Eskar's mission.

With a flick of her wrists, she summoned forth a terrifying display of dark energy, drawing Koba and Thar's heads towards her with an inescapable force. Their eyes bulged in horror as their necks stretched, the tendons popping like over-tightened strings on a lyre. With a vicious twist of her hands, she crushed their skulls like grapes in a wine press, the squelching sound echoing through the night as their lifeblood spurted out like crimson geysers.

The barbarians' once-proud forms now lay broken and lifeless at her feet, their twitching bodies a gruesome sight even the most twisted souls could not watch.

Urae, the last standing barbarian, trembled with terror, his weapon slipping from his grasp as he stared at the grisly scene before him. The creatures eyes, now pools of boiling blood, turned to meet his.

"Please...." A whimper had barely escaped his teeth before she acted.

With a swift and terrible motion, the angelic creature shoved her hand into Urae's broad chest, her slender fingers piercing through his toughened flesh and muscle as if they were made of paper. His eyes bulged in disbelief and agony as she reached deep within him, her nails scraping against his ribcage to grasp the beating organ within. With a vicious yank, she tore out his still-pumping heart, holding it up to the moon as if she was offering a grisly sacrifice.

She stared into his wide, panic-stricken eyes for a brief moment, savoring the final spark of life that flickered within them, before she forced the bloody mass into his gaping mouth. With a sickening crunch, she clamped his jaw shut, her grip tightening until the bones of his face gave way under the pressure. His body convulsed as he choked on his own pulverized heart, a silent scream trapped behind his shattered teeth.

The light in his eyes began to fade, and she watched with a twisted sense of satisfaction as the life drained from him. When the last flicker of his consciousness was extinguished, she tossed his corpse aside, the three barbarians now a macabre trio of ruin flesh at her feet.

The night grew quiet once more, the only sound the distant howl of the wind and the gurgling of blood that pooled around her, staining the barren earth a dark, ominous crimson.

With a thought, she willed the lifeless bodies of the barbarians to erupt in a fiery explosion of rage, their blood spattering around her in a macabre dance of crimson.

The remaining barbarians, those who had not yet succumbed to the paralyzing fear, fled into the night, their screams of terror a pleasant song to her ears.

The ground trembled beneath her feet as the echoes of the explosion faded, leaving only the crackling of the dying embers and the faint, acrid scent of burnt flesh in the air.

She stood, unblemished amidst the carnage, her alabaster skin glowing with an unearthly light, the pitch black of her eyes now a blazing inferno. The angelic woman took a deep breath, her chest heaving, her ample breasts pressing against the torn fabric of her armor, the bloodlust within her only growing stronger with each beat of her heart.

This was not enough. She wanted more. She desired to here more screams, as well as more bodies to break.

Just this much, was far from enough.

Her beauty remained unblemished, even as she was completely covered in blood from head to toe. With a flick of her wings, she took to the sky, leaving the smoldering remains of the barbarians and their shattered dreams of conquest behind her.



Throne room of Hel.

In the dimly lit,m throneroom of Hel, the air grew tense as the fairy with pitch black wings alighted before the throne.

Her delicate features were marred by intense and frightening blood stains, however she seemed entire unbothered by them.

She stood before her master, the one who had created her from her own blood, Hel, the embodiment of death

Hel raised an elegant eyebrow, her eyes gleaming with curiosity as she regarded the newcomer. Her velvety voice, a blend of darkness and allure, drifted through the silence. "My dear, what brings you to me in such a... disheveled state?" she asked, a hint of amusement playing on her lips.

The fairy, her chest heaving with rage, met Hel's gaze unflinchingly. She spoke with a voice as sharp as a serrated blade, "Men, my queen, despicable creatures that dare to breathe the same air as us, to desecrate the purity of our lands with their vile intentions."

Her black wings fluttered once, sending droplets of blood spiraling to the cold, marble floor. "They were eyesores and so I slaughtered them."

"Ah simply for that?" Hel asked curiously.

"Did I need another reason?" The dark angel asked with a dull and emotionless gaze.

"No of course not. Its just...well you are always a curiosity. It saddens me that I must now send you on a mission."

The fairy's fiery gaze never wavered from Hel's, a silent promise of unyielding loyalty and determination etched upon her features. "Even if it means consorting with the very beings you despise?" Hel continued, her voice a seductive whisper.

The fairy's response was swift and resolute. "Your will is my command, my queen," she declared, her voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "And your service is my life. Even if you comanded to detonate my hearst blood this moment i would never hesitate."

The intensity of her words seemed to resonate with the very essence of the room, the shadows themselves drawing closer, as if in anticipation of the task to come.

With a graceful nod, Hel leaned forward, her pitch black hair cascading over her shoulder. "Then listen well, a male, born under a starless sky, possesses a power that could bring about my grand aspiration.

You must find him, infiltrate his life, and, irrevocably bind him to you."Hel purred, her eyes flickering with the light of an ancient prophecy. "For I have gazed into the abyss of futures, and there, in the desolate world of sector 594, he dwells, his destiny is entwined with ours. This creature, born of darkness and despair, holds the power to unleash such destruction that it would swell the rivers of our realm with the lifeblood of infinite souls.

His name is lost to the whispers of fate, but his purpose is clear." She leaned back into her throne as she spoke.

The fairy, her resolve unwavering, knelt before the throne of Hel. "When shall I begin my quest, my queen?" she inquired, her voice a was still and even.

Any and all emotion was absent from it. It was as if she was not a person but an emotionless doll.

"There is no time to waste," she replied, her voice carrying an urgency that seemed to resonate through the very air of the throne room. "Your must journey to the southern abyss at once. He is partly veiled from my sight so even I am not aware of his location. But still destiny tells me, that should you remain on his planet, he will one day stand before you, desperate for the aid only one such as you can provide.

When the day comes, you will help him, whether you wish it or not.

And from that endeavour you will forge an eternal bond with him."

A frown of scorn and discontent briefly flashed across the dark angel face before it disappeared.

She didn't like it, but her mistresses order was absolute.

The devil empress Hel's smile remained untouched by the fairy's momentary scorn. "Or maybe I an wrong and you will be forced to break his legs and bring him to me as a prisoner. Either way you must still find your way to his home world."

The fairy's expression remained skeptical, but she said nothing, understanding that Hel's wisdom was not to be questioned. The empress's smile grew wider, a knowing glint in her eye. "Go forth, my fierce servant," she instructed, her voice a seductive purr.

"When you find him, you will understandsome things and know what must be done. And should he prove... amenable to your influence, you should bring him here.."

"Go forth," she had said, her voice a velvet caress that hid a grand and imperious force.

The fairy felt a cold shiver run down her spine, but she did not falter. "I will not fail you, my queen," she vowed.

And with that, the air in the throne room grew heavy with the weight of her oath.

"I know." Hel whispered, her gaze containing extreme complexity.

As the fairy vanished into the abyss, Hel's smile grew knowing, her eyes gleaming with the dark secrets of fate.

She had raised Eskar and her other witches from her own blood. In a way they were even closer to her than children were to their parents. From the onset Eskar showed a great disgust and disdain for men. This was a result of the disgusting and pathetic expressions men revealed when they saw her heavenly beauty.

So gradually she had come to hate and reject them.

If only she knew.. ...

Hel finally sighed. "Sorry Eskar, your master knows you will suffer, but this has to happen. And you too...will come to appreciate your masters choice more than anyone!"