Selric Zayden

In a completely different world, one far removed from that which hosted Selric, a high-level world to be precise, on a planet called Plume, a 17-year-old boy blinked open his bright blue eyes, a smile on his face as he hurriedly got to his feet.

With how bright the boy's smile was, one would think that he lived a life of comfort, but the worn out mat which he woken up from, his bare feet and the creaking walls of the room he had been sleeping in told a less luxurious story.

Hurriedly grabbing a red staff with beautiful carvings on it from the side, the boy ran out of the room, immediately arriving outside where the weather was chill and only half of the sun had begun peeking out.

The boy looked left and right restlessly and then with a shrug he burst forward and began running through the grounds of the monastery, his destination its gate.