How to keep strong?

My body felt exhausted; two days had passed. Even though my heart still ached from John's treatment, everything was overshadowed by what had happened to Uncle Martin. I stayed by Uncle Martin's side, hoping he would open his eyes soon to end my anxiety, but there were no signs yet.

My worry had lessened since the doctor successfully operated on Uncle Martin. Still, I wouldn't feel satisfied until he woke up from his sleep. The doctor had said he would wake up within one or two days. As the second day was almost over, I was becoming impatient.

"Uncle, can't you open your eyes now? I'm so worried about you. Please, wake up." I could only pray and keep an eye on his condition through the monitor, which indicated his heartbeat was still there.

Just as I was about to speak again, I felt Uncle's hand move as I touched it. Slowly, I saw his eyes moving, and then they opened. His eyes wandered as if someone had just woken up from sleep. When he saw me, he smiled meaningfully.

"Uncle, finally. Thank you for fighting to stay with me. I'm so happy to see you open your eyes and smile like this." I kept talking non-stop until Uncle gently held my hand.

"Ellena, have you been here all this time? I'm glad to see you again." His words made me smile, and I hugged him gently. Then, I pressed the button on the wall to call the nurse and doctor so they could check on Uncle's condition now.

"Uncle, I couldn't leave you in that condition yesterday. I will try to keep you with me. I love you like my own parents; how could I live without you?" Uncle smiled and nodded slowly. Amid our conversation, a doctor and two nurses came in to check on him.

I watched the doctor perform his duties, checking with the stethoscope around his neck and ensuring Uncle's blood pressure was normal. The two nurses noted everything the doctor said. Shortly after, the doctor looked at me and smiled.

"Mr. Martin's condition is stable now. We just need to go through the post-operative recovery period. Mr. Martin is strong and remarkable; he got through his critical period quickly. After this, we'll continue monitoring his post-operative results and wounds." The doctor was very kind in explaining Uncle's condition to me, and I felt relieved and calm.

After explaining everything, the doctor left with the nurses, leaving me and Uncle alone in the patient's room. I sat back down beside the bed, watching Uncle's face, which began to look more radiant. There was a slight freshness, and I was confident he would recover soon.

"Uncle, I'm so happy. I'll try to make time for you. Maybe I'll reduce my workload and take care of you." I was so happy that I wanted to spend more time with Uncle Martin.

"No need to do that, Ellena. I see you're exhausted; get some rest. Don't be too hard on yourself. Besides, I'll recover soon and won't trouble you." Uncle always thought about me and rarely about himself. Even his health had been neglected like this. His words always soothed my heart, making me almost forget that a few days ago, his condition was very worrying.

"Uncle, I—" My words were interrupted when my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out to see who was calling me now.

When I looked, it was an unknown number. There was no name on the screen, only the phone number, which made me wonder. "Who could be calling? Just answer it; maybe they have something important to say." Uncle allowed me to take the call, and I did so.

I nodded as I answered the phone near Uncle. "Hello, who is this?" I asked since I didn't know who was calling me.

"It's me." The voice was unfamiliar, so I listened closely, hoping I might recognize it. When the person spoke again, "Come here quickly." I stood with a face full of surprise.

"How did Mr. August get this number?" I was puzzled about how Mr. August had my number.

"Meet me now." His words were more of a command, and I agreed. Of course, I couldn't refuse since Mr. August had helped pay for Uncle Martin's surgery.

After the call ended, I apologized to Uncle Martin. "Uncle, I'm sorry, but I have to go. There's work I need to finish now."

Uncle smiled and replied, "Go ahead, finish your work." Relieved by his words, I quickly left the patient's room and headed for the lobby.

My steps were hesitant when Mr. August told me to come. But I couldn't refuse since he had helped me and Uncle Martin. As I hurried to the lobby, I saw the same driver who had brought me here earlier.

The man approached me and spoke politely. "Miss, please get in the car. I'll take you to meet Mr. August."

I thought he had come with Mr. August, but he hadn't. This driver was here to take me to where Mr. August was. Again, I felt strange, different from when I was with John.

Finally, we arrived at a famous dress boutique where Mr. August was waiting inside. As I entered, I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful dresses displayed before me. There were so many, and they looked stunning, with expensive and luxurious materials. It was a sight that amazed me for the first time.

Just as my admiration was about to end, Mr. August handed me a dress. "Wear this dress. You have to accompany me."

I was confused. Why did Mr. August bring me to an event that required such a beautiful dress? "You have to pretend to be my partner in front of my family. You cannot refuse." His words shocked me again. On the other hand, I couldn't refuse because of the loan he had given me.

I went into the fitting room and carefully put on the dress. Then, when I saw myself in the mirror, the dress fit perfectly. The fabric was so soft and comfortable. I had never felt this beautiful before, especially since the dress was new.

It turned out it wasn't just the dress. In this boutique, there was already someone ready to do my makeup. A woman in a blazer invited me to sit down, and she began her work.

After everything was done, I appeared before Mr. August with perfect makeup and the dress. The makeup artist had done an excellent job, making me look different and beautiful. However, I didn't see any admiration on Mr. August's face for my transformation. He probably wasn't interested in all this; he just wanted me to pretend in front of his family.

"Let's go." Mr. August stood up and headed for the exit. The driver had already opened the door for us outside the boutique.

During the ride, I felt nervous. I had never been this close to the head of my workplace. I fidgeted with my fingers to calm myself, trying not to let Mr. August notice.

The car finally stopped in front of a luxurious restaurant. The building was huge, and I was amazed. It was my first time in such a place. I was afraid my behavior would reveal my inexperience.

When we stood in front of the restaurant, Mr. August treated me very well, like a man with his partner. He even asked me to loop my arm through his muscular one beneath his black suit.

"Remember, don't make any mistakes. I just feel annoyed with my family's constant questions about marriage." Mr. August explained his reason for bringing me to meet his family.

Despite my nerves, I nodded and convinced myself that I could do it. I had to for Uncle Martin; I would do anything.

After that, Mr. August led me through the grand entrance. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Controlling my heartbeat was a bit difficult, but I managed. 

Mr. August glanced at me, and I returned his look with a smile. Finally, I followed his lead inside. The atmosphere was different, so luxurious and formal. I could feel the wealth all around.

My eyes scanned the room, and I saw some people sitting and chatting with each other. I was sure they were talking about Mr. August and me, who had just entered the room. 

All eyes were on us, and my smile faded when I saw John among them.

"Why is he here?" I thought to myself, freezing in my steps.

John looked at me, but he hadn't said a word yet. Mr. August's voice snapped me back to reality. "Hey, stay focused."