007 stop pretending

The next morning, Xu He received a phone call from the Jiang Family.

To her surprise, the call was personally made by Jiang Xuan, the current figurehead of the Jiang Family.

Jiang Xuan was no ordinary man, and even her husband often found it difficult to see him, but now he was calling her himself.

After the call, Wang Dahai had the car ready, preparing to take them to the hospital to see Little Tiangao.

The conditions at the guesthouse in the small town were no match for Capital City, let alone compared with the Xia Family's place. Xia Yourong had spent the night tossing and turning with a sore back and feeling uncomfortable all over.

If it weren't for Xia Ye, why would she have to suffer such hardship?

On the way to the hospital, in the back seat of the car, Xia Yourong, with her arm entwined with Xu He's, sweetly asked, "Mom, who was that on the phone this morning?"

Jiang Xuan hadn't directly mentioned the matter of breaking off the engagement on the call, so Xu He just assumed they were coming to visit their daughter.

She helped Yourong tidy up the high ponytail at the back of her head, "It was Yunzhou's uncle. He said they would bring Yunzhou to our house tomorrow to see your sister. After completing the discharge formalities, we'll set off to return to Capital City."

Jiang Yunzhou had three uncles, so Xia Yourong took it for granted that it was one of the other two uncles, not Jiang Xuan.

She didn't dare think it was Jiang Xuan himself.

Just hearing that they were coming to see Xia Ye, she was already so angry she could hardly contain herself and turned to the side to take out her phone and send a WeChat message to Jiang Yunzhou.

They were classmates, both top students in the gifted class at Beijing No.1 Middle School, so naturally, they had each other's WeChat.

If You're Well, It's a Sunny Day: Brother Yunzhou, I heard you're coming to see my sister tomorrow? You're not really going to...

If You're Well, It's a Sunny Day: Hey, there's something I don't know if I should say... I've already met my sister, and I'm afraid you...

While Xu He was looking out the window, Xia Yourong quickly composed and sent the message.

She clutched her phone nervously, and after five minutes, her palm vibrated with a reply.

Grant You A Voyage: What? We're just going to cancel the engagement.

Just a message of a dozen words, and yet Xia Yourong read it over and over a few times, her mouth almost twisting with excitement.

So they were coming to cancel the engagement.

She knew Brother Yunzhou couldn't possibly have such poor taste!

Xu He turned her head, looking at the thrilled Xia Yourong, and smiled, "What's got you so happy?"

Xia Yourong shook her head, pressing her lips together to suppress her glee, "Nothing."

Why spoil the surprise now?

The more they anticipated, the more Xia Ye's face would be slapped when the time came!

Just the thought of it was exhilarating!


When they arrived at the hospital room, Xia Ye was still sleeping in the same position as before.

The first time she saw it, Xu He thought it was cute.

Seeing it a second time, she felt heartbroken.

This wild beast-like sleeping posture must have developed during the fourteen years she was imprisoned.

Xu He noticed that the neatly folded clothes on the bedside table from yesterday had been disturbed, probably from her daughter trying them on after waking.

She curved her lips, reaching to take the clothes to tidy them up but felt the damp mist. Without giving it much thought, she glanced at her older daughter, "Yourong, I'm going to dry these clothes; don't wake your sister, let her sleep a little longer."

Xia Yourong nodded understandingly.

And then—

As soon as Xu He left, she started rummaging through the drawers with heavy hands.

Clattering noises continued until Xia Ye woke up looking displeased. Then Xia Yourong pretended to be flustered, "Sorry, sister, I didn't mean to wake you."

Xia Ye sat up lazily, leaning against the headboard with her forearm casually resting on her knee, posing like quite the boss.

Xia Yourong thought that it was easy to fool a country bumpkin and sat down on the bed with a cheerful smile, pretending to link arms with her, "Sister, I just heard from mom that your fiancé is coming to our house to see you tomorrow. You wouldn't believe it, he's the most popular guy in our school, and the girls queuing up for him could stretch from the school to the suburbs. A guy like that likes my sister, I'm so jealous..."

Before she could finish, Xia Ye nonchalantly broke away from the arm winding around hers and pulled a sly smile, "It's just us two here, cut the act."