I don't wanna to publish first

The enticing promotion finally convinced me to make a purchase. When it was time to choose my prize, I opted for a box of milk since I needed it for my cereal. Feeling satisfied with my shopping for the night, I made my way to the cashier.

The cashier was busy at work while I opened my wallet and took out some cash to pay. When the cashier mentioned the total amount, I was surprised to find that I had only a hundred dollars left. It seemed I needed to be frugal since my next paycheck was still a week away.

"Here you go, Miss," the cashier said, handing me my receipt and change. I accepted it with a smile and headed for the exit.

Determined to avoid any financial trouble, I knew I had to make my remaining money last for the next week. As I walked home, I enjoyed the night scenery, a rare opportunity to relax and momentarily forget the chaos of my life.