CH 4 Getting The F*ck Out (My Version)

Norman vividly recalled the moment he completed the task of naming the submarine.

The system provided various pieces of information, highlighting the significance of the submarine's sonar detection system.

This technology had the capability to scan for potential high-value points in the vicinity, which were crucial for gathering valuable materials.

These points could potentially contain not only common minerals and plant resources but also remnants of lost ocean vessels, with the potential for hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed.

Similarly, it could also be a slumbering abyss siren or an abyss creature!

Everything was unknown!

Initially, Norman had expressed his frustration, likening it to opening a box while blindfolded. But now, with the golden text revealing the nature of what he saw, Norman's heart raced uncontrollably!

If this mass teleportation provided him with a cheat or bug that could reveal information about these high-value points, there was no doubt.

In this deep-sea survival game, his advantage could propel him far ahead of everyone else!

Just imagine: while others were still in the unknown and endless depths of the ocean, cautiously exploring for fear of a lurking aquatic monster, Norman's mind was opened to what he could do. Now he could explore safely without worrying about dangers!

Not only would his speed in collecting resources be faster, but he could also be countless times ahead of others in hoarding resources.

At the same time, the probability of encountering danger would be greatly reduced!

Compared to what others would endure while exploring, the difference was obvious.

At that moment, Norman took a deep breath and tried to suppress his trembling body's excitement.

To verify his guess, he hurriedly returned to the cockpit of the submarine and located the sonar detection system on the right side of the center console.

This was a set of precision instruments independent of the central console, occupying only a small area in the cockpit.

He gently clicked to open it, and the information appeared.

[Sonar Detection System (Primary), Current Maximum Detection Range: 500 meters]

(Info Drop: In the boundless, dark, deep abyss, the sonar system is the eyes and ears of the submarine. It is the basic tool for you to gain a broad understanding of the outside world. It is advisable to upgrade the sonar system as soon as possible, as it will help you collect materials faster and avoid potential dangers in the dark.)

"The detection range is 500 meters. It's a start, but it's not enough, especially if something further away from my sub can see me and I can't see it."

"But at this stage, it should be enough."

Norman complained, knowing that if the sonar range were larger, it might have kept him safe from dangers surrounding him on his journey toward the abyss.

Then, he decisively turned on the sonar system.

The next moment, the picture on the sonar display changed instantly.

A huge, three-dimensional map appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Tartarus was located in the middle position.

A series of obvious sound waves centered on his sub and continuously moved outward in a perfect circle.

Then, through the feedback information, a virtual topographic map of the nearby sea area was presented on the screen.

It could be roughly judged that Tartarus was currently in an area near the seabed.

At a depth of about a hundred meters below his sub, there was a flat and vast seabed, but it was covered with various huge fissures.

Front, back, left, and right were nothing more than open space; it showed him that there was no limit to what he could explore, but it also meant the sonar radar could not receive any feedback signals on the terrain because of these obstacles.

With the continuous sound waves, six faint green spots gradually appeared on the map.

"This should be the so-called high-value points, right?" Norman thought to himself.

"It seems my luck is not bad. There are six high-value points in the starting area of my sub. I just don't know what these high-value points are hiding... yet."

As soon as he said that, Norman immediately concentrated his full attention and focused his eyes on one of the green dots.

The next moment, a magical scene happened.

Just below the green high-value point, golden text appeared out of thin air and gradually condensed into an info drop.

(Info Drop: 360 meters away from you is a lump of iron ore. Although the lump of iron ore is not large, it is a significant wealth for you in the starting phase of your journey!)

"It works!!!"

The moment he saw this information drop from the golden text, Norman held his breath, and his heart couldn't stop beating wildly!

Indeed, as he expected, the golden text could not only identify objects and equipment around him but even detect the high-value point information. It had given him what the high-value point might... no, it would have!

Suppressing his excitement, Norman shifted his eyes and looked at the other high-value points.

(Info Drop: 420 meters away, there is a piece of fluorescent grass. If you look carefully, you might also find the deep-sea crab's old nest. (Bring a spear gun and diving knife, and your first dinner in the abyss awaits you.)

(Info Drop: At a distance of 498 meters, there is a copper mine; you shouldn't worry about its quantity; it will add up, and one day you might be able to build your own monument!)

(Info Drop: At a distance of 430 meters, there is a juvenile deep-abyss worm waiting for food. Go up and feed it with confidence; its nearly five-meter stomach will be your forever home!)

As Norman's eyes moved, different information drops appeared below each green high-value point.

The golden text seemed to have an independent way of thinking and a very sarcastic style of explaining information.

It was as if someone was watching over him and constantly adding various sarcastic remarks while Norman was viewing something.

