In the morning 

Luo Fang woke up with a heavy head

Luo Fang: ugh...w-what happened?! 

[Host, Due to unstable realm your body was hurt so while Host was asleep... The system helped host stabilize the realm and host is only feeling the side effects of his brain expanding overnight]

Luo Fang: I see... no wonder

[Congratulations Host, you won the chance to scratch a card]

[Congratulations Host, you received a silver scratch card with a 60% chance of triggering!]


[Congratulations Host, You won a mental potion!]

[Item: Mental Potion

Description: By using this potion one can breakthrough the first realm of talent]

After reading the info Luo Fang drank it in one Go

Luo Fang: HOT!HOT!HOT!

A extremely Hot current flowed from his abdomen and spread across his body and all of it went into his mind

Deep inside his consciousness,

A avatar that was half human with spider legs behind it and its arms and legs made up of scales was resting

Suddenly a huge wave of energy began to pour into the ocean the energy began to spin around the avatar at a rapid rate causing the entire mind to boil

This change made the avatar open its eyes it raised its army into the air causing all the energy to accumulate into one huge droplet then it spread it like a huge spiderweb and placed it on the ground rapidly absorbing the energy

the web began to turn into a black mess and slowly the black disappeared replaced with a tint of silver the head of the avatar grew horns the body was slowly being covered by a silver armour the legs on its back expanded and the entire figure lifted itself up with the legs the arms and legs also grew sharp claws

As the process began to end Luo Fang felt a huge amount of strength in his body and could remember everything the vice dean said yesterday aswell as all the conversations

[Congratulations Host in your breakthrough! You received a golden scratch card with a 30% chance of triggering!]


[Congratulations Host, You won a draconic whip!]

[Item: Draconic Whip

Description: A whip made by using a serpents tooth as the handle, vein of a azure dragon as a whip and infused with the spirit of a illusionary Dragon

Effect 1: By using your blood you can awaken its true form which will allow you to fight against enemies 3 realms above you

Effect 2: By Defeating your enemies you will slowly accumulate a murderours Domain that will weaken enemies by half the more you kill the stronger the domain and your strenth inside it]

Looking at the Description Luo Fang was stunned

Luo Fang: Did I get some kind of a heavenly artifact or something?!

Well today is a holiday the school just messaged that the principal will be back by Monday so so we can use these few days to break through


[Hello Host, You have unlocked the missions tab and got a new mission please click to view]

Luo Fang:?? A mission?


[Host, the mission for you is to use your clone to hunt 10beasts of any level

Reward: A token and a random scratch Card]

Luo Fang: What's a Token?

[Host, This mission is necessary to open the shop menu there you can use Tokens and exchange them for items]

Luo Fang: I see...

In the forest,

A golden spider is crawling on top of a tree

Luo Fang: That's ... a group of boars?!

[Beast: Boar

Description: A common animal that evolved from the harmless mountain boars to a normal Boar nothing special]

Luo Fang: Damn what unlucky beast they evolved just to grow tusks in this world where spiders crawl?!

Luo Fang: Well whatever there are 10boars this should be enough for the mission let me check the stats

Luo Fang: UI!

[Soul Clone: Venomous Golden Spider

Skills: Golden Thrust (Intermediate) Golden Rampage (Intermediate) Metal Control (Advanced) Golden Body(Advanced)

Experience 2500/3000


Luo Fang: Oh man I can upgrade them again let's go one step at a time Beginner to intermediate takes 3 E.P while Intermediate to Advanced takes 10E.P then Advanced to master will take 20E.P and 250E.P should be enough

Luo Fang: Upgrade Golden Thrust and Golden Rampage to advanced

Inside a Cave,

A spider 2.5m in size was expanding rapidly the legs were now 1m in length while the body increased to 4m

Luo Fang: Now use the rest to upgrade all 4 to master level!

The Spider started to tremble and expand at a rapid rate the pincers were now 1m in length the legs became similar to blades covered in a silver luster the armour became much more tougher the scales became stronger than reinforced steel plates with spikes 50cm long coming out of it each full of poison tips the pincers became even more pointed with venom sipping between the tips the body increased to 8m and the eyes emitted a ferocious aura cause the body to look extremely dangerous to get close to

The change was so huge that the feedback allowed the avatar in Luo Fang's mind to expand now the head had a spiders skull on it with horns coming out of the holes the legs became thicker and sharper causing the water to repel around it the webs became green due to the poison effect and the overall power of Luo Fang once again increased

Feeling the changes Luo Fang was excited bcs now he was much more stronger than he was a few days ago

The spider which was bigger than a car now got up and began to move at 40km/h upon sending the incoming dangerous aura the boars started to run but they were too slow the spider began to use Golden Thrust to move at 110km/h catching up to them and injecting them with poison

The venom was so strong that the boars died almost instantly and the spider began to eat them looking at the terrifying sight all other creatures looked at the spider in horror not daring to move a muscle

[Your Clone ate a Boar +50exp +10E.P]

[Your Clone ate a Boar +50exp +10E.P]

[Your Clone ate a Boar +50exp +10E.P]




[Congratulations Host, You completed the mission as a reward you will recieve one token]

[Congratulations Host, The Shop is now open!]

