Why is he so good?

Ellena's POV

Right now, I'm working quietly at my desk. I've just started on a new task, and I hope to finish it before the end of the day, so I need to stay focused and concentrated. Yet, my mind keeps drifting back to what Mr. August said about me quitting my job. His words have truly unsettled me. It's so easy for him to suggest that I stop working, but he doesn't realize that I want to earn my own money through hard work, not just rely on him.

"Why do I keep thinking about this? I can't let it affect my performance," I grumbled to myself, still bothered by this morning's events.

My feelings are in turmoil again as I recall Mr. August's talk about making me Mrs. Noble. I'm not sure if he was serious or if this is just another agreement I'll have to sign after the contract to pretend to be his fiancée ends.