Threads of Time

The journey of understanding oneself and one's place in the world is a profound endeavor. It is in the quiet contemplation of one's purpose and the exploration of one's potential that we uncover the true essence of our being. Just as the world is shaped by unseen forces, so too is our destiny influenced by the inner realms we have yet to fully grasp. Embrace the mysteries of existence and the responsibilities they entail, for in this embrace lies the path to enlightenment and growth.

***Remius' POV***

My mind has been blown. It's been about four years now, and we recently celebrated our fifth birthday with a big banquet for Liora, Lysander, and me. We finally turned five, and the celebration was grand. The banquet was a spectacle of elegance and festivity. Nobles from various parts of the realm gathered to honor our milestone. The hall was adorned with shimmering decorations, and the air was filled with laughter and music. I remember the towering cake, the vibrant fireworks, and the feeling of being the center of attention. It was a day that marked our transition from toddlers to children, a significant step in our young lives.

The banquet hall was a sight to behold. Chandeliers made of crystal cast a warm glow over the room, their light reflecting off the polished marble floors. Long tables were laden with exquisite dishes, the aroma of roasted meats and spiced wine mingling in the air. Servants moved gracefully between the guests, ensuring that every glass was filled and every plate was heaped with delicacies. I could hardly believe that all of this was in our honor. The highlight of the evening was when we were presented to the gathered nobility. Dressed in our finest clothes, we stood before the assembly, our small hands clasped in front of us. The applause and cheers that followed filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It was a moment that I would treasure forever.

A lot of things happened! I've learned and grown a lot physically, but mentally, I don't think so—I feel different. To cement this fact, I asked my step-siblings if they remember their birth. They had no idea what I was talking about and said that a bird came and gave them to their mom, whose name they said is Seraphina. That name sounds like it suits her personality and herself. Their puzzled expressions when I brought up the topic of birth were amusing. Seraphina, as their mother, had a serene and nurturing presence. Her name resonated with grace and wisdom. It was curious that such a fantastical story was the common belief among children here, a stark contrast to my vivid pre-birth memories.

In the days following the banquet, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about me. While other children my age were content with simple games and stories, I found myself drawn to more complex thoughts and questions. The incident with my step-siblings only reinforced this feeling. Their innocent belief in the story of the bird contrasted sharply with my own memories. Seraphina was indeed a fitting name for their mother. She was the epitome of kindness and elegance, always carrying herself with an air of dignity. Watching her interact with others, I could see why my step-siblings revered her so much. Her presence brought a sense of calm and order to our home, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the close bond they shared with her.

Somewhere deep down, I feel like I'm missing something—something I should know. This could also be the reason why I had consciousness before birth, and the names of settlements like Avaloria, Elarion, Khazad-Kal, and Shadowmere Abyss seem eerily familiar, but I don't know why. These names echo in my mind, stirring a sense of déjà vu. Avaloria, with its mythical beauty; Elarion, resonating with ancient elven lore; Khazad-Kal, the dwarven stronghold; and Shadowmere Abyss, a place shrouded in mystery and darkness. They evoke images and emotions that feel just out of reach, like fragments of a dream I can't quite remember.

In quiet moments, I would sit and ponder these names, letting my mind wander through the images they conjured. Avaloria, a land of rolling hills and enchanted forests, where the air was filled with the songs of birds and the scent of blooming flowers. Elarion, the elven city, with its towering spires and graceful arches, a place of magic and ancient wisdom. Khazad-Kal, the dwarven realm, carved deep into the mountains, its halls echoing with the sounds of hammer and anvil. And Shadowmere Abyss, a place of shadow and secrecy, where the very air seemed to hum with dark power. Each name carried with it a sense of history and significance, a feeling that they were more than just places—they were parts of a larger, interconnected world that I was somehow a part of.

Since we are a human settlement, we know much more about humans than the other races. Nobles are aware of this information, but I'm pretty sure commoners or non-mana awakened do not have access to it. Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, and Demons—I'm excited about the possibilities this world has to offer. The very thought of these races ignites my imagination. Elves with their ethereal beauty and wisdom, dwarves with their unmatched craftsmanship and strength, dragons with their awe-inspiring power and majesty, and demons with their enigmatic and fearsome presence. Each race holds a unique allure, a promise of adventure and discovery. My heart races with anticipation at the thought of one day meeting them.

The knowledge of other races was something I eagerly soaked up from the books in our family library. Each page offered a glimpse into a world beyond our human settlement. The elves, with their timeless grace and mastery of magic, were the stuff of legends. Stories spoke of their enchanted forests, where time seemed to stand still, and their cities, built in harmony with nature. The dwarves, on the other hand, were known for their resilience and ingenuity. Their underground cities were marvels of engineering, filled with treasures and artifacts crafted with unmatched skill. And then there were the dragons, the most awe-inspiring of all. Tales of their might and majesty filled me with a sense of wonder and reverence. These ancient beings, with their scales that shone like precious gems and their breath that could level mountains, were the guardians of the world's mysteries. Lastly, the demons, creatures of darkness and chaos, fascinated me with their enigmatic nature. Their realms, shrouded in shadow, were places of danger and intrigue, where the line between good and evil blurred.

Let's talk about the weird tingling sensation I was and still am feeling! It's called Mana, and it encompasses us. There's something truly magical about Mana. It's not just a fancy word for power; it's the very essence of life itself. Imagine it as a shimmering thread that weaves through everything around us—the trees, the rivers, the air we breathe. It's like a hidden orchestra playing a symphony that only a few can hear. I can feel it flowing through me, alive and vibrant, like a warm breeze on a summer's day. It fills me with strength, ignites my imagination, and connects me to the world in ways I never thought possible. Mana is like the heartbeat of our existence, pumping life into everything. As long as I listen closely and tread carefully, I know I'll uncover its secrets and learn to wield it not just for myself but for the good of all. This profound connection to Mana makes me feel more alive, more attuned to the world around me.

