07 I want to keep this child.

Su Xiaofeng certainly wasn't speaking without consideration. Being new to the village, she needed to establish herself, protect the unborn child in her belly, and most importantly, get her family to accept her pregnancy.

Su Peng was the son He Ximei brought with her when she remarried; he used to be called Zhang Peng, but after the marriage, he changed his surname to Su Peng.

At the age of eight, Su Peng had fallen grievously ill, which left his mind muddled. Frustrated, the husband's family drove He Ximei and Su Peng out. Through the matchmaker's arrangements, they joined the household of Old Su Gua, whose wife had passed away.

If the Su family had been a bit wealthier, finding a slightly better marriage match for Su Peng might not have been impossible. But the Su family was the poorest in Lihua Village. Only if a girl wasn't foolish would she marry into their household.

It so happened that a family from Li Village announced their willingness to swap bridal matches.

Of course, this news stirred He Ximei's heart, but before she could discuss it with Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng became pregnant.

Hearing Su Xiaofeng's words, Old Su Gua frowned, "What nonsense are you spouting? How can a girl not marry for her entire life?"

Not marrying for a lifetime, one might well become the laughingstock of the village, who could say that Old Su Gua's daughter couldn't marry off and became an old maid at home.

"If you don't reveal who the child's father is, you'll have to abort it. We can't afford the disgrace of keeping a child of uncertain paternity." Aborting the baby seemed the best solution.

Although it may tarnish her reputation somewhat, it wouldn't affect future marriage prospects. As to whom she could marry, that would depend on her own fortune.

"Old Su Gua, why don't we consider Xiaofeng's own wishes?" He Ximei stepped forward to calm Old Su Gua down, seeing him become irate.

She was counting on Xiaofeng to bring a daughter-in-law for her son, so naturally, she had to help handle Old Su Gua at critical moments.

Old Su Gua slammed his whip down on the table, "You want Xiaofeng to marry Li Village's fool? You think I'll let the villagers poke at my spine? Rest assured, I can find a bride for Pengzi. But Xiaofeng can't marry Li Village's fool. I can't lose that much face."

He knew exactly what He Ximei was thinking, but he wouldn't agree.

He Ximei's face contorted with anger as she heard Old Su Gua's words, "Old Su Gua, if you're capable of finding a bride for Pengzi, then do it! He's 21 now, I've asked so many girls, and not one would have him. Even the mute girl on the ridge, her family rejected ours because we don't have a new house."

He Ximei grew more agitated as she spoke, "You want Xiaofeng to abort the baby, and after that, you plan to match her with an old bachelor or a man with a limp or missing limb, or marry her off to someone like Liu An? Old Su Gua, this isn't marrying off your daughter; it's ruining her!"

All things considered, the Li family's son, no matter how undesirable, was better than those men.

With this thought, He Ximei simply helped Su Xiaofeng up, "Xiaofeng, are you really sure? We're all family here, I won't speak in roundabouts. If you want to keep the child, then keep it; your aunt will watch over you. If you don't want to keep it, aborting it is also fine. Of course, your aunt won't force you. I just want to ask, would you be willing to help your big brother secure another marriage match?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaofeng finally understood. He Ximei wasn't trying to make her marry her own foolish son but was hoping she'd secure a marital swap for her big brother.

It seemed the other party was also foolish.

Her heart silently questioned whether this era was brimming with fools.

"The child must be aborted, we can't keep it," Old Su Gua decided firmly, as keeping a child of uncertain paternity would only bring disgrace and mockery.

"Xiaofeng, what do you want to do?" He Ximei looked at Su Xiaofeng, wondering if she would be willing.

Su Xiaofeng didn't look at He Ximei but at Old Su Gua's left hand, which had been injured in the past and couldn't bear weight.

In other words, Old Su Gua's left hand was essentially useless, unsuitable for heavy labor and incapable of earning money. This was also why her original family was the poorest in the village.

Based on her original memories, this father wasn't too bad. Apart from not fulfilling her material needs, he truly cared for her in other ways.

She looked at Old Su Gua, walked over to him, and gently took his injured hand. She spoke calmly, conveying her thoughts, "Dad, I don't want to abort this child, I want to keep him. Dad, I want to stay by your side and take care of you for the rest of my life."

Old Su Gua looked at his daughter as she took his hand willingly, his eyes slightly moist.

Since she had become sensible, she had seldom been so close to him.

"Dad, I know this child has come at an inconvenient time, when he shouldn't have, but the child is innocent. Dad, I don't want to marry in the future. I want to stay with the child, with you, and with this home. Let's spend our days together happily," Su Xiaofeng played the emotional card, as Old Su Gua was in the midst of his fury.

Head-on confrontation would only strengthen Old Su Gua's resolve to abort the child. The child definitely couldn't be aborted. In her past life, she had wanted a child so bad; a mishap sent her here.

Fortune had smiled upon her, presenting her with a child upon arrival; she had to protect it at all costs.

He Ximei raised her eyebrows upon hearing Su Xiaofeng's words, "Xiaofeng, think it thoroughly. If you decide to keep the child, you're bound to face a lot of harsh words."

Of course, if she was willing to marry Li Village's brother, she could help look after the child once it was born.

The precondition was, however, that Su Xiaofeng was willing to marry.

Old Su Gua, a man of great pride, definitely wouldn't agree for Xiaofeng to marry Li Village's brother, so it had to be Xiaofeng's own decision.

Of course, Su Xiaofeng grasped the subtext of He Ximei's words, "There's no need to think about it. I will definitely keep this child, and I won't marry Li Village's brother."

He Ximei managed a forced laugh upon hearing her words; that stubborn girl really wouldn't agree.

Su Xiaofeng lowered her head, considering that if Old Su Gua truly disagreed with keeping the baby, she would leave. After all, she had her own means to make a living here, which shouldn't be difficult.

Seeing her resolute expression, Old Su Gua felt his anger rise again.

What was this stubborn girl thinking? Was she trying to drive him to his grave?