Zhao Yuanlin!


只见远处李冠奇脚下的青砖陡然爆炸.狗三的眼睛盯着他,因为他意识到李冠奇可能是修仙者!可是他想到这些时候已经太晚了,十几尺远的人群只能隐约看到一个影子瞬间霸凌而近!砰!!!李冠奇以短短的姿态躲开了狗三的匕首,他的拳头像锤子一样砸在狗三的下巴上.骨头断裂的咔嚓声清晰地传到了人群的耳朵里.李冠奇那充满怒气的一击威力,恐怖到了极点,强大的力量首先砸在了狗三的下巴上,他的身体在空中腾空而起!李冠奇的左手快如闪电,碾碎了狗三的右手骨头,夺过匕首,连续几刀刺向狗三!!!热血喷溅在李冠奇的脸上,但他的表情从头到尾都非常平静.在他出手的那一刻,他就已经有了杀人的动力!狗三瞪大了眼睛,他的瞳孔骤然下降,变成了精确的疯狂冲击.生命的损失使他无法相信眼前展开的场景..."啊!狗!!"李冠奇右手将匕首向后握住,身体一晃,出现在对方面前.那人惊恐的看着李冠奇,怒气冲冲地挥舞着拳头,仿佛要自吹自擂."下地狱吧!!"面对挥舞的拳头,李冠奇猛地举起了拳头!!男人的胳膊瞬间被一拳打断,白色的骨头刺穿了皮肤,血淋淋的.李冠奇向前一步,手中的匕首上下飞舞,猛烈的刺穿了男人的下巴!那个人影跃升到空中,一脚踢在了他的头上,拔出他的匕首,把它扔在身后!Pfft!!锋利的匕首没有进入男人的额头.李冠奇倒下的那一刻,他拔出匕首,朝着孟晚书的方向爆炸性地射去.一套如水般流淌的动作,短短几呼吸间,瞬间杀死了三个人!这一幕吓得西周围观的人群化为一片混乱的西路,四散逃窜.李冠奇从头到尾都表现得非常冷静,并没有因为杀戮而变得异常激动.这一切都归功于苏轩对他的教导和管教.孟婉书听着耳边的尖叫声和颤动的声音,不知道发生了什么事.混乱的人群也让她有些慌乱,但她始终记得李冠琪的话.突然!孟晚书左肩压在她身上的力量减轻了,男人的身体像一个破袋子一样被扔了出去,把他身后房间的门震碎了,掉在了地上.最后一个看到情况的人,竟然是拔出一段竹子,点燃后火势先是三十英尺爆裂开来!李冠奇眼神微微一瞪,"烟花..."一拳打断了男人的胳膊,一把匕首的寒意划过他的脖子!!!孟婉书的呼吸有些急促,她的耳朵其实也安静了好一会儿.Just as she was about to open her mouth, Li Guanqi's gentle voice rang in her ears."Okay, let's go."Li Guanqi's palm blocked the young girl's eyes and pulled her towards the outside of the town.Not long after the two of them had left, Zhao Yuandron arrived with a large group of people amounting to more than twenty people.Seeing the six corpses on the ground his face was horribly grim.Of course, Li Guanqi didn't spare the crone ...Zhao Yuandron's face was ice-cold as he muttered, "Killed my people and still want to leave?""Hmph! Give chase!!!"As the words fell, the crowd spurred their horses and quickly galloped towards the direction Li Guanqi and the others had left.Just out of the town Li Guanqi only loosened his hand, Meng Wanshu can no longer tense their emotions, broke into Li Guanqi's arms and cried loudly."Oooooh! I...I thought I was going to...I was going to...oooh...""What are you ... doing here ... glad you're here ...""Little blind man, I'm so scared ..."Li Guanqi's stiff hands slowly lowered, wrapping his arms around Meng Wanshu and gently patting her back.The gentle voice and the warmth of her palm relaxed her."No fear, no fear, I'm here, aren't I?""We can't cry anymore, we have to go fast, that last guy put out a signal, so I guess someone will be catching up soon."Meng Wanshu nodded with red eyes.But having been injured and frightened earlier, Meng Wanshu's feet were now soft.Li Guanqi crouched down without even thinking about it."Here, I'll carry you."Meng Wanshu's cheeks blushed as she gently nodded her head on Li Guanqi's back.The marvelous touch caused Li Guanqi's breath to stutter, and Meng Wanshu's cheeks rolled, shyly burying her head in Li Guanqi's shoulder.Li Guanqi suddenly changed his face slightly, feeling the vibration of the earth picking up Meng Wanshu on his back and starting to run wildly!At the same time, Li Guanqi's mind's eye frantically scanned the environment of the Western Zhou.This Changxing Town is surrounded by endless plains for more than ten miles, and there is no hiding place at all!Soon Zhao Yuandron and the others caught up with Li Guanqi.When he was almost a hundred feet away from Li Guanqi Li Guanqi suddenly stopped.There was no way carrying a large living man on his back could outrun the blazing horses behind him on these plains.Li Guanqi put Meng Wanshu down and said softly."From now on, count with your back to me, and I'm sure I'll be back by the time you get to five hundred."Li Guanqi turned around, and his gaze overlooked underneath was actually unable to