From the moment I first became aware of it, Mana has been a constant presence in my life. It's a sensation that's hard to describe—like a gentle hum beneath my skin, a warmth that ebbs and flows with my emotions. I remember the first time I truly felt it, standing in the garden as the sun set, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink. As I reached out with my senses, I could feel the Mana in the earth beneath my feet, in the leaves rustling in the breeze, and in the very air around me. It was a moment of pure connection, a realization that I was part of something much larger than myself. Over the years, this connection has only grown stronger. I've learned to listen to the rhythm of Mana, to feel its ebb and flow. It's a source of comfort and strength, a reminder that I am never truly alone. The possibilities it holds are endless, and I am eager to explore them all.

Well, I went too deep into my thoughts about Mana there, even though I haven't started using it yet. I still have much to learn and experience. The potential of Mana, its mysteries, and its wonders await me. Each day, I feel closer to unlocking its secrets and understanding my place in this world.

Despite my deep connection to Mana, I am still in the early stages of learning how to harness it. The lessons I've had so far have been both enlightening and frustrating. There are moments when I can almost grasp the flow of Mana, feel it responding to my will, but then it slips away like sand through my fingers. My tutors assure me that this is normal, that mastery of Mana takes time and patience. I've been practicing simple exercises to attune myself to its presence, to learn to control my breathing and focus my mind. It's a slow process, but each small success feels like a significant victory. I am determined to become proficient in the use of Mana, to unlock its full potential and understand the true extent of its power.

I now understand why Mom always placed her hopes on me. She didn't have Mana in her system, and that made her voice in this family non-existent. Even the maids and butlers of the duke's family have Mana. So she was placing all her hope in me, not because she wanted a good life, but for my sake, or else she would have to suffer to make my life better. Her sacrifice and silent strength have become clearer to me over time. Observing the dynamics within our household, it's evident that Mana plays a pivotal role in determining one's status and influence. My mother, despite her unwavering dedication and love, remained on the periphery of the family's power structure due to her lack of Mana. The maids and butlers, while respectful and diligent, are afforded a certain level of recognition and respect simply because they possess Mana. This realization has imbued me with a deep sense of responsibility. I now understand that my mother's hopes rest not only on my potential but also on the promise of a better life for her and our family.

Her sacrifices are a constant reminder of the weight of the expectations placed upon me. I can see the weariness in her eyes when she smiles, the unspoken pain she hides behind her gentle demeanor. Every time I study the complexities of our world, I do so with the knowledge that I am working not only for my own growth but to honor her sacrifices. It is a powerful motivator, one that drives me to push through the challenges and uncertainties I face. My mother's unwavering belief in me is a beacon of hope and strength, guiding me as I navigate the intricate tapestry of our world.

I have learned that Status is something everyone awakens, but Mana is what determines if you can move up the ladder or stay where you are. The concept of Status in our society is a reflection of one's potential and position. It is a measure of one's innate abilities and traits, a starting point that everyone receives. However, Mana is the true determinant of one's advancement. It's the force that can elevate one from a humble beginning to a position of power and influence. Without Mana, one remains stagnant, limited by their initial Status. With Mana, the possibilities are vast and the potential for growth is boundless.

Understanding this distinction has been a crucial part of my education. I've studied the histories of those who have risen to prominence, learned about their Mana abilities, and observed how they've used their skills to shape their destinies. It's clear that Mana is not just a tool but a key to unlocking the doors of opportunity. The more I learn about Mana, the more I appreciate its significance in our world. It's a source of power and potential, a way to transcend one's initial limitations and achieve greatness.

Oh yeah, there is a lot I have to think about that happened over the past four years for a kid my age! Learning about social standings, in-depth knowledge of races, etiquette, training, and education—there's a lot to absorb. Each new piece of information is like a puzzle piece falling into place, helping me understand the broader picture of our world. Social standings are intricate, with various layers of hierarchy and influence that can shift depending on one's Mana and Status. The knowledge of different races adds another dimension to this understanding, offering insights into their cultures, strengths, and weaknesses. Etiquette and training are essential for navigating the social landscape and making a favorable impression. Education, of course, is the foundation upon which all of this is built.

Despite the complexity of these subjects, I approach them with enthusiasm and curiosity. There is so much to learn and so many opportunities to explore. The challenges ahead are daunting, but I am eager to face them. I am aware that my journey is just beginning, and there is much more to discover. The world is full of wonders and mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and I am determined to make the most of every opportunity. As I continue to grow and learn, I am confident that I will find my place in this vast and fascinating world.

Well, no worries—it's not like I have anyone to bother me during my thoughts anyway. My solitude in contemplation is a welcome refuge, a time for me to reflect and plan. It allows me to focus on my studies and training without distraction. While I may not always have someone to share my thoughts with, I find solace in the quiet moments of reflection. They are a chance to gather my thoughts, evaluate my progress, and set new goals. As I move forward, I am grateful for this time of introspection and growth. It is an essential part of my journey, helping me to become the person I am destined to be.

In summary, these past four years have been a period of intense learning and personal growth. From the grand celebration of turning five to the quiet moments of introspection, each experience has shaped who I am and who I aspire to be. The world is full of possibilities, and I am eager to explore them all. With the support of my family and the knowledge I continue to gain, I am ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The future is bright, and I am excited to see where this journey will take me.

A/N: The upcoming chapters will provide a comprehensive overview of the world's creation and background. I want to ensure that this information is solid and clear to avoid any confusion later on. I have a general idea of what needs to be included, but I need to work on putting it all down on paper.