Demonic talent, open heart eyes.

High on top of the mountain is a village, Fulong.

In the chicly decorated courtyard, there was a handsome young man sitting cross-legged in the center of the courtyard

The young man was dressed in a clean white robe and wore a plain copper coin on a red cord across his chest.

The little old man with a dry and thin body, just a short distance away baring a cigarette, looked at the teenager's eyes flashed a flash of essence.

"Opening the 'mind's eye' is especially difficult, so I hope it works this time!"

Li Guanqi silently recited the mantra in his heart, and his entire body entered a very subtle state.

The mind is free from attachment to see the dust, and the mind is free from attachment to see through the mind.

All dharmas are in the eye of the beholder, and a single thought is a real person.

Sitting quietly and concentrating on the heartbeat, the light of the heart gradually appears to reflect the universe.

Forgetting the color to get the true meaning, the mind's eye is opened to realize the heaven's opportunity.

Li Guanqi's mind kept echoing the mantra that his grandfather had taught him.

The entire person's mind was like still water, his mind gradually not being bound by external objects, his consciousness sinking into the surroundings.

Gradually, Li Guanqi felt that he was "seeing" the fog.

He saw a white fog in the otherwise dead darkness, and it almost made his heart skip a beat!

It was the first time since he was born that he had seen 'color!

Soon he stabilized his mind, accompanied by the silent recitation of the mantra over and over again in his mind, and he felt that this was the closest he had ever come to opening his mind's eye!

Subconsciously Li Guanqi took one step towards the mist, as if an invisible wall was blocking him!

Li Guanqi's mind sank into a deep concentration, and his footsteps were firm as he walked towards the front step by step.

For a time, Li Guanqi's body's qi and blood surged, and the gravel dust on the ground around him was actually vibrating slightly.

The smoke obscured the old man's face, but you could still see the corners of his mouth rising upwards

"The Empyrean Taoist Body . . it's only been seven days since I opened my mind's eye . ..."

This kind of talent could be called a supreme demon.

Before the words fell, the veins on the neck of Li Guanqi, who was sitting on the ground, rippled out, and in an instant the misty consciousness actually broke through the fog!


A shattering sound in Li Guanqi's mind



A shocked look appeared on Li Guanqi's face, and his entire aura calmed down.

He ..... Visible ....

Although the mind's eye sees without color, it can see everything around it, no different from the human eye.

Su Xuan nodded his head slightly, and in his heart, he secretly what


"It's enough to have this mind's eye before the Sense Seaway Table takes shape."

Li Guanqi looked around at the chicly decorated small courtyard, this was the first time he had seen it.


Su Xuan laughed and got up with a smile on his back.


Li Guanqi was overwhelmed with excitement, his eyes slightly red, and he desperately nodded his head.

There was no color, but it was enough to thrill him.

The old man patted his shoulder and laughed.

"Haha, don't worry, in the future when you have divine sense you will naturally see the colorful colors of the world."

"But when you first open your mind's eye, you still need to use it sparingly, the essence that will be consumed if you use it too much

"Come here, come here, Grandpa's got something for you.

Li Guanqi nodded his head slightly, memorizing what the old man had said in his heart, and stood frozen in place for a long time after getting up.

He looked at his hands and feet again picking up the copper coin in his chest to scrutinize it.

Holding it in his hand, he muttered, "So... This is copper money. ..."

Li Guanqi followed the old man to the backyard and skimmed his lips when he saw the pungent smelling potion inside the barrel.

"Are you still in the mood for a dip today?" P8.

He was about to take off his clothes after saying that, obviously it wasn't the first time this kind of thing had happened.

But the old man smiled mysteriously and continued to walk towards the inside: ''It's not soaking the medicine, come here.

Li Guanqi didn't say anything and followed the old man immediately afterward to see a stone pillar close to a person's height.

The square stone pillar was almost as tall as Li Guanqi, and there were a few hemp ropes on it.

The corner of Li Guanqi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but look at the shape of the twine.

"Grandpa .... You're not going to make me carry this, are you?1

Seeing that the old man didn't say anything, he just looked at him with a smile.

Li Guanqi shrugged his shoulders and came directly to the stone pillar to carry the twine on his back.

Instantaneous force from the waist and back, the stone pillar left the ground and


Li Guanqi, however, reddened his face and spoke extremely fast.

