Chapter 28: Lie Until You Lose It


Dinner finishes late and I'm taking care of the bill, a couple thousand, while the others are going ahead of me. A few people have to call cabs to get back home but all in all, a successful dinner.

There was that one hiccup with the video, but it was fine. I was fine. Nothing I couldn't handle.

Allen goes ahead of me and just as I'm about to leave I hear him speak up in surprise.

"Oh, you're... Rachel, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Ella's friend. You're–Allen? Yeah?"

"Yeah. I saw the video, the performance was good," he praises awkwardly and I grimace, hesitating to leave the restaurant.

Rachel isn't someone I'd ever want to mess with, and she could hold a grudge like nobody's business. If I went out there I'd probably start a fight.

Even if she WAS drunk, that would cause trouble and then Ella would get involved. It's like I can never say the right thing around her anymore, that my every action just falls flat compared to what I want it to be.