Chapter : 81 : What Kind Of Game Is It?

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Four days later, Baker informed John about the Starry Sky interview.

"Is this necessary?" John was a little speechless as he looked at the sunglasses in front of him, the white shirt, and the hairstyle he had deliberately made in the mirror.

"Of course, your image is essential. In addition, during the interview, the promotional video about Resident Evil will be released at the same time, which can be deemed as publicity for the game," Baker looked at John and said.

"Okay, but aren't these sunglasses a bit too much? After all, the interview location is indoors," John pointed to the sunglasses and said silently.

This seemed a bit exaggerated to John. With the special matching clothes and styling, he looked more like a celebrity than a game developer.

The interview was conducted in the conference room of the PixelPioneers Studio office and the Starry Sky group had already arranged the camera. The interviewer was Yoann Bruno, the editor-in-chief of Game Star, who was in his early thirties but still very famous in the game media circle.

Shaking hands and sitting on the sofa, Bruno looked at John with some curiosity, although he had learned a lot of information beforehand, including some videos from the previous Golden Owl Game Awards, however, John at that time was completely different from John today.

As the editor-in-chief of Game Star, he had interviewed many big names in the game circle, from rising stars like John to senior figures in the game world. But in his impression, none of them looked like John. It wasn't that he hadn't seen younger game developers with impressive achievements, what surprised him was how John looked, far from what he expected a game developer to appear like.

Thinking of a well-known game developer he had interviewed last month with a shiny, bald head and a belly from long hours in front of the computer, formed a stark contrast with the athletic John in front of her.

"Mr. John, our interview is in the form of a live broadcast. It will be streamed live across all major platforms via our Starry Sky channels," Bruno reminded John in advance, although this had been mentioned earlier.

"No problem, I'm aware," John smiled.

Hearing his answer, Bruno nodded and instructed the staff to turn on the cameras and other equipment, setting up a slight delay to ensure a smooth interview. Unlike traditional film or television interviews, gaming interviews are often more casual, with producers chatting with fans and answering their questions.

"I believe everyone is aware, today we, Game Stars, are fortunate to interview John, a well-known game developer in the industry," Bruno introduced with a smile, directing the camera to focus on John.

"Hello everyone," John greeted the camera and waved, glancing at the live chat displayed on the projection screen.

The live broadcast had just started, and most viewers were fans of John and PixelPioneers Studio, rather than casual onlookers.

[ ===== ]

Seeing John appear on camera, many were astonished.

"Wait, is this an interview with a game developer? This looks more like a celebrity interview!"

Several comments popped up in the live chat.

"No way, this can't be the John I know, he's way too handsome!"

"I don't remember him looking this good in the Golden Owl Game Awards. Did Game Star use a filter?"

"Where are Schultz and Baker? Why aren't they on camera?"

[ ===== ]

Looking at the comments, John couldn't help but smile. Though Baker had arranged for John to be styled this way, it felt a bit over-the-top to him. However, being complimented always feels nice.

"Mr. John, the audience seems to be overwhelmed by your appearance. Most people imagine game developers with receding hairlines and large stomachs. How do you maintain your looks?" Bruno asked, warming up the interview.

"It's nothing special, I just exercise regularly and I play basketball for about an hour every day. Plus, our team is quite efficient, so we rarely have to work late. We usually finish by 9 p.m., so I get plenty of rest," John answered with a smile.

As John spoke, not only casual gamers but also many industry professionals tuned in. Some game developers, touching their thinning hair and glancing at their camp beds in the background, quietly closed the livestream.

"Never mind, I'll pass on this," They muttered.

The interview progressed, starting with questions about John himself and PixelPioneers Studio, such as the development of Binding of Isaac, Octopath Traveler, and Outlast.

Most of the questions were standard, with no attempts to create controversy or reveal secrets, a typical interview format. The viewers, however, began to lose interest as the interview dragged on.

But soon, Bruno glanced at the clock and asked one of the most anticipated questions, the question both sides had prepared for.

"Mr. John, a while ago, you posted some teaser images, and a few days ago, your official blog dropped some hints. Is Resident Evil the next game from PixelPioneers Studio? Many players are eager to know."

As soon as he asked the question, viewers suddenly perked up. Even those industry professionals who had closed the stream earlier reopened it. After all, John and PixelPioneers Studio had become a major party this year, and everyone was curious about their next project.

What kind of game would Resident Evil be? Players, industry insiders, and third-party publishers like Social Tap and Gemtechs all waited for the answer.