Xiaoxiao was completely unable to hear what the others were saying; her mind was wholly occupied by that sentence, "Yang Ming is out of breath." Didn't "out of breath" mean dead?
She couldn't bear the thought of a day without Yang Ming. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and tears inadvertently streamed down her face.
Seeing the courtyard crowded with people, she ran over quickly, pushing through the throng to see Yang Ming lying on the ground.
She shouted at the crowd, "Move back, all of you! You're crowding him so much, he can't breathe."
Then Xiaoxiao started to feel Yang Ming's nose for breath; there really was none. She touched his neck to check for a pulse; there was barely one, and her heart went cold.
Some in the crowd, witnessing Xiaoxiao check if Yang Ming still had breath, couldn't bear to watch and started consoling her, "The dead cannot come back to life; you should accept it and mourn."