate the Blue Spider Lily."

Akaza opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, he was thrown out of Infinity Castle by Nakime.

Muzan's eyes showed disappointment. Why? After all these years, what appears to be a clone of that man is returning? Is this divine punishment?

Did the gods decide to punish Muzan after all these years? She why is she such an unlucky woman?Muzan couldn't help but get angry again. She destroyed the chemistry set with a single blow of her hand. "No matter what! No matter what! I will conquer the sun!"

Muzan felt sadistic pleasure. She held her face and laughed wildly."If I can eat that man, I can gain immortality! I can become a truly perfect being!"

Muzan felt a sudden and intense pleasure as she thought about conquering the sun, destroying the Demon Slayers, and taking over the entire world.

Muzan's one hand went between her kimonos and caressed her wet pussy. Her fingers moved through her clothes towards her pussy. "Ha...very soon! very soon I will attain perfection!"

Muzan couldn't take it anymore and started fingering her pussy. With each thrust, Muzan moaned and her fingers sped up. Once she ate Yoriichi's body, it would be perfect. Just thinking about it made Muzan wet.


Who are you? Did you come here to die?" Toji grinned and smiled disgustingly at Kokushibo. While Toji was heading towards Tokyo, he was blocked by Kokushibo. "Why don't you talk? Are you scared, son?"

"You are not a sufficiently important being to speak to me." Kokushibo was not angered by Toji's sarcastic comments. He pulled the katana coming out of his own body. The moment he pulled, Toji's stomach was cut open.

"How?!" Toji's eyes widened in surprise. "Even faster than Ruo!"

To see Kokushibo's rapid movements, Toji covered his eyes with cursed energy. Toji angrily raised his axe and threw it towards Kokushibo.

"Weak." Kokushibo jumped over the axe that was coming towards him and quickly advanced towards Toji. Toji grinned. "You fell into my trap! Now die!"

Kokushibo suddenly felt the axe hit his back. "What?"

The axe cut open the astonished Kokushibo's stomach, but the wound soon healed. Toji grabbed the ropes tied to the end of the Axe and swung it. "How? It's an invisible string that Yoriichi-sama gifted me. This string is made from Yoriichi-sama's body. That's why it can't be destroyed."

Kokushibo's eyes widened in surprise. Toji swung the rope and swung it randomly. With each swing, destruction occurred wherever the Axe hit. Toji smiled wildly. "Get ready! I'm coming!"

Toji pulled the rope forward and the axe flew towards Kokushibo at incredible speed. "This man, although a human, has extraordinary strength. We must be careful."

Kokushibo survived the axe's attack thanks to his superior reflexes. The axe hitting the ground created a large cloud of smoke. The axe entered the ground and cracked the floor. While Toji was cackling wildly, Kokushibo looked for an opportunity to kill.

"Don't run! Come here!" Toji grabbed the axe and swung it at Kokushibo. Kokushibo jumped up and stepped on the axe, launching himself at Toji. "What!"

"There is strength but no intelligence." He charged forward at incredible speed. Toji raised his hand to defend, but it was no use." no kata: Tokoyo Kogetsu - Muken."

Kokushibo tears apart Toji's massive body with one attack after another, and Toji falls to the ground and groans in pain."Was that all? You braggy Uppersun."

Although Toji's wounds heal quickly, he is still slow. Kokushibo placed his katana on Toji's neck and stood coldly. "Damn you, jerk! I'll make you pay for this!"

Toji shouted in anger, but before he could continue, Kokushibo's sword entered his mouth. Before Toji could respond, the sword suddenly came up and slit Toji's brain. "You talk too much."

Toji's body falls to the ground. Kokushibo looks at Toji in disappointment. This man was weaker than rumored. "Pathetic..."

Kokushibo turns to leave. Meanwhile, Toji's body begins to heal despite his mortal wound, and a hideous grin appears on Toji's face. "Never turn around before checking that the enemy is dead! Die now!"

But before Toji could send his fist towards Kokushibo, his fist was cut off and Kokushibo cut off Toji's head with one blow. ""It's 400 years too early to give me advice."

As Toji's consciousness begins to fade, all he can feel is the cold that comes with his death.

Kokushibo closely observed Toji's body. There was something shining on Toji's stomach. Kokushibo's three pairs of eyes curiously looked towards the disgusting thing glowing on Toji's stomach. "What is this? It feels so gross..."

