Robin was sitting at the window of the room given to him and staring at the ocean outside. He had never seen an ocean before. He thought it would be scary, the vastness, so much water but as he looked outside he realized how beautiful it was. Victor's house was beautiful. Serene. There was a swimming pool in the backyard and across the pool was the beach. There were a few people at the beach as well. Kids playing, people walking. He wanted to go out and explore. There was so much to discover. He was intrigued. Robin realized there was so much he had never experienced. His father never played with him like the fathers on the beach with their kids. He didn't have a carefree relationship with his family. All his relationships were strained by the restrictions of the palace. Robin was scared to lose this newfound freedom. The prospect of going back to the palace didn't appeal to him anymore. But how could he stay here? Victor's family hated him. He saw how his identity upset them. He didn't want to be an unwanted guest. 

Robin was startled by the knock on the door. He opened the door to find the little girl, Nina, standing outside.

"Hey," he greeted, squatting down. She was beautiful which wasn't a surprise considering her omega father had beautiful facial features and the father's twin brother was equally handsome. The reminder of Victor's brother made him wince. 

"This is for you," Nina said, handing him some clothes. 

"Thank you," Robin said, giving her a smile.

"Victor uncle asked you to come down for dinner," she said shyly.

"Tell him I will be there."

"Okay," she said before bolting down the stairs. Robin felt a weird ache in his heart at the sight of the little girl. He had never considered having children, never having interacted with one ever. Looking at her he thought it wouldn't be so bad. 

Robin unfolded the clothes. He was pleasantly surprised by them. They weren't the kind of things he usually wore, but then there weren't a lot of options at the palace. Omegas were restricted to wearing robes. These were loose-fitted cotton pants and a white satin shirt. He put it on and smiled at how different he looked. He almost looked…like a commoner, which wasn't a bad thing. He liked this version of himself. Laid-back. Like the protagonists of some of the fiction novels he had read. 

Victor was playing with Nina when Robin came down the stairs. Victor did a double take before staring at him in wonder as Robin walked to the dining table and took a seat.

"That's Kyle's place," Arthur snapped.

"Oh," Robin immediately started to stand up but Kyle pulled him down.

"It's okay. Sit wherever you want. This is your house as well," he said with a tight smile before sitting beside him.

"My house," Robin whispered to himself, just to get the feel of it.

Victor sat opposite him and Arthur beside Victor. Robin could feel Arthur glaring holes at him. 

"Rody and Caroline won't come?" Robin asked, seeing two chairs still empty.

"They are back to fuc..." Kyle looked at Nina and cleared his throat. "Back to spending time together."

"Won't they be hungry?" Nina asked.

Arthur opened his mouth to say something but Kyle cut him off. "I will take their dinner to their room later."

"But why aren't they eating with us?" Nina asked, sounding curious.

"You know I told you yesterday that there are times when mates need to spend time together. Or they become ill. It's that time for Uncle Rody and aunt Caroline," Kyle said.

"What are we having for dinner?" Victor asked, distracting Nina.

"Shrimps, Tuna, potato salad, bread," Kyle announced.

"You made all this?" Robin asked. His stomach growled in approval.

"Yes, I did. Rody and Caroline are the ones who usually prepare food. But since they are busy I decided to try my hands at cooking. Hope you like it."

"It smells amazing," Robin beamed. He didn't wait for them to start the show, he went to it.

Robin gobbled the shrimp tampuras. Palace chefs made traditional food. Some of which tasted downright disgusting, this however was nothing like palace food. 

"These are amazing. You are better than the royal cooks," He mumbled with a mouthful. He realized what he had done. He had to remember to not bring up his Marcella upbringing in the conversation. It was a reminder of who he was and what his family had done to them.

"It's nothing," Kyle said, not showing any signs of animosity. "Rody is a far better cook."

"Really? I didn't know Alphas could cook," Robin said, continuing to enjoy his food.

"Rody ran a restaurant back at home. Caroline was one of his employees," Kyle chuckled. "They both are great cooks. Don't tell Caroline but Rody is slightly better."

Robin didn't want to ask what happened to their restaurant. He had a feeling it would stir some bad memories.