contain the violent beating!Icy cold killing intent even let Meng Wanshu are slightly turned back, look to Li Guanqi's back actually feel a little strange ...Li Guanqi clenched his teeth and closed his eyes in pain, at this time, his killing intent was even greater than before!The young man on horseback is the young master of the Zhao House eight years ago ...That ... Zhao Yuanzhuang who doesn't take his sister's life as his life!!!!But at this time, Zhao Yuandron had not yet gotten a good look at Li Guanqi, but the horse's speed was fast, and it was close in the blink of an eye.With those white eyes and the outline of his once features, Zhao Yuandron instantly recognized who the person in front of him was!Zhao Yuandron, who had also stepped into the Forging Body, leapt off his horse and opened his mouth to sneer with an unusually excited color flashing in his eyes."You're the blind one!""Hahahahahahaha, you're actually still alive?""I thought that snowstorm eight years ago would have frozen you to death by now!"After looking up and down, Zhao Yuandron snorted."A cheap bastard like your sister, still working as a beggar for food?"Li Guanqi's eyes stared at him dead on, muttering under his breath, "Seventeen, eighteen ..."Xi Zhou's horses were affected by Li Guanqi's killing intent agitatedly trampling the ground.No amount of thrashing from horseback could calm it.Meng Wanshu covered her ears and crouched on the ground with her back to Li Guanqi."VII ... VIII ... IX ..."Zhao Yuandron stood opposite Li Guanqi, his eyes lustfully looking at Meng Wanshu's exquisite figure and waist only to feel the fire in his body was extremely great.Licking his lips he looked at Li Guanqi, "What is her relationship to you?"Li Guanqi spoke in a calm voice, "My future wife."As the words fell, Li Guanqi shot out almost explosively without his opponent's defense!A deep pit was stepped out of the earth, and Zhao Yuandron's pupils suddenly shrunk as his right hand tugged on the reins beside him to hold the horse in front of him!Li Guanqi slammed his fist on top of the horse's head, and the fiery horse with thousands of kilograms of feet was actually lifted up in the air by this punch!The skull was shattered and a bloody mess.The powerful force caused Zhao Yuandron to take more than ten steps back even as he stood behind his horse.The guards of Western Zhou were all shocked beyond words when they saw this scene.This kind of power ... is beyond the reach of mortals ...Li Guanqi struck with anger, as if the monstrous anger in his heart finally had a place to vent.That punch just now, was it more than 500 pounds of force?Li Guanqi inclined his head towards Zhao Yuandron."I'm poor now, but I have ten coins.""Today, I also buy your life with ten guan of copper ...!!!"Zhao Yuandron panicked, he did not think he is now forging body realm cultivator actually can not be compared with each other ...But his pride and self-respect would not allow him to leave!Once in his eyes as if it were a rotten, lowly beggar, how to compare with him?Taking down his sword from the horse of the guard beside him, he roared angrily, "Kill him!!!""Whoever kills him, I'll reward the young master with a hundred taels of gold!!!"The moment these words came out, the eyes of the group of guards flashed with essence.One by one, they got down from their horses towards Li Guanqi and surrounded him!But ... how can these guys who know a little bit about