It's as if the very thing she feared had come to pass: the person struck down by the car was Old Man Shen. His forehead cracked upon impact, blood streaming down his cheek. Xiaoman pressed her hands against the wound desperately, but the blood would not cease, relentlessly flowing through her fingers as she watched Old Man Shen's life slip away bit by bit. Xiaoman was on the verge of collapse…
"Dad, Dad, open your eyes and look at me! Look at me, I'm your Xiaoman! Please wake up, I won't lose my temper again, I'll listen to you, I'll be good, I am your own flesh and blood, I am the daughter of Fatty Shen…" Xiaoman's voice broke into sobs. Having studied medicine for so long, she was acutely aware that Dad Shen's life was nearing its end. But she couldn't accept it, she wanted to bring him back to life.