That feeling was very weird and creepy, combined with the dim environment in the submarine. There was also a hint of horror; if it was malicious, he'd be dead; if it was friendly, he'd be a happy boy!

However, at this time, Norman didn't have the heart to think about it; he considered it normal.

There was no need to doubt the golden text; it was just a cheat.

And this cheat, which seemed a little weird just now, was now his lifeline!

Sighing deeply, "… it is what it is."

Norman let out a long sigh and stared at the boundless darkness outside the porthole. A smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

With this cheat, as long as he didn't get himself killed, the abyss of the ocean and the journey itself would be his only threats.

However, Norman, who had always been cautious, quickly restrained his joy at gaining this cheat and readjusted his mentality.

He knew very well that, in this vast and boundless abyss, some hidden potential threats might not be visible to his cheat.

Therefore, under no circumstances should he take this situation lightly.

Sitting on the leather seat in the cockpit, Norman narrowed his eyes and compiled a series of pieces of information collected so far in his mind.

Then he began to prepare plans or ideas about his situation into a structured plan.

Now that he had almost understood the content of this survival game and the structure of his submarine, it was time to set sail.

But at that moment, a tremor suddenly came from the surroundings of the submarine as the central control screen burst into a dazzling red light at the same time.

Suddenly, the entire cockpit was shrouded in scarlet light, and the atmosphere seemed extremely tense and scary.

"What the hell? What's going on?"

Norman's heart skipped a beat; he didn't know why this was happening, so he hurriedly opened the communication channel to check what had happened.

The moment he opened the communication channel, he immediately saw that the upper left corner of the list, which represented the number of active Pioneers in the area, had dropped from 100,000/100,000 to 99,456/100,000!

It hardly took much thought to realize that the decrease in the number represented Pioneer deaths!

"What the hell happened? Hundreds of people were killed in such a short time."

Norman was shocked and felt a huge shiver of fear run down his back, but at the same time, he took control!

He quickly checked the chat in the channel, hoping to get something useful from it.

But it seemed like it didn't matter. As he looked at the regional chat channel, he found a large number of calls for help at the moment!

[Boogie Island: Someone!! Anyone!! Please come and save me! There seems to be something screaming outside my submarine. It's so loud and scary!]

[Pilgrim: Damn it, what's the situation? What's going on? It seems like my submarine was hit by something just now, and now the decompression system alarm started blaring out.]

[Deep Blue: Me too; something is coming from the depths; it seems to be scratching my submarine's hull; help me please; I don't want to die; I don't want to...]

[Giant: It's an abyss creature! There are fucking abyss creatures outside my submarine! It was so big that it swam right in front of my sub. With just one tentacle, or whatever it was, it was bigger than my sub. I couldn't see its whole body at all, and it almost rolled me and my submarine!]

[Shadow: I... Fuck, really, there are abyss creatures! There are too many of them; there are red dots everywhere on my sonar; they are approaching me. What the fuck is this? Someone, please save me. Anyone, please. I beg you!]

[Moyu: My fellow pioneers, it seems I'm going first. An abyss creature has punctured my submarine's hull. The water level in my living cabin has reached 60%, and the ocean water will soon submerge me. … Fuck.. Fuck.. this is not how I thought I would go out. sob sob I don't want to die. I don't want to die.. what is that? What the fuck is tha... ahhhhhhhhhhhh?]

[Black Pearl: Everyone who's still alive, calm down. This should be the protection wearing off. We can't stay in the place we were teleported to; we must set sail. Now, before more of us die, this survival game is using this as a threat mechanism to force us to set sail as soon as possible! Don't stay at the spawn point; let's set sail now!]

Looking at the calls for help in the communication channel, Norman gradually frowned.

The joy of gaining his cheat was gone, and his mood gradually became heavy.

Although the area where he was located had not yet encountered any abyss creatures that others spoke of, this obviously did not mean he was an exception!

It could also be seen from this point that this deep-diving survival game seemed to have no protection at the spawn point; whatever teleported them here wanted them gone!

It had only been a few minutes since the start of the game, and most people hadn't even figured out how to operate their submarines, but the crisis had come without warning: move or die.

Many pioneers had already been attacked by abyss creatures, and the difficulty of this survival game had jumped from 1 to unbearable!

After pondering for a while, Norman did not dare to delay any longer.

Perhaps, as Black Pearl said, the brief protection period had passed, and the threat mechanism had begun to take effect.

Looking at the calm situation around him now, other than the blaring red lights, at some point, things would likely go badly for him as well.

At this time, even with a cheat, it wouldn't be useful if he ended up in the belly of an abyss creatures!

After all, driving a submarine without even a single onboard weapon, he would have no ability to resist if he encountered an abyss monster.

Norman immediately decided to set sail and leave the spawn point first!