"The restaurant is still there. It's run by his employees," Kyle said, as if sensing his train of thought.

Once they were done Robin helped Kyle load the dishes in the dishwasher. 

"I am sorry for what happened to your husband," Robin said, knowing he had to get it out of the way. He didn't want to live with them and not address the big elephant in the room.

"You don't have to be sorry. It was not your fault. You are a nice guy," Kyle said with a compassionate smile.

"Thank you," Robin said, "That means a lot to me." Kyle squeezed his hand in reassurance. Robin felt like a load had been put off his chest.

"Mom, can I go to the beach with Papa?" Nina asked, walking into the kitchen.

Robin frowned at her use of words. Kyle must have sensed her confusion. "We didn't tell her that her father was gone for the first few months. She thought Arthur was her father and she started to call him Papa. By the time we managed to make her understand she had become used to calling him Papa."

That made sense.

"No, Nina, it's bedtime," Kyle said, leaning down.

"But I wanna go!" Nina screamed, stomping her feet on the ground. 

"Go to your room," Kyle said sternly.

Nina started crying, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Arthur came in and picked her up.

"You are way too harsh on her," Arthur said, hugging the little girl.

"I have to be when all her uncles are spoiling her," Kyle said, walking out of the kitchen. Arthur followed him, saying something about being a good uncle.

"Can I go with you?" Robin asked, gathering courage.

Arthur turned around in slow motion. His eyes narrowed at him. "What?"

"To the beach," Robin said, fidgeting with the kitchen rag. "Can I come with you?"

"You want to go to the beach with me, alone?" Arthur said, raising an eyebrow.

Robin realized how it sounded. Arthur could drown him in the ocean for all he knew.

"Forget it!" Robin said, walking past him.

"Robin," Victor called. "Come on, I will take you."

Robin smiled in excitement.

Robin and Victor were at the beach a few minutes later. He breathed in the fresh ocean air, looking at the vast nothingness. It must have been a high tide seeing the shore was much closer to Victor's house than it was a few hours ago. There was no one at the beach anymore. Big waves were crashing against the sand, the sound calming and disturbing at the same time. 

"You want to go for a swim?" Victor asked, breaking the serenity.

"Is it safe?" Robin said.

"I told you, I will always keep you safe."

Robin sighed. "Do I have to get naked?"

Victor smirked. "What are you wearing inside?" 

Robin didn't miss the spark behind Victor's eyes as he asked the question.

"Just my shorts."

"They will do. Take your clothes off," Victor said with a pointed stare that made Robin shiver. Robin had a feeling Victor wanted to taste the words on his lips. Wanted to know the feel of them as he said it to Robin. Robin didn't blame him, he liked the sound of it as well. 

"You go first," Robin said. Victor didn't hesitate. He kept his eyes on Robin as he removed each clothing item before standing buck naked in front of him. Don't look down…Robin chanted to himself. He had seen his jewels, there was nothing new to discover. 

"Your turn," Victor said. 

There weren't a lot of things in life Robin did spontaneously but here, in this new place, he felt like he could be anyone he wanted. There was no one to judge him. No one to say no. Robin removed his clothes and placed it in the same pile as Victor's.

"Hold my hand," Victor said, offering him his hand as they both ran towards the ocean.

"This is amazing," Robin screamed. The waves took them deeper into the ocean. The fear of drowning mixed with the excitement of experiencing something new was exhilarating. He screamed in happiness, splashing water at Victor. Victor picked him up and let go when the big waves came. They swam for an hour or hours Robin couldn't tell, before coming back to the shore. They put their pants on while shivering from the cold wild. They ran to the shingled side of the beach and lay atop a huge rock, letting the wind dry their body.

"I am a burden on your family?" Robin asked after they both caught their breaths.

"Why would you say that? Is it about Arthur?" Victor asked, plopping up on his arm and looking down at him.

"No. I just…my father has taken so much from you guys. I feel guilty for mooching off."

"Mooching off? Did you forget you are my mate? My queen. You own half of what I own."

Robin looked at him in astonishment. "We are not married, Victor."

"It doesn't matter. Mates don't need to get married to belong to each other."

