"I'll listen to my wife."
Since his wife spoke this way, she must have had her reasons. He inexplicably felt that Li Fugui should listen to his wife too.
Having sent Li Fugui off, Yang Ming was in a pretty good mood, as it meant he was finally alone with his wife. It was already very late, and this time, no one was likely to disturb them again.
He went to heat the kang and prepare the water for their nightly washing.
"Honey, heat more water—you should take a bath too."
Xiaoxiao was just considering the possibly sparse living conditions at Yang Ming's academy, where bathing might not be convenient, and figured he probably just made do with a quick basin wash every day. Now that he was finally home, a good, relaxing bath would be nice.
Upon hearing this, Yang Ming's eyes widened for a moment. Did his wife mean for him to use her special bath barrel? Since he had last used it, she had never again offered it to him.