Choose the thunder system, Heavenly Thunder.

Just as Li Guanqi chose his spiritual root, the heavens and earth fell silent.

Lu Kangnian enveloped an earth-colored Yuan Power barrier around him with a great divine means.

Cutting out all the noise and the people outside couldn't see what was going on inside.

Everyone was very curious as to which spirit root this teenager with demonic talent would choose.

Tian Jin Peak Elder Meng Lin Hai grinned and said with a big smile.

"Ahem, that...Patriarch ah."

"Look at what that kid is carrying behind him, does it look like a large sword case?"

"We're in the Great Summer Sword Sect again, and from what I can see, this kid definitely chose the Golden Spirit Root!"

Once these words came out, the other several Peak Masters and Elders just couldn't say anything even if they wanted to retort.

Lu Kangnian looked at Meng Linhai with a leathery smile and said softly.

"As you see it, what can you see?"

"What if ... ahem, he picks dirt?"

On the side, the second elder of Tian Lei Feng, Xu Zheng Jie, deflated his mouth and muttered, "Oops ~ in case of choosing earth ~ choosing a string of earth, choosing earth I'll eat three pounds of man in the middle of the yellow."

How sharp Lu Kangnian's five senses were, even if the muttering was as low as it was he could still hear it.

Lu Kangnian looked at Xu Zhengjie and gritted his teeth as he transmitted, "Good, very good! You'll be the one to clean up all the people in Tianzhu Peak this month, Zhong Huang!"

Xu Zhengjie's face immediately turned ugly...


The sky above the Great Summer Sword Sect, which was originally filled with haze, steeply changed in wind and clouds!

The clouds were overcast, the winds were gusting, and the rain was pouring down in torrents.

Blue Harvest took a step in the air and waved his hand slightly, then blocked out all the rainwater.

"What's going on..."


Boom boom!

The heavens and earth darkened as a pitch-black thunderbolt streaked across the sky, and Xu Zhengjie burst out in a steep laugh!

"Gold my ass! Old me, Heavenly Thunder Peak's Thunder Spiritual Root is the one with the highest killing power!"

The boundary dispersed, and a bemused Li Guanqi looked at a helpless Lu Kangnian and bowed.

"Kid chooses the thunder system!"

Lu Kangnian gathered the lost color on his face and patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay, just follow your heart's choice."

"I thought I could take in another disciple."

Lu Kangnian looked at the old man who was dancing with his hands in anger and said, "It seems like we'll have to tilt the resources for Tian Lei Feng from now on."

"Disciple Li Guanqi, enter Heavenly Thunder Peak!"

"Awakening the Sacred Thunder Spirit Root, rewarded with three Qi Training Pills, three hundred lower-grade Spirit Stones, five hundred Sect Contribution Points, and one Sky Thunder Peak Residence!"

"Granted, Heavenly Thunder Peak disciples can enter the Spirit Ascension Platform three times without consuming contribution points."

Li Guanqi hurriedly stood and respectfully said, "Thank you for the Patriarch's admiration."

The Second Elder of Heavenly Thunder Peak's cheekbones even rose to the heavens as he bowed and responded, "Thank you, Patriarch, for the reward! I'll take care of Heavenly Pillar Peak!"

The old man came to the teenager's side, stopped those elders who still wanted to persuade the teenager, and flashed away.

The old man brought the teenager to the Sky Thunder Peak straight in the air!


The teenager who was in the air couldn't help but gasp out in awe, this was the first time he had ever flown in the air!

This marvelous feeling took root into his heart at once.

Without a word, the young man looked around, clenched his fists and secretly swore that he would cultivate hard in the future, hoping to be able to fly with his sword soon!

And the old man just smiled as he watched the teenager look around, as if he had seen himself a hundred years ago.

I was afraid of heights myself back then, worse than this little guy!

Li Guanqi noticed that the old man had been looking at himself and said softly, "I still don't know the senior's name?"

The old man laughed and said softly, "I am the Second Elder of Heavenly Thunder Peak, Xu Zhengjie, you can call me Elder Xu, or Old Xu Tou or Old Drunkard."

