Nuts Is The Way To Go

"What the hell was that?!

Did I die?!".

I asked because it felt like I did. Looking at my body, I had on my school uniform, a cream shirt and green trousers.

Yes, You Did. After Your Death, You Were Chosen To Be A Relic Of This World And A Task Was Handed Over To You

It's daunting to hear a voice without a form announce my death to me.

To think I would die from a car accident despite how careful I always way.

Oh, the irony of it.

"What kind of task?!".

It sounded like it had said so earlier. I wasn't paying too much attention since I was in an awful lot of pain.

To Revolutionize The Civilization Of A Particular Race Out From The Primitive Age They Are Stuck In

Is this voice dumb or what?

"You want me to revolutionize a race from one age to another! Need I remind you that I am only sixteen?! A sixteen-year-old high school student!

For things like kingdom building, is it not only appropriate to assign someone knowledgeable in that aspect? Like say, I don't know, perhaps an architect or someone with industrial knowledge?".

True. However, There Are Requirements Considered When Choosing A Relic

The Important One To Note Is The Race The Relic Will Be Assigned. Their Deposition And Way Of Life Will Determine The Sort Of Relic To Be Assigned To Them

"Which means what exactly?!".

Your Assigned Race, Deamans Are A Race That Believes In Might Makes Right. Their Way Of Life Prioritizes Strength Above All Else, And Only Through A Show Of Might Can You Attain The Right Qualifications To Lead Them

"Haha. In that case, all the more reason why I should not have been chosen. I mean, look at me".

From my perspective, this voice does not feel so smart.

Why would you opt for me if you are looking for a strong person?! Is it that they do not understand what it means to be strong or...

Wrong. The World Of Arthdal Is Different From The Earth You Came From

In The World Of Arthdal, Strength Is Not Depended On An individual's Shape Or Body Size. It is Done Through The Awakening Of Force Energy, One's Understanding And Utilization Of It, And Also The Probable Awakening Of An Aspect

"Force energy? You mean that black rod that was embedded in the skull of the Pak-Rat".

Wrong. That Is Not Force Energy.

The Black Rod That Killed The Pak-Rat Is Your Aspect That Was Manifested Through The Infusion Of Force Energy

"If it's not too much of a hassle for you, can you explain it to me without confusing me".

Yes, It Can Be Done

Force Energy Is The Culmination Of Two Component. One's Essence And Vitality. The Essence Here Stands For Spirituality While The Vitality Is The Physicality. In Other Words, A Person's Spiritual Form And Material Form Fusing

This Fusion Brings About The Birth Of A New Component

"Force energy is it".

Yes. Force Energy Is The Source Of All Supernatural Activity In The World Of Arthdal And The Fuel That Powers One's Aspect

"I see...".

I get the brief rundown of what it is now. From how I suddenly got all physically powered up, force energy from my perspective appears to be similar to the effect one gets from an adrenaline overrush.

But it's a lot stronger than that and also self-conscious of the activation and usage.

"What about the aspect you mentioned".

During The Fusion Of Essence And Vitality, There Are Certain Instances Where An Anomaly Can Manifest

Such Anomaly Is What Is Referred To As Aspect

"Is that all or...".

From The World You Come From, You Can Attribute Force Energy As Stamina, While Aspect To Be A Form Of Superpower

Through Stamina Consumption, You Can Activate And Use Your Aspect In Ways Fitting

I wanted to interrupt and say there is nothing like superpowers where I come from. I decided not to since I didn't want to intrude on the explanation.

The voice probably meant the superpowers displayed on TV and such.

There Are Varying Form Of Aspects That For Easier Understanding Have Been Categorized Into Three Forms

Attributed Aspect! Conjugal Aspect! Innovative Aspect!

There was a silence that followed. I waited expecting some sort of description for a better understanding of the mentioned forms.

There was none to come.

"What category would you say I fall under".

The Ability To Manifest A Physical Form From Nothing Falls Under The Attributed Aspect

"And the rest? What do they do?".

Conjugal Aspect Involves The Intervention Of A Second Party. Under This Form, You Would Find Individuals With The Power To Summon Another Entity Or Form A Contract With A More Powerful Entity

"So in a game setting, conjugal type aspect falls under a summoner class or a tamer class? Basically, any class that involves control?

Is that about right?".

Precisely. Conjugal Aspect Users Do Not Take The Initiation Of Direct Intervention. The Contracted Entity Does So On Their Behalf

Listening to the voice as it stands, I have come to a conclusion on two options.

I have either gone nuts, or I have been brought into a world similar to a game!

Yeah... Nuts is the way to go.