"Master!!! This thing is at least five hundred pounds!!!"

"Sun... I'm afraid it's a bit overwhelming...

Su Xuan laughed: "What's wrong with five hundred pounds, you are now at the peak of body forging, five hundred pounds is not heavy."

"Starting today, you'll be carrying this on your back to eat and sleep, up and down the mountain!"

Li Guanqi didn't cry out in pain, but just opened his mouth and inquired, ''What about when you're punching?

Su Xuan turned around and laughed: ''Of course I'm carrying it too, I have to carry it for me even when I sleep.

Li Guanqi had no choice but to do as he was told, even though he didn't know what it meant.

The old man who stepped out of the door took advantage of the setting sun and went to play chess at the entrance of the village.

As he was leaving his eyes glanced at Li Guanqi unintentionally muttering.

"Brat, it's all for your own good...


Early the next morning, Su Xuan was busy preparing something.

Li Guanqi, who was carrying a stone pillar, came down from the mountain and gasped.

Panting, he climbed the hill.

Early in the morning, smoke rises from the homes.

The woman in the flowery jacket opened the gate to the courtyard and shouted at the top of her voice the names of the children of each family.

After all, all the time spent waiting for dinner after getting up was time for these teenagers to play.

"Doggie!!! Home for dinner!"

"Tricia~ It's back."

Tatsu, why don't you hurry back?

Come on!

Zhao Beichen hid in the shadows, waiting for the teenager to arrive.

He looked at the teenager with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Meng Wanshu was cold-eyed towards everyone, but on the contrary, she was willing to say a few more words to Li Guanqi.

In Zhao Beichen's words, that meant Meng Wanshu was the daughter-in-law he had his eye on!

What right does a dead blind man have to be compared to him?!

Because of this, Zhao Beichen had often come to trouble Li Guanqi in the past few years.

Only to be thrashed by Li Guanqi every time.

Li Guanqi had now opened his mind's eye, and even if he didn't see the other party, Zhao Beichen's breathing was as rough as an ox in his ears.

Zhao Beichen saw his chance and scurried out, raising his fist to slam into Li Guanqi.

But Li Guanqi only slightly side-stepped and smashed Zhao Beichen's stomach with a backhanded punch!

The intense pain caused Zhao Beichen to squat on the ground and cover his stomach in agony

He pointed at Li Guanqi and said with a trembling voice: "Li... Guanqi! You bastard! Wait for me for two more years!

Li Guanqi crouched on the ground and laughed playfully, "It will be the same for many more years, you can't beat me."

The little boy next to them saw Li Guanqi get up and look at them.

Immediately said with a bitter face: ''I... I have to go home, my mother is calling me for dinner.

After a few children left, Li Guanqi didn't care about Zhao Beichen who was lying on the ground.

His eyesight nowadays has long since gone beyond this Fulong Village, and as for Zhao Beichen . ...

He had never thought of using a murder weapon or else Li Guanqi would have killed him long ago.

Li Guanqi's nose shrugged, searching for the scent, the teenager lay down on the fence wall of a house and shouted.

"Auntie Li~ What kind of day is it today? You even stewed a baby hen?"


A slightly blonde middle-aged woman pushed out the door and looked at the teenager with a smile on her face as she greeted him.

"It's Guanqi, have you eaten yet? Auntie will get you some.

Looking at the woman with a smile on her face, Li Guanqi murmured in his heart.

So Auntie Lee looks like this.

Li Guanqi pretended to touch his stomach and said, "I haven't really eaten yet."

This is not a dog's nose, do not want to eat my grandfather's chafing dishes, and came to find the smell.

Seeing this, the woman quickly waved her hand and said: "Brat don't talk nonsense, it's just right, Auntie still has half a pot left here.

I'll serve you some more rice and you take it back to eat with your grandfather."

Hearing this, the young man's face smiled even more, and he said sweetly, "Thank you, Auntie Li.

"Hey .... It's a shame that Auntie Li's skill doesn't go down to the mountains to open a restaurant."

The woman's eyes curved, and a few more wrinkles creased the corners of her eyes.

"Brat, you're the one with the sweet mouth, wait. J

Not a moment later, a pavilion young girl walked out with a pot of fragrant chicken stew.

