Chapter 34 : Challenger? I Think Not


Marrying Ella hadn't been a mistake, but allowing her to divorce me was. There is unfortunately no easy fix for this, seeing as she has no intention of remarrying me.

I am unsure how to go about rescinding our divorce too. It's not so simple when it was mutually agreed upon, and taking the case to court would be laughable. From an outsider's point of view I came out of that case as the winner, losing nothing but my marital status.

Convincing her to marry me will not be easy, but the more I think about it, the more I don't want to let this lie. I want Ella back and, as stubborn as she is being about this, I know there is a chance TO get her back.

As soon as the music stops, the crowd applauds and Ella takes a bow. I slowly make my way up to the stage and as I do, I see Elijah's people start to approach her.