Echoes of Identity

Names carry weight and meaning, often beyond the mere syllables that form them. They can shape perceptions, inspire actions, and define destinies. In the grand tapestry of life, a name is both a gift and a challenge—a reflection of the past and a whisper of the future. To bear a name is to bear the expectations and judgments of others, but it is also an opportunity to redefine and transform that legacy. The journey of understanding and embracing one's name is a profound step towards self-discovery and the forging of one's true path.

The grand hall was filled with an air of expectancy as the ceremony resumed. The disruption had left everyone on edge, but now the focus shifted back to the matter at hand: the naming of the children. The Master, my grandfather, took his place once more at the front, his gaze steady and commanding. His presence alone seemed to draw the room back into order, and the air buzzed with anticipation as he prepared to bestow our names, a ritual steeped in tradition and significance.

"Let us begin," he announced, his voice resonating through the hall. "Today, we bestow names upon the young ones, marking their place in our family and the world." His words hung in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of tradition and significance. The room fell silent, every eye turned towards him, the momentous occasion capturing the collective breath of all present.

I stood in front of the Master, feeling the weight of expectation and anticipation. As he placed his hand on top of my head, a sharp, stinging sensation coursed through me—manageable, yet distinct. It was nothing compared to the agony of being born. 'Oh, that still sends shivers down my spine,' I thought.

The Master then declared, "You shall be named… Remius." His voice echoed through the hall, and the name felt heavy with meaning, a reminder of my broken past, of which I remained unaware of, and a hint of my future potential. The room seemed to hold its breath as the significance of the name settled over me, a mixture of solemnity and hope.

I heard gasps of shock, not in awe but in a manner that questioned, "How can he give that name to him?" The murmurs of disbelief rippled through the hall, creating an undercurrent of tension. While this was happening, my vision felt disconnected, as if the world had come to a halt. Suddenly, something appeared before my eyes, like a transparent piece of paper, revealing:



Name: Remius

Age: 1






LUCK: 10

Talent: X

Power: F

Type: Mana

Special: Empath


I didn't understand anything or what was in front of me, nor what was going on. At that moment, a voice interrupted my wondering. "Now I truly welcome you into this world and family, boy—no, Remius!" The Master's voice was firm and resolute, breaking through my confusion. His words resonated with a finality that anchored me, marking the beginning of my journey with this new identity.

Mom's eyes filled with sorrow as she heard my name, a deep sadness reflecting in her gaze. My father looked a bit shocked, his expression a mix of surprise and concern. Meanwhile, Celine beamed, her joy infectious and bright. I felt a strange sense of completeness and confusion, caught between the emotions of those around me and the weight of my new identity.

Now, I felt my world truly change, but I didn't have enough time to ponder as I was asked to move aside so the same could be done for my two other siblings—my half-brother and half-sister. The room buzzed with anticipation as I stepped away, my mind swirling with new questions and emotions. As my siblings took their places, I watched intently, knowing that this ceremony was not just about names but about the beginning of our intertwined destinies.

The twins, standing nervously beside their mother, were next. "This is Liora and Lysander," the Master announced. Liora's name meant 'light,' while Lysander's meant 'liberator.' The names suited them perfectly, reflecting their bright and spirited personalities. I heard murmurs among the people discussing the meanings of their names, and it made sense why they were chosen. Liora and Lysander seemed to embody the essence of their names, bringing a sense of hope and freedom to our family.

Liora had bright yellow hair, like sunlight, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity and enthusiasm, filling any room with positivity and warmth. She resembled a tiny version of her mother, her presence radiating light and joy. Lysander, with his red hair and black eyes, bore a striking resemblance to my father. His demeanor exuded mischief and happiness, a lively energy that mirrored his name. Together, they brought a dynamic contrast to the room, each reflecting the unique qualities their names promised.

My half-siblings approached with curiosity in their eyes. They were the same age as me but seemed more open, unlike me, who was only close to two people—Mom and Celine. I could sense the unspoken tension stemming from me, but I also felt a flicker of hope. Perhaps, in time, we could grow as close as Mom, Celine, and I were. The prospect of forming new bonds filled me with a tentative optimism, despite the initial uncertainty.

As the ceremony concluded, the adults mingled and discussed the future, their voices a blend of excitement and contemplation. Meanwhile, we children were left to our own devices. Despite the initial tension, Liora and Lysander approached me with genuine curiosity. Their open, friendly demeanor helped bridge the gap between us, and I felt a budding connection as we began to explore our new roles and relationships together.

"You, name Rem?" Liora asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and a touch of adorable cuteness.

I nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yes, and you're Liora and Lysander."

Lysander's face lit up with a wide grin. "Yeah! Want play?" he asked eagerly, his excitement palpable.

Liora bounced on her toes, adding, "Yes, play! We show you game. Fun!"

I hesitated for a moment, glancing back at Mom and Celine. They gave me encouraging smiles, their faces reassuring and warm. Feeling a sense of relief and excitement, I turned back to Liora and Lysander. "Yeah," I said, my voice gaining confidence. Their eager smiles and playful energy made me feel more comfortable, and I was ready to join in their game. As we moved away from the crowd, I could sense that this new connection might turn into something special.

We spent the afternoon exploring the gardens surrounding the grand hall. Liora's boundless energy and Lysander's mischievous nature made the time fly by. As we ran through the lush greenery and played games, I felt a growing bond with my half-siblings. Their laughter and playful antics created a sense of belonging I hadn't expected. It was a welcome distraction from the earlier formalities, and for the first time, I began to feel like I was truly part of this new family.

As we sat by a fountain, catching our breath, Liora turned to me with a curious look. "Why everyone shock gasp your name?"

I pondered her question for a moment, then shrugged and shook my head. "No idea. Maybe bad name?" I said a bit sadly, unsure of the reason behind the reaction.

Lysander's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Maybe cause you get big!!!" he said with a grin.

I couldn't help but smile at his playful tone. "I don't know," I said, trying to match his excitement. "Maybe you're right!" The simple, cheerful exchange helped lift my spirits, and I felt more at ease with my new siblings.

As evening settled in, I returned with Celine and Mom. I couldn't shake the question Liora had asked earlier, so I turned to Mom, seeking answers. Her face softened into a sad expression, and she said quietly, "The name 'Remius' can be associated with the word 'remiss,' which implies being negligent or careless. It suggests a state of being broken or flawed."

Her words pierced through me, and I felt a deep sadness wash over me. The realization that my name carried such a negative connotation, especially in contrast to the bright and empowering names of my siblings, left me feeling heartbroken and conflicted. I sat in silence, the weight of the name feeling like a heavy burden, a stark reminder of my perceived flaws that I still remained unaware of.

That night, as I lay in my cradle, the sadness lingered. The shadows cast by the dim candlelight seemed to mirror the heaviness in my heart. I couldn't escape the feeling that my name was a curse, a mark of something inherently wrong with me. It was a long night, filled with restless thoughts and an unfamiliar ache that settled deep within my chest.

But as the night wore on, a quiet resolve began to form within me. The flickering candlelight became a symbol of hope, a small but persistent flame in the darkness. I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, I could use this name as a challenge—to show that I could be the opposite of what it implied. With a determined heart, I vowed to embrace kindness and prove that my name did not define me, but rather, could be a testament to my strength and goodness.