Kokushibo reached out with his right hand, intending to pierce Toji's abdomen and take the Cursed Object, but a sudden sensation caused Kokushibo to pull back.

The tentacles that emerged from Toji's body took Toji's head and reattached his head to his body.Kokushibo was watching what was happening from a safe distance."He should be dead? But he's not dead?"

Toji's body began to emit an ominous feeling, his eye color turning a brighter red. Toji's hand touched the ground and shattered the ground. He then stood up, his long red hair now covering his face. He had become shorter.

When Kokushibo saw the familiar figure, he immediately wanted to deliver a killing blow, but before he could do so, Toji, who had now transformed into Yoriichi's body, quickly rushed forward and grabbed both of Kokushibo's arms.

"Is that how you greet your little brother, Big Brother?" The familiar and cold voice made Kokushibo's body tremble. His eyes narrowed in anger as he glared at Yoriichi. "You are not my brother! What is your true identity?!"

Yoriichi's expression changed from amusement to boredom. Even though the katana that emerged from Kokushibo's stomach pierced his abdomen, Yoriichi stood comfortably. "You finally learned? How boring."

Kokushibo used all his strength and cut off Yoriichi's hand with the swords he created from his body. Kokushibo then walked away. "One day I will kill you."

"I want you to try," Yoriichi said with a sadistic smile. His hand healed in 1 second. He chuckled and looked at Kokushibo. "How is Muzan? I think she has been harboring a lot of hatred towards me lately."

Kokushibo looked at Yoriichi uncomfortably. His harsh tone amused Yoriichi even more. "How Muzan-sama is is none of your business."

"So cold as always, big brother." Hearing Yoriichi calling him big brother again, Kokushibo glared at Yoriichi angrily. "I'm not your older brother! You're just a fraud!"

Yoriichi sighed and smiled. "So be it. So is Muzan still looking for the Blue Spider Lily? Like this one..."

Kokushibo's eyes widened as Yoriichi took out the blue spider lily. He quickly lunged forward and tried to grab the plant, but was quickly deflected by Yoriichi jumping to the other side. "Not that much."

Despite his discomfort, Kokushibo still tried to look at Yoriichi calmly. "So? What do you want? Muzan-sama is interested in the Blue Spider Lily. Tell me your terms."

Yoriichi's mind immediately went back to his night session with Muzan. He felt his lower half getting excited again. Kokushibo sensed this too, and his expression turned into disgust. "You-what indecent proposals are you thinking of?"

Yoriichi's face formed a sadistic smile as Kokushibo feel stupid at Yoriichi for proposing this. "I'm not interested in alliances or anything. What I'm interested in is Muzan herself."

As Kokushibo grew increasingly angry, Yoriichi smiled lustfully. "Yes, I want to fuck Muzan. If he wants the Blue Spider Lily, she can come to my house."

"Unacceptable. The deal is off." Kokushibo refused to do so, while Yoriichi's expression changed, becoming colder and more ruthless. "You still think this is a deal? No, no this is an ultimatum."

Kokushibo instinctively took 2 steps back. Yoriichi's aura seemed to have changed. More authoritarian and especially ruthless. "I know where you all are? What you're doing, what you're planning, what you're going through. You wouldn't want to see me unhappy, would you, Michikatsu?"

Kokushibo was taken aback for a moment and felt strange as he had not heard that name for years. He became increasingly serious and looked at Yoriichi. "Muzan-sama will not accept these terms."

Yoriichi became increasingly angry. "Then this war will happen. Then everyone will die, including Muzan. That's what you told her."

Kokushibo closed his eyes and thought for a while. Did Yoriichi want Muzan-sama just because he wanted to fuck her? Kokushibo didn't understand but decided to tell Muzan anyway. "Okay, I'll pass on the offer."

A pleased expression appeared on Yoriichi's face. "Fine, know your place, worm. Now get out of my way."

Even though Kokushibo was angry, he still remained silent. He was then sent back to Infinity Castle by Nakime.

"What a shame. Within 1 month, Toru and Toji died." In Yoriichi's eyes, all the other Uppersun were weak except for Jaime. Their only success was achieving significant success in China. "They only become arrogant after defeating a human country..."

"How pitiful." Yoriichi scoffed and left Toji's body.

After Yoriichi left, Toji's body exploded and caused destruction.