[Congratulations host you have gained a golden Scratch Card with 30% chance of triggering!]


[Congratulations Host, You recieved a new skill "Avatar Condensation"]

[Item name: Avatar Condensation(Skill)

Description: The user will be able to use their Avatar in battle causing him a boost mental strength will be consumed over time please break the crystal to understand]

Luo Fang immediately broke the crystal

Inside the Consciousness,

A large amount of energy began to spread across the mind getting absorbed at a rapid rate causing the avatar to grow even stronger and become complete

The size of the avatar was now visible that was 15m in height compared to the wisp of Luo Fang's Consciousness standing before it the the eyes were full of murderous intent the blades covered with blood and poison silver scales spread all over the body while the legs were extremely sharp and strong even a Superhuman at the 3realm would have problem fighting it in reality the weba were much more stickier and just staying on them can corroded a metallic alloy in seconds

[Avatar: Spider Devil

Realm: 1st realm of the mind

Description: It is the avatar of a powerful demon God that had cause a ruckus in heaven but then one day disappeared but that was a gd news bcs the heaven had been almost done for with the deaths of uncountable number of god's and God emperors in their peak strength

Ability 1: When used will cause the ground to be unusable and staying on it will DMG the opponent and decrease their overall combat effectiveness by 50%

Ability 2: It will release a Super Sonic Screech that will cause the opponent to go number and have illusions for 10secs

Ability 3: The appearance of the avatar will boost the users overall strength by 4times and cause fear in all the spectators or allies of the opponent except the host making the ones with weak mental strength collapse or the ones in the same realm as the user to become terrified enough to not move a muscle]

Luo Fang: Why do I feel like I am extremely perverted now? I just joined the school and my power can already crush those 5realms above mentioned just with my power alone and combined with the whip I can counter those in 7th and 8th realms too

Luo Fang: Upgrade Avatar Condensation Mental Control and Mental Spike to Master level!

As soon as the voice fell it was like a active volcano had erupted causing most people to run back to their homes the air began to distort and caused a storm to occur outside the avatar was expanding rapidly with its entire body undergoing a huge transformation

Luo Fang: Ugh!!!!

The power was extremely powerful causing the books to get flung the air in the room completely collapsed


The sound was so strong that people even thought a behemoth was moving from there the sky was red and a extremely terrifying aura made people go numb the officials were also scared out of their wits not daring to inspect the source as they fear that they might cause the behemoth to destroy this entire town

The aura subsided gradually

The avatar was now 30m tall the armour on its body was red the handles were like ferocious blades and the horns had transformed now instead of horns there was spikes full of a majestic aura and the eyes had a aura of death it was like he was in hell and before him was the demon God who rules the plane of hell itself

The power boost was now 7× inside of 4 anyone in the same level will collapse and those under will be directly knocked out of consciousness the poison now has the power to melt almost everything

Luo Fang: This power is too strong does this system want me to rule the heavens or something?!

[Host, The intention of system is close but not that and you don't have enough authority to understand it please try not to do something stupid and you also won this diamond card with a 10% chance of triggering]

Luo Fang was completely speechless


[Congratulations Host, You have unlocked a free evolution fusing with the existing chance of evolution...]

[Congratulations Host, you gained a card of double evolution]

[Item: Card of double evolution

Description: Can be used to upgrade the avatar twice at one go it also has a 10% chance of awakening a new skill]


In a cave,

The spider was sleeping after a big meal and suddenly was covered with golden light

The body began to expand and transform at a insane rate the pincers became sharp and as wide as a pillar the head grew a buldge tht expanded to look like a crown the legs became even sharper causing the rocks under them to be sliced through the poison dripping from the pincers was now purple and just one drop was enough to make a hole 5cm in diameter and 1m deep the body expanded to 20m the shell began to turn black like before but this time it hd red stripes on it the spikes were 2m in length and had wisps of flames coming out of them the body size kept increasing the flames on the spikes kept increasing at a rapid rate and turned into crimson red the purple poison was now darker the red stripes were now fused with yellow stripes next to them the head became even more ferocious while the legs became sharper and sharper enough to reflect light from them whole but it was gradually covered with crimson scales which flowed across the entire body the webtrack at the back also evolved and now it has a channel of fire between them the spider that was originally 8m in size was now 45m in height the aura it gave off was also terrifying

Luo Fang then controlled the spider to move across the forest at 200km/h which was extremely fast and in 2hrs the spider arrived outside the border of humans and infront of the spider abyss which was a place full of danger for Normal humans but a paradise for monsters

The spider got inside and his inside a hole it made into the ground and covered the entrance

In the room

Luo Fang: UI!

[Soul Clone: Crimson Spider King

Skills: Crimson Rush(Master) Crimson Rampage(Master) Flame Control(Beginner) Metal Control(Master) Crimson Armour(Master)



As he was observing the changes a extremely huge amount of feedback occured and he fell down unconscious

Hearing the loud sound his mother came and found him unconscious on the floor and instantly sent him to the hospital after talking with the teacher of his class

Doctor: The patient is alright it seems extreme fatigue it seems he has overdone himself in training the talent causing him to collapse he will be ok in a month

Luo Senglin: Thank god it's nothing serious

End of the chapter