“In the world of war between Gods and Fallen, one day a person named Amelia sprouted from a flower. Amelia has hair painted like the hue of the setting sun, yellow with a tinge of orange and red. Its eyes are like the purest diamonds reflecting the chaos and death. It was stated in the legend that the flower where Amelia sprouted was nurtured from the blood of numerous Gods and Fallen that was slain throughout the war. Once Amelia arrived, a new faction was formed that mediated the war between them, many Gods and Fallen despise Amelia's interference but several Gods and Fallen decided to agree to Amelia's suggestion and mediation. Once the high ranking Gods which are the Ten Lights and high ranking Fallen, the Ten Darkness side to Amelia the Chaos Epoch cease. A covenant was formed between Amelia, Gods and Fallen as the peaceful era came.”