029 Suddenly well-behaved, there must be something tricky~

Many fish...


Jiang Yunzhou felt like his entire being, from top to bottom, had split apart!

If someone else had said this, he definitely wouldn't have believed it.

But coincidentally, these words came from Jiang Xuan, the most authoritative member of the Jiang Family.

Could it be that the uncle still has thoughts of robbing the cradle and deliberately said this?


The Little Fairy calls him uncle after all, what could possibly happen?

Not only was Jiang Yunzhou split apart, but so was a small figure on the couch.

With a 'snap,' the chubby little hands failed to hold on, and the phone fell to the floor.

Jiang Yunyang's eyes didn't follow the phone, but he jumped off the couch, his small jiojio sinking into the camel-colored plush carpet.

The woman just now, although he only saw her profile, it was definitely Sister Little Tiangao!

The only one prettier than the heroine of Lele Planet is Sister Little Tiangao!
