[75] : I Am Actually Not Homelander

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Under the crushing power of Marvel's advanced technology, the brain tumor that had been troubling Tek was easily removed in less than an hour. There was no need for a craniotomy; he simply lay there, anesthetized, while a strange laser circled his head a few times, and the tumor inside mysteriously disappeared. It felt as if he hadn't undergone surgery at all, just taken a nap.

Natasha and the others weren't surprised by this result. Marvel Earth's technology was already quite advanced, not to mention this came from the Kree Empire, thanks to Captain Marvel. If they could save someone like Scott, who was reduced to just a head, what was a little brain tumor?

While those from the Marvel universe found this to be routine, Tek was utterly astonished by the outcome. After running several tests and confirming the tumor in his brain was truly gone, he finally started to believe what this group had been saying all along, and he became even more curious about Roger's true identity.

By now, even a fool like Tek could tell that Roger definitely wasn't Homelander. In fact, he might not even be from this world! Forget the nonsense about split personalities, Roger was simply someone from a parallel universe, someone with the same appearance and abilities as Homelander!

Tek believed this without a doubt.

With the tumor in Tek brain gone, Roger and his group could finally start their plan. Tek began by releasing all the dirt he had collected on Vought International, flooding the internet with it and sparking outrage from the public in record time. Next, Tek exposed all the atrocities committed by the Seven, both the current and former members. No one was spared, not even Homelander.

This move caught Vought completely off guard. Within a day, Tek rapid-fire revelations left the company reeling. If Tek was merely targeting Vought, why expose dirt on former heroes like Homelander as well? And if it was some personal vendetta, why had Homelander been seen strolling into the Super Union's headquarters with new heroes earlier that very day?

The situation was so confusing that Vought's executives were left scratching their heads. What was Homelander even up to? Why engage in such a mutually destructive move? What was the point?

But regardless of Homelander's intentions, the public, now aware of the truth, was in an uproar. The revelation that Vought had been manufacturing both superhumans and supervillains, and that Stormfront had once been a Nazi, sent shockwaves across the country. The fact that she was an old woman who had lived since World War II only added to the outrage.

"We need the truth!"

"The Seven must go! Stormfront must go! This world doesn't need superhumans!"

"And Homelander? Oh my God, he's done so many horrible things..."

"I don't believe it! This can't be true! Homelander saved me once, he can't be like that!"

"How do you know Vought didn't stage that? Everything was orchestrated! It's all fake, everything's fake!"

That night, America was anything but peaceful. Countless citizens took to the streets, protesting Vought's crimes and demanding answers. Roger was almost amazed at how quickly everything escalated. The dirt had been made public only that morning, and by evening, people were already waving banners in protest. And no, these weren't paid actors.

"They're crazy! All of them! Everyone's gone mad!" one of Vought's board members screamed, losing control.

The company's president, Edgar, whose face was already dark, grew even grimmer as he watched the chaos unfold on television. His hands trembled as he removed his glasses. In truth, Homelander's return hadn't initially bothered Edgar much. Even when Homelander disappeared, Edgar wasn't too concerned, he had believed that, as long as Homelander wasn't a fool, he wouldn't risk mutual destruction with Vought.

If Homelander had tried to expose Vought, they would've simply retaliated by releasing everything about Homelander's own atrocities, ensuring his complete downfall.

But Edgar never imagined that Homelander's first move upon returning would be to reveal Vought's secrets, and then expose his own at the same time! He was committing professional suicide, single-handedly tearing down the god-like image he'd spent years cultivating.

Edgar couldn't understand it. For the first time, he felt like the situation was spiraling beyond his control. In that moment, he truly believed Homelander had lost his mind.

If he wasn't insane, why else would he flip the entire table like this?

"What now, Edgar?"

"Should we have PR deny everything?"

"That won't work. Tek has proof..."

"Maybe we should have our other superhumans take action. We've got plenty of them, after all..."

The boardroom was in disarray. Adding to Edgar's headache, the government had called, demanding an explanation for the situation. If none was provided, they threatened to arrest the board of directors.

Just as Edgar was trying to calm everyone down, someone shouted, "It's Homelander! What's he doing?"

"Is he there to confront the protesters?"

"He's insane! How did we not see this sooner?!"

Chaos erupted in the boardroom. Edgar turned toward the television. Homelander, descending like a god, landed in front of the crowd of protesters and the reporters, drawing all the cameras to him.

Seeing Homelander arrive, every TV station switched to the live feed, anticipating an explanation for the accusations that had been plastered across the internet.

Homelander's remaining fans looked at him with hope, while those who had turned on him threw garbage in his direction, shouting:



"You don't deserve to be a hero!"

The garbage thrown at him bounced harmlessly off, as if hitting an invisible barrier. Homelander's gaze was solemn, and despite the crowd's hostility, he softly said:


The Vought executives watching almost laughed. At this point, with things spiraling out of control, did Homelander think a mere apology could fix this? How was one "sorry" supposed to undo all the damage?

They thought Homelander had lost the game, until he said the next words:

"But I'm not Homelander."

The viewers: "???"

Vought's executives: "???"

Homelander faced the cameras and continued, "I'm actually from a parallel universe. I just look and have the same abilities as Homelander."

He raised a hand before anyone could speak. "I know you won't believe me, just like you didn't believe that Thor is really the god of thunder from Norse mythology. But... I've brought proof."

As he said this, he pointed to the sky.

The reporters' cameras followed his gesture, focusing on the sky above.

And what they saw made everyone lose their minds.


"My God..."

"Is that... a spaceship?!"

Hovering above them all, a massive, donut-shaped machine floated in the sky as if it had appeared out of nowhere. It exuded an otherworldly, futuristic beauty that left everyone in awe.

It was the spaceship used by Thanos to invade Earth, one of the pieces of alien technology Roger had asked the Avengers to bring with them.


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