The teenager smiled faintly, still speaking, "Then I'd better call you Elder Xu, the rest... it's too abrupt."

Xu Zhengjie didn't say anything either, but respecting elders of this nature is naturally very pleasing.

The teenager suddenly spoke, "Elder Xu, our Great Summer Sword Sect blind also either?"

"Hahahahahahaha, your kid is blind...but his heart is not!"

"I really don't know what kind of person your grandfather was to teach such a monster like you, what's behind you is afraid to be two hundred pounds, isn't it?"

The teenager smiled coyly.

"Five hundred pounds."

"Uh ... forget I asked."

"Daxia Sword Sect ..."

The old man's tone was very soft, and after a moment's pause he continued.

"This is a clan worth trusting your life to, so what if you're blind, so what if you're lame?"

"I have the way in my heart, and the cripples can bind?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Li Guanqi only felt his entire body's spirit shaken!

"Good one I have the way in my heart, the crippled can bind! What a Great Summer Sword Sect!!!"

"No wonder Grandpa asked me to come here by name."

The old man suddenly said with a smile on his face, "Let's go, first take you to the other courtyard to settle down."

"I still have to go back and see if I can recruit some disciples back in, our Heavenly Thunder Peak is small but very united."


Li Guanqi quietly enjoyed the present, closing his eyes and feeling the wind in his ears.

The two swept past the geese, and he reached out to touch their feathers.

The geese let out a disgruntled cry and moved slightly away from the pair.

The corner of Li Guanqi's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

In no time, a towering mountain was in sight.

And many huge peaks like stone pillars had been seen along the way.

No wonder I heard those people talking before that the Great Summer Sword Sect was known as 'Three thousand strange peaks and eight hundred beautiful waters!'


A boundary shadow containing the power of thunder appeared in front of the two of them, and then Xu Zhengjie took out a jade slip, and a gap opened in that boundary.

The old man explained, "This is the boundary detecting a stranger's aura, and after tomorrow's Peak Entry Ceremony, your identity jade slip will be given to you."

"You won't see this boundary when you enter and exit Heavenly Thunder Peak in the future."

On the way up the mountain, there were countless tall pavilions along the way, and many mountain houses were also seen.

The old man smiled and said, "Your yard is up here, on the mountainside, so it's easy to get anywhere."

"That courtyard of yours still comes with a small piece of spirit field, the Patriarch still attaches great importance to you."

Li Guanqi was also very curious, and with doubts in his heart, he asked, "Why would the Sovereign give me many rewards? Isn't it a bit too..."

"Too much?"

The old man asked, looking at him with a smile.

"It's something that feels a little flattering."

The old man put his hands behind his back and said softly, "But, not at all ..."

"The Great Summer Sword Sect has not developed well for so many years, its base is thin."

"Otherwise, would the reward be more than that?"

"If it were any other great sect, spirit stones, magic treasures, techniques, secret books, wouldn't you still be able to pick and choose."

"Even if you want the Ancient Clan's eldest daughter to be your concubine, it can be done for you!"

Li Guanqi revealed an unbelievable look at his words, but the old man was still talking to himself.

"But... this is the Great Summer Sword Sect, and whatever you want, you have to earn it by your own efforts!"

"Well, this is your yard now, so I'm going to head back."

"Regarding everything about the sect, you'll slowly learn about it later, so take a rest today."

"Little bun, I'm leaving~"

Before the teenager could react, the old man had long since disappeared.

Just as he turned around, the teenager saw a six or seven year old looking little girl squatting at the entrance of the courtyard.

The little girl wore two punchy braids and a flowery jacket.

Eyes dropping and flowing round, the pink face is very cute.

Crouching on the ground, he held a white-flour bun in both hands and stared at him with wide eyes.

Li Guanqi scratched his head and wondered whose child this was.

He had just walked up to her and crouched down, and before he could say anything, the little girl stuffed the bun into her arms and ran off in a huff.

The look in his eyes was as if he was going to snatch the bag.