[54] : That's Absurd!

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A red beam cut through the horde of zombies as Thor soared towards Thanos in the sky. 

In this dire situation, everyone knew the key to turning the tide lay with the Infinity Stones that Thanos wielded. 

If they could just get their hands on those stones, they wouldn't have to worry, even if someone turned into a zombie.

The Infinity Stones could reverse the effects of the zombie plague and restore the world to its original state. 

So no matter what, Thor was determined to seize the Infinity Gauntlet and the stones. Moreover, he had a personal vendetta against Thanos, he was set on killing him with his own hands, even if Thanos had become a zombie.

Lightning crackled around Thor, making him look like a god descending from the heaven as he charged at Thanos. 

Any zombies that got too close were instantly reduced to ash under the thunderous bolts.

Meanwhile, Roger leaped into the air, his eyes emitting crimson beams that sliced through the zombie horde like a scythe harvesting souls. 

Blood splattered across the ground, the stench of rotting flesh mingling with the smell of charred meat, creating an overwhelmingly foul odor.

But the Avengers barely noticed the smell, too stunned by Roger's display of power. 

Rocket Raccoon, wide-eyed, turned to the others and asked, "Are we sure this guy's even human?"

"Honestly... we're not too sure either," Scott Lang quipped. "He says he's from a parallel universe, but he didn't exactly say which planet."

Hope van Dyne, holding Scott's disembodied head, pulled a shrunken car from her pocket and tossed it to the ground, where it expanded back to full size. 

"Let's not worry about whether he's human right now," she said. "Scott, T'Challa, Kurt, get in the car and stay out of sight. The rest of you, help me deal with the zombies they missed."

Whether Roger was an alien or a human could be debated later; right now, the priority was surviving the current crisis. 

Roger and Thor had indeed cleared out most of the zombies, but many still remained, especially the Wakandans who had turned. 

These zombie warriors retained some instinct for using their weapons and armor, with some even using shields to block lightning and laser attacks.

The remaining zombies, drawn by the scent of living flesh, swarmed towards the Avengers like a relentless tide. The team had to quickly prepare for battle, trying to buy time until reinforcements arrived.

Of course, it was entirely possible those reinforcements would never come.

Scott had no objections to taking refuge in the car, he was completely powerless in this fight and knew he'd only be a burden if he stayed. 

T'Challa, despite his desire to fight, was also a liability with his missing leg. Though he could still offer some resistance, he was hardly in fighting shape.

After securing Scott, T'Challa, and the non-combatant Kurt in the car, Hope instructed her ants to hide the vehicle in a safe place. Then, she joined the others in facing the oncoming wave of zombies.

Gunfire and the sounds of battle filled the air. Roger glanced back to see the Avengers engaged with the undead, but he chose not to assist them. 

Instead, he accelerated towards Thanos, unleashing twin beams of heat vision aimed at Thanos's arm.

Roger's plan was simple: catch Thanos off guard and see if he could slice off the gauntleted arm with his heat vision. 

But to his dismay, even as a zombie, Thanos retained his combat instincts. Sensing the threat, Thanos clenched his left fist, and the Reality Stone glowed red. 

Roger's heat vision, which had been a deadly force moments ago, was suddenly reduced to a gentle breeze, harmlessly passing over zombie Thanos's body.

"!!" Roger's eyes widened as he saw the Reality Stone in action. Before he could react, the Power Stone lit up next, and zombie Thanos swung his fist at Roger, unleashing a wave of purple energy.

Roger raised his hands to block the blow, but the force was too much. It felt like slamming into a wall of solid steel. He was sent flying backward, his body out of control.


Roger crashed to the ground with a heavy thud, rolling through the zombie horde, smashing countless corpses along the way before finally coming to a stop. The impact left a long, bloody trail across the battlefield.

"Damn… this is absurd!" Roger spat out a mouthful of blood, glaring at zombie Thanos with seething anger.

The fact that Thanos could still use the Infinity Stones even as a zombie was beyond absurd, it was ridiculous! How could the stones be wielded so effortlessly?!

"Thanos!!!" Thor's shout rang out as he found an opening. With a roar, he summoned more lightning to coat his body like armor. 

His ax gleamed with dazzling blue electricity as he hurled it directly at Thanos's head.

If the blow landed, Thanos would likely be dead or at least incapacitated.

Roger watched with bated breath, expecting to witness a reenactment of the iconic scene from Avengers: Infinity War. But the next moment left both Roger and Thor stunned.

The Space Stone on Thanos's gauntlet flashed blue, creating a portal in front of him. 

Thor's ax flew straight into the swirling blue vortex and disappeared along with the portal.

Thor: "..."

Roger: "..."

Roger's mouth hung open in shock as he finally found his voice. "That's absolutely insane!!!!" he shouted in disbelief.

At this moment, Roger couldn't help but feel that this zombie Thanos was even more powerful than the original Thanos from his world. 

The original Thanos had never thought to use the Space Stone to redirect enemy attacks like this. If he had, Thor's ax would never have gotten close enough to wound him!

But there was no time to dwell on these thoughts. Thor stood dumbfounded, his weapon gone, but zombie Thanos was not idle. 

The undead titan charged at Thor, jaws wide open, aiming for his throat.

Thor snapped back to reality just in time. Electricity crackled around him as he grabbed Thanos's head, keeping those deadly teeth at bay.

Roger quickly took to the air again. Seeing Thor locked in a struggle, he flew behind zombie Thanos, wrapping his arms around the undead titan and focusing his heat vision on Thanos's left shoulder.

Thanos's body was incredibly tough. 

Roger's heat vision couldn't penetrate his skin, but he didn't give up. He poured all his strength into holding Thanos in place while continuing to blast him with the heat rays.

Roger's plan was to gradually wear Thanos down. His heat vision might not have immediate effects, but given enough time, he was confident he could sever Thanos's arm!

"Hold on!! Don't let him close clench fist!!!" Roger shouted to Thor as he unleashed his heat vision.

Thor understood the urgency, Thanos needed to clench his fist to activate the Infinity Stones. With one hand, Thor held Thanos's mouth at bay, while the other hand pressed against the gauntlet, preventing Thanos from closing his fingers.

The three of them remained locked in a tense standoff. But as time passed, Thor noticed something unsettling: the surrounding zombies were closing in on them!


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