The final piece


After we'd gotten some much-needed rest, I turned to Mom and asked her to tell me the next step. 

"What are we supposed to do next?" My hand rested on my belly, the energy from my baby calming my nerves in a deeply soothing way.

"Like I said before. We need to find a strand of celestial thread. So we need to locate the merchant who sells them at the black market, get him to sell us some, and then we can perform the ritual." Mom said while handing me a glass of water.

I furrowed my brows as I recalled that one time when I tried to locate Garret and asked some merchants for assistance, only to have it backfired in my face as Damien laughed at me. 

I don't want to have to go through that again, so I told Mom what happened. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Mom stifled her laughter, clearly amused by my story.