A Voice Out To Kill Me

Welcome Relic Theophilus Alderman To The World Of Arthdal


Welcome Relic Theophilus Alderman To The World Of Arthdal


Welcome Relic Theophilus Alderman To The World Of Arthdal


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"I am up!".

I yelled, frantically jolting my body off the floor.


My head hit the ceiling at a close range and I was forced back to the floor. Collapsed actually.

"What the heck!".

So I cursed. With fury going on within me I rubbed my forehead with one palm.

Welcome Relic Theophilus Alderman To The World Of Arthdal

"I heard you the first three times, you...".

My eyes traced ahead, expecting to see who was speaking, but I saw nothing except the darkness.

Turning sideways, I saw nothing too. How could I, it was blank and dark.

Instead, I noticed how I was in a muddy hole. A wet small hole constantly dripping down the sound of annoying droplets from the closed ceiling.

I knew this from the touch, not sight.

"Where am I?...".

I retort, folded in the hole as my body when stretched wouldn't fit in properly.

You Are In The World Of Arthdal

"No, I get that. You said it the first four times. I meant, where is this exactly?".

The World Of Arthdal

"Yeah, I know. The location, where is it located".


It did not take me long to realize that going on this way would only put me in a rotating motion without an end.

"This is Earth, right".

No. This Is The World Of Arthdal. You Have Been Summoned From Earth To The World Of Arthdal And I Am To Be Your Assistant In Helping You Accomplish The Purpose Of Your Summon.

To that, I said nothing. Not a peep nor a refutation from me.

I kept a straight face and looked for a way out of wherever this was. It wasn't hard as I was able to locate the exit by following the dim faint of light coming from the hole by my right.

As I had assumed, I was indeed trapped in a hole. A man-sized hole that I normally would have assumed was made by a rat except, this particular hole was too wide to be made by a rat.

It is roughly the size of an average man, about five feet wide. There is no way there could be a rat that big.

Are You Ready To Take On Your Assigned Task, Relic Theophilus Alderman

I was asked as I crawled my way out. Of course, I did not reply nor did I pay the voice any attention.

My focus was on getting out of here, and that I intently concentrated on.

About Your Browser

"Look! I don't know who or what you are, so please just leave me alone. Leave me be, okay? Please".

Command Is Impossible To Grant

"Oh yeah, and why is that?!".

I retort, frustratingly.

I Am Bound To Relic Theophilus Alderman And Forever, We Are Inseparable

"Scary. You sound like an overly clingy girlfriend".

Do You Not Find It Odd That You Can hear What I Say But Cannot See

I did find it odd when I saw no physical body yet I was communicating. I decided not to pry because I believed the less I knew, the easier it would be to not get involved in whatever this was.

Finally, I saw the light beyond the cave. My heart pumped vigorously with excitement as I reached out my right hand toward the light.

It was an exhilarating thought to finally get out of the hole after several minutes of crawling in that cramped space.

I reached out, ready to exit the hole with my hand taking the lead.

As I had my fingers past the hold and into the light, I didn't know what it was. The feeling I got was not something I could accurately depict.

My hairs stood on their toes and my instinct cried out exorbitantly to me.

Working on that senses, I swiftly withdrew my fingers from the light and back into the hole.

Shortly after I did that, through the hole I saw something grazed past where I had my hands on earlier.

"Wha- What was that!".

I cried out, alarmingly.

I could have sworn I saw traces of a giant furry arm with long burry claws.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me, but the marks left on the ground told me otherwise.

I stumbled back a bit, hesitant as I stood at a distance from the entrance of the hole.

It Appears The Owner Of The House Is Back


I retort, dumbfoundedly.

"What kind of owner is that".

I added, bewildered at what sort of owner would own a man-sized hole and appear with long furry arms.

From The Shape Of The Hole Down To Its Size And The Typical Droplets, This Abode Belongs To A Pak-Rat

A Pak-Rat? That was a name I had not heard before.