The young girl wore a light blue dress and carried a pot full of stewed chicken.

Afraid of the chicken soup and wine, a pair of eyes stared at the vegetable bowl and stared dripping.

While walking, Meng Wanshu also muttered.

"Li Guanqi, are you a dog? Every time I cook something delicious, you're always on time.

Li Guanqi looked at the young girl with a clear and beautiful appearance couldn't help but lie down on the fence wall and quietly looked at her.

"It turns out ... that Wan Shu is so good looking.

Thinking about this, the corners of Li Guanqi's mouth rose slightly as he laughed softly.

Meng Wanshu, who do you think can marry a good wife and mother like you in the future?

Meng Wanshu's small face flushed, and it took a great deal of effort to bring the pot of vegetables up to the fence wall.

Rolling her eyes at Li Guanqi, she ran towards the house, but immediately afterward, it occurred to her that Li Guanqi was blind and couldn't see.

Pouting, she tilted her head back and cursed at Li Guanqi, "Stinking blind man!"

Li Guanqi laughed, and when he turned around before he could walk, he stood in place with his basin in a slight salute.

Somewhat awkwardly, he said, "That... Is Uncle Meng back?"

The man standing in front of Li Guanqi didn't say anything either and kicked him in the ass.

The mouth laughed and scolded: "In the future, less to tease Wan Shu, are almost to the age of worship, but still not a proper behavior.

Fuck off~"

Li Guanqi heatedly smiled, and quickly nodded his head and responded: "Okay ~ tomorrow bring wine to Uncle Meng haha.

Crashing through the door of the room the teenager softly cried out, "Grandpa? I'm back.

The seven turns ended up in a yard that was located slightly further away.

Crashing through the door, the teenager cried out softly, "Grandpa? I'm back.

At the entrance of the room, an old man smoking a dry cigarette's eyes instantly lit up.

Barring his mouth, the old man spoke, "It's true that it's still Old Meng his daughter-in-law who has the best craftsmanship."

Li Guanqi put down the dishpan and stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Su Xuan skimmed his mouth and cursed without a good mood: ''How long have you only opened your mind's eye to see things and you're using it like this? Hit the stump a hundred more times today!

The teenager's face was instantly bitter, but he didn't dare to retort.

"Good control of the force today."

"If it's heavy, I'll have to go to Old Zhao's house for a banquet tomorrow."

The teenager rubbed his head, half



"I'm done eating.

Li Guanqi suddenly realized that something was wrong.


The chopsticks were pinched in the basin a few times in a row, and the only sound made was the dangling sound of the basin and the chopsticks.

"You've gone to play chess with old Lu Tou again?"

"None of your business, practice your boxing!"

"I'm going into the mountains to look for something, and I'll be back in a couple days."

'Remember to go down the mountain tomorrow and buy me some wine'


The teenager's face was bitter as he took a big bite of the rice and ended up eating not a single grain left.

After eating, the teenager went to the backyard, stripped off his clothes and sat in the tub.

The dark green potion constantly irritated the teenager's skin.

Within a few breaths the teenager's skin turned red and fine beads of sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

Between the slight trembling of his body, his teeth were clenched.

It's like you're in some kind of pain.

Bitter General.

Through the dark green medicinal liquid, one could vaguely see that the teenager's body had dense and mysterious lines.

Li Guanqi only opened his mind's eye to be able to see this year.

But in his 'eyes', although there were only black and white, it was already a heavenly surprise to him.

That's why every day he drains his spirit to open his mind's eye.

Because... Knowing day and night made him especially cherished.

Li Guanqi sat in the middle of the bath tub silently suffering the pain from the medicinal bath.

In his mind, he was calculating what to do after he finished the fist stance. With the wind whistling in the fist, the last fist stance was also finally finished

Li Guanqi opened his mind's eye and realized that it was already Zi Hour, so he frowned slightly.

"Why isn't Grandpa back today?

Li Guanqi didn't think much about it and fell asleep while lying on the bed.

The next morning there was no sign of Grandpa simply going down the mountain to get ready to buy wine.

After all, Grandpa sometimes goes into the mountains a

Going is a few days, and he's seen this kind of thing before.

Li Guanqi hummed a little song and went down the mountain.

Meanwhile, a guy he's very close to is down the hill in the town of Changxing.