Lord Wang asked warmly, "Is your family listed on the Civilian Register or the Craftsmen Register?"

After Song Jiyun's great-grandfather had risen to prominence, he bought fields and land and switched to the Civilian Register.

"We are on the Civilian Register," she replied obediently.

Lord Wang nodded, then asked, "But you continue to engage in craftsman's work, do you not?"

This was true.

Although Song Jiyun felt that such a question was somewhat inappropriate, it was true, and she had no choice but to admit it.

She nodded and said, "What you said is true, my lord."

Lord Wang's expression then softened a few degrees more than before, and with a smile, he said, "Since you are engaged in the work of artisans and you do it so excellently, producing new porcelain, you should dedicate yourself even more to deepening your research and focusing on your studies."