boxing and kicking be a match for Li Guanqi?Li Guanqi could waste one person with a single punch or kick, lying on the ground and wailing.Some of them are even more unable to collect the force to receive the first kill.Smashing the neck of one of them with a punch, Li Guanqi was getting closer and closer to Zhao Yuandron!!!!Li Guanqi was like a god of killing at this moment, no one could stop him.It only took tens of breaths to put down all the guards, killing and wounding half of them!The rest of the people who were still alive were also lying on the ground grunting and wailing, broken arms and legs were considered minor injuries.Zhao Yuandron gritted his teeth, preferring not to believe in this evil, and brought his sword forward to strike out one after another!Li Guanqi a song in boxing, facing the sword power for a moment is also a little difficult to resist.But Li Guanqi's punch was fast and heavy!Between dodging and dodging, he took advantage of the moment when his opponent's sword recovered to throw a punch to smash Zhao Yuandron's chest.Click!With one punch, he broke Zhao Yuandronixi's ribs.Zhao Yuandron slammed heavily on the ground and spat out a large mouthful of blood.Zhao Yuandron's eyes changed slightly, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Meng Wanshu not far away.Zhao Yuandron pulled out a seal talisman and stuck it on his body, and the seal talisman ignited without fire!Li Guanqi's heart jumped as Zhao Yuandron's speed shot towards Meng Wanshu like a gale!Li Guanqi's face suddenly changed, ignoring the churning qi and blood in his body to instantly turn his direction!The cuffs loosened and the dagger fell into his hands throwing it with vigor!!!!Pfft!!!The dagger dug hard into Zhao Yuandron's shoulder, and his figure stumbled as his speed plummeted.Taking advantage of this gap Li Guanqi also finally arrived behind Meng Wanshu.Psst... !!!!The long sword flashed with a cold aura and pierced through Li Guanqi's right shoulder.Zhao Yuandron's eyes were delighted, but when he tried to draw out his longsword, he realized that Li Guanqi's right hand was clutching the blade in a death grip!Blood slowly dripped down the blade of the sword as Li Guanqi's bloodshot white eyes stared at Zhao Yuandron in death!The eyes full of killing intent caused Zhao Yuandron to feel a chill rise from his back, and he couldn't help but crush the jade slip in his hand!Bang!Li Guanqi spoke with an icy voice, "Ten Guan!!!"His left hand slowly clenched his fist, and a terrifying aura gathered on Li Guanqi's fist!Dang!!!Zhao Yuandron's figure was thrown out, his chest collapsed, and his mouth spat out large mouthfuls of blood, which was actually mixed with some broken meat!Li Guanqi's face turned white as he slowly drew out his longsword and carried it towards Zhao Yuandron.At that moment, Meng Wanshu had only managed to count to 'eighty-five.'Zhao Yuandron's eyes looked fearfully at Li Guanqi, who was gradually approaching, and he couldn't help but step backward driven by fear."You can't kill me, blind man! You can't kill me!!!""I'm going to test my spiritual roots soon ... I'm the one who's going to become immortal!!!""Don't Kill Me ...""As long as you don't kill me, I'll give you lots and lots of money, spirit stones! Right! I'll give you spirit stones!"Snap!Li Guanqi threw out the copper coins from his arms and muttered in a chilling voice."This cheap life of yours is worth only ten guan."