21: Playtime's Over [2]


His entrance created a cacophony within the arena, sending the guards into a fast-paced run toward Lu Feng, as well as the onlookers running for their lives.

"Now that I think about it, it's not the ring that matters, as long as you're fighting under the glass... It fills up, so," a smile forms on Lu Feng's lips. "Make sure that glass is above me."

Overall, Princess Hua wasn't frightened of the black-hooded man standing in front of her. After 10 seconds of a stare-down battle... Boom.

Lu Feng and Hua simultaneously dashed at each other. Lu Feng quickly formed his long blade made from dark shadow matter, and within seconds... Taboom...

The arena echoed with the sound of destruction, rocks suspended in mid-air for a brief moment as the rumbling continued.

"Hehehe... Seems you're fast," said Lu Feng, unable to wipe the excitement from his face.

Instinctively, Lu Feng blocked Hua's right slash attack, then her left slash, before countering. That was Princess Hua's current attack pattern, continuously aiming at his joints in hopes of triggering a weak point.

But it didn't matter how fast she was. In the end... Kweuk, Lu Feng connected his knee to her abdomen, greatly shaking the glass.

"Helloooo, princess!" Kaboom, Lu Feng skyrocketed toward the mid-air-suspended Hua, whose thoughts were directed toward a head-to-head attack.

But Lu Feng... 'When did he?' Lu Feng reappeared above her with a chaos blade swing to end her miserable princess life... But—

"That's the kingdom's princess, you scumbag!" yelled her previous opponent, shooting a flame ball at Lu Feng, who deflected it fast enough and landed on his feet.

"Now who interfered?" asked Lu Feng, his demeanor far from friendly.

"I'll take you in and save the princess... The reward I should get should amount to the power glass," said the previous opponent.

All the while, Hua took the moment to catch her breath.

"I'll show you the true might of power level 4,000," the opponent yelled, veins bulging on his head. His blade glowed with a hot red flame that even made Hua's eyes widen in disbelief.

'Ad... Adolla Burst,' thought Hua with an unsteady mind. "You'll kill him! The kingdom needs him alive!" she yelled.

"Who cares... Once I roast him dead, I'll take the bounty."

"Rude, discussing me and leaving me out of the conversation... I'll let you do what you want, but if your Adolla Burst does nothing..." Lu Feng gave a sly smile, which only made the opponent charge up even more.

"You fool!" yelled the man.

The man's shirt had burned off, his hands glowing red like a volcano, and his mouth was already forming the basis of the Adolla Burst flames.

Meanwhile, Rong, the cult member, effortlessly sliced through the guards trying to interfere, her concern now focused on Lu Feng's safety.

Ta... Taboom.

Filling the dark clouds with hell's gate was the unleashed Adolla Burst, coming from the man's mouth and aimed directly at Lu Feng.

The burst destroyed the arena and shattered the ground, creating a devil's path leading to Lu Feng. However, to his surprise... Rong came out of nowhere and jumped into the attack.

He was shocked but not too late to get her out of harm's way. Lu Feng's harem had tears in her eyes when he pushed her aside.



At last, the Adolla Burst exploded on Lu Feng's body. Everything was in smoke...

"You... You killed him," said Hua.

"Hmph," the opponent scoffed. "Well, I had to... I'll pick up the roasted body," he continued, getting a nod from Hua, who had recovered and gripped her sword tightly.

"I'll get the girl," said Hua.

Rong, on the other hand, couldn't believe it. She knelt there, staring at the smoke... No, staring at a little flame light.

"Hands on her equals hands on Lu Feng."

Emerging from the smoke unscathed was Lu Feng, holding a ball of flames in his hand. His words stopped Hua in her tracks.

"Adolla Burst, eh?" The now frightened opponent stumbled backward until Lu Feng restricted his movements.

"That's not a burst at all... After all that yelling... You could only offer this? A typical flame?" asked Lu Feng, his face devoid of emotion.

On the other hand, the opponent's face was unexplainable. Lu Feng placed the flame ball on the man's face, and without mercy... Booosh. The flame exploded on his head.

Completely burning his head off his body without a second of screaming. Hua's eyes were having trouble believing what she saw.


Changing the tides once more, Hua's elder sister, along with four kingdom generals, landed in the arena.

"You're surrounded," Lian Hua pointed out the obvious.

"Lady Rong... Keep the glass above this fight." Rong gave a nod and leaped off the chaotic arena.

"If you can survive until the glass fills up... I'll spare you, but if you die in the middle of it..."

"Enough gibberish! You're surrounded. Either give in, or we'll take you down the hard way. No more playing around... There's nowhere to run."

"Run?" asked Lu Feng. That word echoed louder in his head. "Run?" Then he began laughing menacingly. The generals and princess stared at him with bewildered eyes. To them, Lu Feng was like... a monster.

"Whew... I'm done laughing... Shall we play now? Oh, I forgot what this episode is called." By now, Lu Feng's eyes had locked onto all of them at once as he spoke in a demonic voice.

"Playtime's over."



Check out Dual Beast Taming! Master Lu Feng!

Check out Dual Beast Taming! Master Lu Feng!