Plan for the future

I've gotten a few critiques suggesting the mc be given more time. I know it may seem too much, but I do want to create chapters(plural) featuring Pov's of different characters, not just the MC. I feel like a lot of people get burned out or run out of ideas because they focus on a main character without flushing out side characters. I've been a long-time reader in general and it seems for some strange reason (Infuriating so), the best stories often times stretch out scenes and plots and leave little crumbs for the future. I'm not saying I'm capable of achieving this, but I want to at least try.

Trust me, I know how cool it is when the MC gets some super overpower ability(not that I'm against it), or in this case the best dragon, or some hidden magic, or whatever, but after the moment has passed, it kind of sucks. This is the problem that I see many Chinese novel run into and don't want the same to happen here.

That being said the story is still very much malleable and not everything is set in stone, so if you have any ideas that you want to appear, now's the time to leave a comment and let me know.