246 Want to calculate Night Sister? _2

Doctor: "Are there any boys willing to play the role of their patients?"

The boys' voices were deafening: "I'm willing!"

The doctor's smile was kind: "There are four girls in this group, so you boys just stand behind the girl you want to help, and let them choose."

Yang Qiange drew the card for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a first aid method she had already self-studied, and she was even confident she could perform it as standardly as a doctor.

She interlaced her fingers, flipped them over, and stretched her joints, already warmed up and ready to show what she could do.

Her family had been practicing Western medicine for generations.

There was a bustling noise behind her, and Yang Qiange couldn't help but feel a bit smug. She had mentioned before that her family came from a long line of Western medicine practitioners. Who should she choose if there were many boys behind her?

A few minutes later, the boys finally took their positions behind them, and the girls turned around—