Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy

Ling Tian looked past the simulation information and details. It seemed that he had discovered yet another secret. Observing the options, he decisively chose the reward [Knowledge and Experience in refining Bombs (till Tier 5)]. Instantly, a torrent of knowledge about refining bombs from Tier 1 to Tier 5 surged into his mind. He experienced himself refining the bombs over and over again for decades. The sensations, the failures, and the successes—all became part of his consciousness.

As the surge of information and experience receded, Ling Tian opened his eyes, feeling unprecedented clarity. Rising from his seat, he made his way to the marketplace. His destination was the materials section, where he meticulously selected the necessary items for refining Tier 1 Bombs. With each piece acquired, his excitement grew.

Returning to his residence, Ling Tian began the refining process. His movements were fluid and coordinated, each step executed with ease. The knowledge ingrained in his mind guided him as if it were second nature. After a short while, he held his first Tier 1 Bomb in his hand.

The day continued with Ling Tian refining other Tier 1 weapons. His focus was unwavering, each creation honed to perfection. Alongside his refining work, he diligently cultivated. Since breaking through to the Integration Stage of the Innate Realm, he had been continuously storing and refining spiritual energy within his Dantian. Though his progress was steady rather than rapid like in the Body Tempering Realm, he felt no bottlenecks, which was reassuring.

Five days passed in this manner. Ling Tian maintained his routine: refining weapons, cultivating, and spending some time each day strolling through the marketplace. His keen eye scanned the stalls, ever alert for anything worthwhile. His efforts in refining and selling weapons were rewarded with another 100 low-tier Spiritual Stones.

Sitting in his residence cross-legged, Ling Tian decided to do a paid simulation.

[Ding, discovered 168 low-tier spiritual stones in the host's possession. Do you want to pay 64 low-tier spiritual stones for one paid simulation?]

Ling Tian replied, "Pay."

[Ding, Simulation starting...]

A new screen appeared, showing a refreshed talent pool.

[Ding, Talent Refresh Successful, congratulations to the host for refreshing two Talents. You can choose one of them.]

[Strong Willpower (Green): You resist mental attacks and temptations more effectively.]

[Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy (Green): You excel in learning and have a better understanding and execution of martial arts techniques.]

After looking through the options, he chose "Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy".

[Ding, the Talents 'Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy (Green)' was selected. Simulation Starting …]

[Year 1: At 16, you are at the Integration Stage of the Innate Realm and an Advanced Refiner. Your clan hails you as a genius; the entire city knows your name. The clan provides you with abundant resources. You purchase many materials and start refining weapons.]

[Year 2: At 17 with your talent "Resilient Body" and resources, you are integrating Spiritual Energy into your Dantian.]

[Year 3: At 18, you begin searching for martial arts techniques and buy them. You find that a long time ago there existed the Martial Arts Path but in the end it can only lead one to the Blood Core Formation Realm, a level comparable to those at the Spiritual Realm, and at the same time, it is difficult and more time-consuming. That's why only a few people will practice this path. Even so, you find a martial arts technique and start practicing it.]

[Year 4: At 19, your talent 'Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy' activates and you learn to ignite your Blood Qi, enhancing your strength and endurance. You break through to the Kindling Stage of the Blood Ignition Realm which results in enhanced physical strength and basic control over Blood Qi.]

[Year 5: At 20, your cultivation increases steadily. You are refining weapons steadily for your clan. Your clan is becoming more and more prosperous.]

[Year 6: At 21, your younger brother reaches the Awakening Stage of the Innate Realm. You and your brother are called the Twin Stars of the Ling Clan.]

[Year 7: At 22, your clan opens a store for selling the weapons that you refine and is accumulating many resources. Your name becomes renowned within the city. With the help of your talent, you remove blockages and enhancing your body's ability to channel Blood Qi. You advance to the Blaze Stage of the Blood Ignition Realm improving the flow of Blood Qi through the meridians.]

[Year 9: At 24, many clan members achieve breakthroughs in their cultivation because of the increased resources provided by your weapon refining. Your father gets promoted to the Integration Stage of the Innate Realm. You are still increasing your cultivation steadily.]

[Year 11: At 26, your Dantian is filled with purified spiritual energy, and you reach the peak of the Innate Realm. You also reach the peak of the Blaze Stage of the Blood Ignition Realm. While walking through the marketplace, a passing Blood Demon Sect disciple at the Purple Mansion Realm gets attracted by your intense Blood Qi. He attacks you out of nowhere with no time to react and you try to retaliate but to no avail. You get sucked into a mummy. You are dead.]

[Simulation Complete.]

[Evaluation: You were able to progress quickly in the Martial Arts path but you advanced to the peak of the Blaze Stage of the Blood Ignition Realm and didn't bother to control your aura causing Blood Qi to be to overflowing from you which attracted the attention of a demonic disciple and led to your demise.]

[Ding, Simulation ended. Generating rewards…. Please select one reward from the following options:]

- [Intermediate Martial Arts Prodigy (Green).]

- [Martial Arts Cultivation at the Peak of the Blaze Stage of the Blood Ignition Realm.]

- [Cultivation at the Peak of the Integration Stage of the Innate Realm.]

Ling Tian pondered the choices before him.