The City Of Heroes Universe

Hello and welcome to the City of Heroes universe. A world where magical creatures fight other magical creatures. Hot Angels and beautiful witches keep you safe from the demons and monsters that lurk in the shadows.

The City Of Heroes Universe is a collection of book series set in different cities and different time periods.

Who says you can't be a human and also be a hero? You're a hero too!

Welcome to the City of Heroes universe.

That's all. Just don't get yourself killed by a demon on this journey.

Xo, Emi


This book contains strong topics such as suicidal thoughts, self harm and jokes of harming oneself. Please read with caution!!!

"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on stone." God has commanded angels to guard you. Psalm 91:11-12