Just as his commander was competent and did as much research as she could before the battle started, so was Marzel and when he saw Winstrel be killed and Hannah be immediately engaged in a fierce exchange, he knew the commanding of the army fell to him.
"Eyes on the enemy, shield up" Marzel's voice had sounded throughout the battlefield, sending the soldiers of the first brigade into action, but then seconds later when the much newer and faster opponents reached the army, they broke through the metal blockade by either using their huge flexible bodies to jump over it as in the case of the wolves, while the others used their formidable strength to smash through as in the case of the fiend.
Marzel had considered changing formation tactics, but when he saw the hundreds of 12-foot magma golems who were slowly climbing up the slope and moving towards the army, he decided to disperse the soldiers into far smaller units.