Relic Theophilus Alderman Is Advised To Make A Run For It

Pak-Rat Are Extreme Territorial Creatures Ready To Do Anything Necessary To Protect Their Domain. Even To The Point Of Death

"Run? Where do you want me to run to exactly?!".

Behind is a closed-off hole. And the only exit is the one right ahead of me, seized by the so-called Pak-Rat!


I heard the sound of squealing coming from right out the exit, then accompanied by the annoying sound of something screeching on the ground.

The entrance suddenly turned silent.

Soon enough, I could hear the sound of heavy panting drawing nearer to the hole. At the same time, I without making a sound, began to move backwards while I still had my attention on the exit.

The Pak-Rat bellowed the head and poked into the hole.

Our eyes met and I shivered in fear.

With the mouth opened, the Pak-Rat let out an agonizing screech, the saliva from the mouth splattering on my body.

By no means was I a fluent in the Pak-Rat language, but even I could tell what that screech meant.

Anybody could if they paid attention.

Scarred and terrified, I turned around and in haste, I started to crawl deeper into the hole.

Seeing as I ran, this nefarious beast got into the hole and came after me.

I was dead. Or at least I was going to be.

At the speed the Pak-Rat was coming at me, there was no escaping for me.

Assuming I do somehow out-speed the horrendous beast, what say the destination I am headed toward?!

I knew what the end point of this tunnel was. I had been there. This was the only way out and going inner meant trapping myself inside.

What was I to do?! It is not as though the Pak-Rat would just shift to the side and allow me passage out of the hole.

If that could happen, I would be seriously grateful. But no. This damned monster is out to get me. To kill me.

"Damn it!".

I cursed, doing the best I could to get away.

There Is No Hope Of Escaping The Speed Of A Pak-Rat

"And you think I don't know that?".

I retort with deep-rooted annoyance directed at the voice.

"If you are not going to be helpful, I suggest leaving me be".

I was still struggling for a means of escape. Behind me, I could hear the sound of the Pak-Rat tilling the soil to reach me.

I Suggest A Confrontation

I knew from the beginning that nothing good would come of associating with the voice. Just never figured that it would advise me to my early death.


You Are A Relic That Had Been Chosen. You Have Passed All The Necessary Requirements And Even Survived The Transmigration From One World To Another 

The Current You Can Face A Pak-Rat And Survive

As though assuring me of any doubts I held, the voice explajned.

"And how do you expect me to do that?!

That thing has a rat in its name, but do not be deceived. That is no rat. That is a man-sized freaking rodent. If I am caught, it will tear me limb from limb with those two front teeth!".

Not If You Reinforce Your Physical Ability With Force

"How do I do that".

I don't even want to ask the specifics of what is what. All I need right now is a way out of here.

You See Through Your Process Of Transmigration, Your Body Has Undergone A State Of Convergence With Your Soul, Thus Leading To The Creation Of A New Energy Termed Force!

My head hit the wall and I bumped backwards. I had reached the end of the hole. Nowhere to run to anymore.

With no way forward, I struggled to turn my body around and eventually, I met eyes with the Pak-Rat who had halted ahead of me.

"About the way out you said, how do I do it?! And please, I don't need a lengthy answer".

This was no moment to dwindle on explanation. I need something swift and precise.

The Pak-Rat having noticed I was cornered, snarled at me and then lunged with momentum.

Breathe In And Out

I did so, hurriedly with what little time I had left before I got chewed alive.

Focus On The Sound Of Your Heartbeat

I wanted to complain about how I could focus when I had a man-sized beast coming at me with the intent to kill.

Strangely enough, I was actually able to focus and listen to my heartbeat.

What was strange was how I felt this pulsating sound coming about an inch from where my heart was.

What You Feel Currently Is The Source Of Your Force Energy. Now, Channel It

"How do I do that".

Though I could feel it, I had no way of controlling it.

The Same Way You Know To Open Your Eyes When You Walk

Its answer was vague and barely helpful.

At risk of death, I had to compromise by doing exactly what the voice said.

Half an inch away from my face, I closed my eyes and told myself I knew to use the force energy as said by the voice.

I risked it all on that one thought.