Robin didn't know how to feel about that. "I want them to like me. Not because I am your mate but for who I am."

"They will," Victor whispered, caressing a line across Robin's face. "But they need to know you first and that would take time. Moreover, it's hard not to like you."

Robin looked at Victor's face lit by the moonlight. His muscled chest moving deliciously with each breath. Robin had an insane urge to raise his arm and touch his coarse skin peppered with hair. 

Robin looked up to find Victor's eyes intent on him. 

Robin opened his mouth to say something but Victor sushed him. Victor's palm caressed Robin's cheek before holding his chin gently. "I am going to kiss you," Victor warned. "Say no if you don't want me to." 

Robin was too excited to form words. All he could do was stare at Victor's wet pink lips.

Victor leaned above him, his hands on Robin's sides. He was cautious as if Robin would bolt any moment as he lowered himself, tilted his head and took Robin's lower lip before in a gentle yet demanding kiss. When Robin raised his chin to deepen the kiss Victor connected their whole mouth. Robin sucked in a breath at the surprisingly cold contact, he held on to Victor's shoulders for support. Their last kiss was quick and unexpected. Robin's whole body lit up from the short kiss but this…this was like fire. Fire slowly spread all across his body, burning his skin, making him squirm with intense pleasure and needing something more to make the ache go away. Robin was taken by surprise when he felt Victor's tongue caress his. It touched tentatively, exploring, before taking his pleasure, tangling with Robin's tongue, dominating it. Victor groaned as he deepened the kiss. Taking his sweet time exploring every crevice, every corner of Robin's mouth. Robin didn't know a kiss could be so sensual. Almost like having sex with their mouths. Vulgur yet beautiful at the same time. Their body didn't touch but their lips were merging in an explicit dance of sexual fervour.

Robin arched, feeling his nipples harden and occasionally brush against Victor's coarse chest. He felt his penis twitch. He wanted more. He needed Victor to touch him like he had touched him during his heat. Robin moaned, bumping his crotch against Victor's. The obvious hardness of Victor's bumped against his and it made Robin almost lose his mind. 

"Don't?" Victor grumbled, removing his lips from Robin's. It took some time for Robin to register Victor's words. He was too excited to understand what he was saying.

"What did I do?" Robin asked, his hips still seeking contact with Victor but Victor had moved away.

"We are out here in the open and you do things like this. Do you want to get fucked on this boulder? Is that how you want your first time to be? So when you go back home your back is covered in bruises and your ass leaking blood. Do you want my family to see how mad you make me with lust that I don't care if I hurt you?"

"I didn't...I didn't.." Robin hesitated. " I wasn't trying to tease you."

"You don't need to tease me. Your presence is enough to make me mad with need. You are lucky you chose me for your initiation. If you chose someone else, I would have killed the motherfucker, castrated him before taking you like the fucking animal you make me. Do you have any idea what you do to me, Robin?"

Robin shook his head, feeling scared and honored at the same time.

"Well, you make me feel like I am in rut fever when I am around you."

Robin looked away, feeling his face heat with embarrassment.

"I am sorry," Robin said, not knowing how to respond.

Victor stayed quiet for a second while Robin squirmed on the rock. Few seconds later Victor sighed. He stood up and offered his hand to Robin. "Come on, let's go back." Robin took his hand tentatively. Victor helped him get up and they walked back to the house in complete silence.

"I should go to my room," Robin said once they reached the house. He couldn't meet Victor's eyes. He didn't have the courage to look at him.

Victor stepped forward, took Robin's chin and made him look up. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow I will make arrangements to meet Dhasur's president."

Robin's eyes widened. "Won't my father find out?"

"No. We will meet in secret."

"Okay," Robin said, nodding in his grip.

"Now go before I change my mind," Victor said, gently pushing him inside his room. Robin wanted to ask what he would do if he changed his mind. What if he wanted Victor in his room with him? Would he come or would he deny? He hated how being tied down to an Alpha, not just any Alpha but Victor, was sounding very lucrative. 

Having sex didn't have to be a big deal. Robin was yet to lose his virginity. Maybe he could ask Victor to have sex with him before he went back home.